Democratic Caucus's Senate Journal

Republicans Spin Fiction on Taxes

Bush Republicans have been parading out to the floor to criticize the Democratic budget on taxes in a vain attempt to score political points. However, the facts are clear. The Democratic budget cuts taxes for middle-class families, helping the family budget.

Posted: 03/13/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Republicans Are Playing Politics on Immigration

Senate Republicans’ immigration amendments to the budget are part of an effort to use immigration as a wedge issue in the 2008 elections. But it hasn’t worked. Poll after poll has shown that most Americans do not support their divisive, extreme position on immigration and instead support tough, fair, and practical comprehensive immigration reform. Results at the ballot box for immigration hard-liners have been hard to come by, even in the Republican Presidential primary. Democrats support comprehensive immigration reform and believe we should be legislating on this important issue instead of playing politics.

Posted: 03/13/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Diverse Coalition Representing Millions of Americans Supports the Democratic Budget

Groups representing a range of issues and millions of Americans have joined together to support the Democratic budget that will strengthen our economy and restore funding for critical education, homeland security, infrastructure and renewable energy programs. The Democratic budget will effectively reverse years of Bush Republicans’ fiscal policies that have weakened the economy and put the burden of a looming recession on the backs of middle-class families.  

Posted: 03/13/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats' Budget Strengthens America While the Bush Republicans' Would Weaken It

The Senate Democrats’ budget makes America more secure by investing in our national security and our homeland security. On veterans and troops, the Democratic budget closes a $3 billion shortfall under the Bush Republican budget while rejecting the Bush Republican budget’s attempt to raise co-pays for veterans. In recognition of their service, the Democratic budget fully funds our troops in harms way and gives them a pay increase. The Democratic budget also invests in our security here at home. The Democratic budget funds local law enforcement programs, first responders and strengthens our nation’s homeland security.  In contrast, the Bush Republican budget eliminates the COPS program and slashes funding for first responders and other vital homeland security programs. While Bush Republicans talk tough on security, the Democratic budget invests in security.  

Posted: 03/12/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats' Budget Strengthens the Economy by Creating Jobs Right Here at Home

Senate Democrats are getting our economy moving by creating jobs right here at home. The Democratic budget invests billions in infrastructure projects that will immediately create good-paying jobs. The Democrats’ budget also makes critical new investments in clean energy which will create new green-collar jobs for American workers. While Democrats are working to create jobs, the Bush Republican budget cuts billions from job training and placement programs to help workers affected by the current economic downturn. The Bush Republican budget has the wrong priorities; tax breaks for multi-millionaires and special interests. The Democratic budget has the right priorities; creating jobs right here at home and getting Americans back to work.

Posted: 03/11/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats' Budget Helps Working Families, While Bush Republican Budget Only Offers More of the Same Failed Economic Policies

America’s families are struggling to make ends meet in the midst of an economic downturn. That is why Democrats are putting the family budget first. The Senate Democrats’ budget cuts taxes for hard-working families and helps make health care, college tuition and energy more affordable. The Bush Republican budget only offers more of the same failed policies; tax breaks for multi-millionaires and special interests while underfunding America’s priorities. It’s time for a budget that helps all Americans, not just Bill Gates, Paris Hilton and Exxon Mobil.

Posted: 03/10/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Budget Lowlights

President Bush’s final budget continues down the  same fiscally irresponsible path  he started on seven years ago –  weakening America's economy by running up massive deficits and making large cuts in America’s priorities. As more Americans feel the effects of the current economic downturn, President Bush’s proposed cuts to home heating assistance, job training and education programs show just how out of touch he is. Democrats will continue to strengthen our economy, by investing in middle class families and responsibly funding America's priorities.

Posted: 02/04/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush's Glass Is Half Full State of the Union

During his State of the Union address last night, President Bush presented a picture of America’s economy, as well as its efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan in the most positive light possible. But the President conveniently overlooked some inconvenient facts that show things are not quite as rosy as the President would like our country to believe. While jobs have been created unemployment has increased and while violence has lessened in Iraq the Iraqis have still made very little political progress. The public deserves a full and thorough accounting of the state of our union, not a White (House)-washed version of the truth.

