
Press Release

Keystone Should Have Been Approved Years Ago

Few things in this country have more bipartisan & nationwide support as approving the Keystone XL pipeline. The states it would run through support it. Our northern ally, Canada, supports it. Most…

Leader's Blog

The House and Senate Will Work Together to Move America Forward

“I made a promise when I took the leadership job a few months ago and we will keep that. The House Republicans will have the wisdom to listen, but the courage to lead.”

Press Release

It’s Been Six Years, What’s Taken Them So Long?

Washington, D.C. – House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement on the House’s decision to again vote on the Keystone XL pipeline:
“After more than six years…

Press Release

McCarthy Statement on President’s Announced Emissions Targets

It is discouraging that while millions of families are facing stagnant wages, the President continues to lead the American people down a road that will increase the cost of living and further reduce…

Press Release

Today and Every Day We Thank Our Veterans

We thank our veterans today, but in reality we thank them each and every day we experience the great blessings of liberty and human dignity that have been so steadfastly preserved in the United…
