
Press Release

Promoting Innovation in Oil and Gas Exploration

Representative Garrett Graves’s (LA-06) creative thinking will offer oil and gas exploration needed efficiency in an otherwise unpredictable market.

Leader's Blog

Coming this Fall: More Innovation for a Stronger America

We’ve already passed 24 Innovation Initiative bills in the House, and we have five more next week to accelerate private sector innovation and bring greater innovation into government.

Leader's Blog

Don’t Punish the Success of American Olympians

Don’t Punish the Success of American Olympians

Our already overzealous tax code should not punish our best athletes for representing our country and achieving international excellence.

Leader's Blog

$400 Million in an Unmarked Cargo Plane

Iran sent American hostages back on the same day it received the cash. Sounds a lot like a ransom payment to me.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on the Attack in France

Our nation mourns with the people of France as they undergo yet another national tragedy.