Posted: 01/29/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Highlights of the FY '08 Consolidated Appropriations Bill

Democrats have made our priorities clear; increasing veterans’ health care funding, expanding college aid and funding the fight against terrorism. But President Bush has very different priorities; more and more funding for Iraq but less funding for investments here at home, like our aging infrastructure, officers on the street and medical research.  

Posted: 12/18/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Lecturing Democrats on Fiscal Responsibility: Priceless

Today, President Bush once again played politics with our nation’s priorities by vetoing the Labor-HHS-Education spending bill and lecturing Democrats on fiscal responsibility. But as today’s report by the Joint Economic Committee underscores the growing cost of the Iraq War, it is clear that the President has little ground to stand on. President Bush has increased our nation’s debt by $3 trillion dollars and funded his entire failed Iraq war strategy on the nation’s credit card, maxing it out 5 times. Instead of playing politics, President Bush should work with Congress to fund our nation’s priorities.

Posted: 11/13/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Bush Record on Fiscal Responsibility and Misplaced Priorities

After turning record surpluses into record deficits and increasing spending 50 percent, President Bush has no credibility on the issue of fiscal responsibility. Yet his speech today perfectly illustrates how his priorities compare to Democrats’ priorities and the priorities of our hard-working middle-class families. President Bush is willing to spend endlessly for the war in Iraq, with money borrowed largely from foreigners, while refusing to invest in important priorities here at home, like children’s health care, medical research, local law enforcement and homeland security. President Bush should stop playing politics and work with Congress to pass legislation that reflects the needs of our middle class families here at home.

Posted: 10/30/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Having Vetoed CHIP, President Sets His Sights on Vetoing Medical Research

Coming on the heals of his veto of the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance measure, President Bush has now set his sights on vetoing funding for the nation’s medical research institutions. Last week, the President issued a veto threat to the measure which provides funds for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education. Below are highlights of the medical and public health research initiatives funded by the Senate Labor-Health and Human Services measure, which are threatened by the President’s veto.

Posted: 10/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Continues Pushing His Wrong Priorities - American Middle Class Suffers

While continuing to push for hundreds of billions in spending for Iraq, President Bush today reiterated his opposition to Democratic efforts to focus on the middle class and invest in our needs here at home.  Nothing illustrates the President’s misplaced priorities so clearly as his veto of legislation to provide health care for children.  Rather than addressing the pressures facing working families, President Bush continues to insist on policies that make matters worse.  The President should stop playing politics and work with Congress to invest in America’s domestic priorities and strengthen the middle class.

Posted: 10/15/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK: The Bush-Republican Record on Spending

WHITE HOUSE FICTION: White House Press Secretary Dana Perino: “…The President, even in a Republican Congress, would issue veto threats on legislation. He did not veto a bill in the first six years of his presidency. Part of that was because we were able to help try to hold down the line on spending.” [White House Press Briefing, 9/18/07]

Posted: 09/18/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Fact Check: President's Budget

For the second time in two weeks, President Bush touted his Administration’s record on the budget. After presiding over a nearly 50 percent increase in spending, a $3 trillion increase in the national debt and the largest deficits in history, Bush is talking tough and threatening to veto spending bills from Congress. But a look at his record shows that he has little credibility on this issue.

Posted: 07/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Floor Roundup: Democrats Pass a Budget

Last November, Americans called for an end to the Republicans' irresponsible management of tax-payer dollars. The Democrats' budget answers this call. It returns fiscal responsibility to Washington, D.C. and invests in America's real priorities. Today, on the Senate Floor, Democrats hailed the return of responsible budgeting to our Nation's Capital. Below are a few of their comments:

Posted: 05/17/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Speaks Out on the Iraq War

Today in the Senate
December 2, 2010:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. Following Leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. The Majority will control the first 30 minutes and the Republicans will control the next 30 minutes. 


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