Washington, D.C. – House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement on the House’s vote to approve the Keystone XL pipeline:

“Few things in this country have more bipartisan and nationwide support as approving the Keystone XL pipeline. The states it would run through support it. Our northern ally, Canada, supports it. Most importantly, the American people support it because the project will create jobs and lead America one step closer to North American energy independence, all with minimal environmental impact. If this decision were based on merits alone, Keystone would have been approved and built years ago. The President said himself that a critical decision point would rest on levels of increased emissions—something his own state Department said will not be a problem. So why would the President not sign something into law that boosts the economy, creates jobs, enables North American energy, and achieves his own standards? It makes no sense, yet that is exactly what the President is threatening to do with his veto pen.

“After over six years of waiting and with no reason to wait further, it’s time to act. Representative Bill Cassidy (LA-06) has been invaluable as a leader to make sure the Keystone pipeline finally gets a decision. Though the Senate has only decided to vote on this project because of the basest political calculations a little more than a week after the America people sent a message to Washington, we are glad Senate Democrats have finally decided to follow the House’s lead to get this project off the ground.”