Democratic Caucus's Senate Journal

Today's Vote on Unemployment Insurance

Posted: 07/20/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Unemployment Crisis

Posted: 07/20/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Final Passage of Jobs Bill Puts Americans Back to Work

Posted: 03/17/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republican Silence Is Acceptance

Posted: 03/02/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

One Senator Blocks An Extension of Unemployment Benefits

More than one million Americans will lose their unemployment insurance and COBRA health benefits if the Senate does not pass an extension of these benefits before they expire on Sunday.

Posted: 02/26/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Washington's Farewell Address

One of the Senate's prevailing traditions is the annual reading of President George Washington's 1796 Farewell Address by a current member of the U.S. Senate. Minnesota Senator Hubert Humphrey once wrote that every American should study this memorable message. "It gives one a renewed sense of pride in our republic," said Humphrey. "It arouses the wholesome and creative emotions of patriotism and love of country."

Posted: 02/22/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Are Out Of Excuses

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid introduced The HIRE Act, legislation focused on immediate job creation. Speaking about the larger jobs agenda, Sen. Jack Reed today told a group of reporters on a conference call today that this bill "is a positive first step." 

Posted: 02/18/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Up and Running

Posted: 02/11/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Top Economists Talk Jobs Agenda

Posted: 02/04/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The GOP Plays Politics With Unemployment Benefits

With the U.S. unemployment rate at 9.8%, all eyes are on Congress to pass a fourteen-week extension of unemployment insurance benefits to assist out-of-work Americans.  Why then has it taken the Senate more than three weeks to come close to passing this legislation? Our Republican colleagues have sought to delay and obstruct this extension for political purposes.

Posted: 11/04/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Majority Leader Reid's Economic Recovery Proposals For America's Middle Class

Today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid offered a series of proposals to get Main Street back on its feet. Americans all across the country are watching the value of their homes plummet, their wages stagnate and their cost of living continue to rise, Senator Reid’s proposals address these and other issues. Below are some of Senator Reid’s economic recovery proposals for America’s middle class.  

Posted: 10/15/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Discuss Eight Years Of Failed Bush-McCain Economic Policies

As the financial markets crumble, Senate Democrats continue to emphasize the need for strong leadership and decisive action while out-of-touch Bush-McCain Republicans seek more of the same failed policies that got us into this mess in the first place. Today Senators Barbara Boxer, Debbie Stabenow and Bob Menendez took to the Senate Floor to discuss how the turmoil on Wall Street is a direct legacy of Bush-McCain economic policies that have failed this nation for eight years. 

Posted: 09/16/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Fair Pay Act Is Vital to Ensuring Women Receive Equal Pay

Pay discrimination continues to be a very real problem for workers throughout our society. Women make only 77 cents for every dollar made by men, while African-Americans and Hispanics make 18 and 28 percent less than whites respectively. Women have been especially hard hit by the recent economic downturn, and must have protection against pay discrimination. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act restores the law to its original intent, helping to ensure that women earn equal pay for equal work. Senate Republicans are standing in the way of this crucial legislation to help all Americans achieve economic equality.

Posted: 04/23/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Fact Check: Senator McConnell Misrepresents Senate Fair Pay Bill

Today, Senator Mitch McConnell claimed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act would ‘dramatically’ increase the amount of new litigation in the country. However, that claim is contradicted by the Congressional Budget Office, which found that the bill would “not significantly affect the number of filings with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.”

Posted: 04/22/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Keep Their Promise to Working Americans by Raising the Minimum Wage

In May, Democrats delivered on their promise to raise the minimum wage for millions of American workers.  The first installment of that raise goes into effect today, July 24, 2007.  Since the last increase in the minimum wage in 1997, prices for basic needs, from food to gasoline to child care have skyrocketed. By fighting for and passing this minimum wage increase, Democrats have helped millions of Americans immediately earn an extra $1,500 per year and eventually an additional $4,400 per year when the full $2.10 increase is realized. 

Posted: 07/24/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Myth vs. Reality: The REALITY is the Employee Free Choice Act Helps American Workers and their Families

In November 2006, Americans elected Democrats to take the country in a new direction, in part because we pledged to seek better jobs and better pay for working Americans.   Six months into the 110th Congress, Democrats are delivering on that promise.  In May, after a ten year battle, Congress gave lower-income workers a long overdue raise by increasing the federal minimum wage to $7.25/hour, benefiting millions of workers and their families.  Though a major victory for the American people, there is much more work to be done.

Posted: 06/26/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Moving Forward On Employee Free Choice Act

The Senate is preparing to take up the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) this week. EFCA creates an easier path for workers to receive union representation. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is speaking this afternoon at an Employee Free Choice Rally in support of legislation.

Posted: 06/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Summary Of The Employment Free Choice Act

The Senate is preparing to take up the Employee Free Choice Act with a possible vote on Thursday. Click on read more for a smmary of the legislation that will allow workers to choose a union free from employer coercion. 

Posted: 06/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

After a Ten Year Battle, Democrats Raise the Minimum Wage for American Workers

Last year, Americans voted to take the country in a much-needed new direction by electing Democrats to lead Congress.  Democrats promised to seek better pay for working Americans, starting by raising the federal minimum wage to $7.25/hour.  In May, after a decade-long battle, Congress, under Democratic leadership, accomplished that important goal.  While the Senate passed H.R. 2, the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 earlier in the year, the wage was finally increased as part of P.L. 110-28, the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 (2007 Emergency Supplemental).  

Posted: 06/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Middle-Class Life Under Bush: Less Affordable and Less Secure

For millions of hard-working, middle-class families, life under the Bush presidency has grown less affordable and less secure. President Bush's record of fiscal incompetence and mismanagement, and Republicans' close ties with special interests, have helped lead to both lower wages on the one hand and skyrocketing costs for basic necessities like gas, health care, and college tuition on the other. Unfortunately, instead of producing solutions to the problems facing the middle class, Bush Republicans have ignored them and pushed for policies that would make matters even worse.

Posted: 05/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Speaks Out on the Iraq War

Today in the Senate
December 2, 2010:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. Following Leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. The Majority will control the first 30 minutes and the Republicans will control the next 30 minutes. 


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