
Press Release

Our Budget is the Foundation for a Strong American Future

America’s future—our 21st century—will be built by the American people. That’s what this budget would do. It’s the foundation for a strong American future, and a future even brighter than…

Leader's Blog

House E&C Committee Takes Important Step for 21st Century Cures

After nearly a full year of research, listening, writing, and rewriting, the Energy and Commerce Committee has hit a new milestone for an important reform and innovation bill in Congress this year.


National Review: President Obama Averages One Veto Threat Every Five Days

National Review: President Obama Averages One Veto Threat Every Five Days

Pesident Obama spent years tarring House Republicans as the cause of a “do-nothing” Congress, but House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy has turned that critique back on him.

Leader's Blog

President Obama Again Chooses Vetoes Over Working with Congress

President Obama Again Chooses Vetoes Over Working with Congress

President Obama has now issued nearly 25 veto threats since the beginning of the new year. The American people don’t want vetoes. They want Washington to work. But it can only work if the President…

Press Release

As Economy Slows, Trade Opportunities Needed to Increase Growth

And today, Congress heard from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on a path forward for a long-term partnership between the United States and Japan. Under TPA, American companies will have more…
