Democratic Caucus's Senate Journal

More GOP Attempts to Repeal Health Care Reform

Posted: 09/29/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

What's In The Health Care Bill For Women

Posted: 03/26/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Health Reform for Small Businesses

Posted: 03/25/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Health Care Is Personal

Posted: 03/24/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Closing the Donut Hole

Posted: 03/24/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Health Care Reform Becomes Law

Posted: 03/23/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

One Step Closer to Quality, Affordable Coverage

Posted: 03/22/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Final Cost Estimate of Health Care Reform

Posted: 03/18/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Boy Who Lost Mother Pleads With Congress To Pass Health Care Reform

Posted: 03/11/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Health Care Reform Will Reduce The Deficit

Posted: 03/09/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

A Wrap-Up of the Health Care Summit

Posted: 02/25/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

What's In The Senate Bill: Some Suggested Reading

Posted: 01/08/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Murray: A Strong Voice for Women, Children and Families

Posted: 01/07/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Senate Passes Historic Health Reform For Millions Of Americans

Posted: 12/24/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Sen. Baucus: The Truth About Bipartisanship

Posted: 12/23/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Bottom Line on the Senate Health Care Bill

Posted: 12/22/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

And Then There Were 60

Marking another historic juncture in the health care reform debate, Senator Ben Nelson today announced his support for the Senate bill. In light of this news, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid offered the final version of a comprehensive overhaul of the country's health insurance system. 

Posted: 12/19/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Play Games With Funding For Our Troops

Posted: 12/18/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Real Reform

Posted: 12/17/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Dear Diary: Documenting Daily Republican Health Care Obstruction

Since the debate began two weeks ago on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Democratic Senators have been committed to passing a bill that saves lives, makes health insurance more affordable and ends insurance company abuses.  

Posted: 12/15/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

AARP Announces Support for Senate Health Insurance Reform Bill

Posted: 12/15/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

What Health Benefits Do You Get Immediately?

Posted: 12/10/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Mikulski: Health Care Is A Women's Issue

Posted: 12/03/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Highlights of the New Senate Health Care Bill

Posted: 11/20/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Will Bush-McCain Republicans Block Critical Health Care Bills?

Next week, Bush-McCain Republicans will have the opportunity to vote in favor of a series of common-sense bills that will expand research and improve treatment for diseases and medical conditions that afflict millions of Americans. These bills are bipartisan and non-controversial, which should make it easy to for Bush-McCain Republicans to join Democrats in passing this important legislation. For the millions of Americans suffering from these diseases, these bills are critical to finding cures and living healthier, fuller lives. For their sake, Bush-McCain Republicans should join with Democrats to pass these bills.

Posted: 07/24/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK: Republican Congress Failed to Find a Permanent Fix to Cuts in Payments to Doctors

Today, Senator Cornyn disingenuously blamed the Democratically-controlled Congress for failing to permanently put an end to scheduled cuts to payments to doctors under Medicare. Bush Republicans had ample opportunity to come up with a permanent solution when they controlled Congress, but instead kicked the can down the road. Instead of casting blame and playing politics, Bush Republicans should join with Democrats to pass this critical legislation, raise payments to doctors for 18 months and then work with Democrats on a permanent fix to these Medicare payment cuts.

Posted: 07/09/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

In Case You Missed It: Bush Administration Never Intended to Negotiate With Congress on CHIP

Today it was reported President Bush, in direct contradiction with his public statements, never intended to work with Members of Congress to sign the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Measure. Internal documents reported by the New York Times revealed the President not only urged Republican members not to work with Democrats on CHIP, he went so far as to politicize the debate by requesting Republicans not negotiate with Democrats so as to have “leverage” later on. In fact, one Republican Members of Congress stated the White House “did not come forward with any real offer of a solution or a compromise.”

Posted: 11/05/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Shifts Goalposts, Shows No Intention of Signing Children's Health Insurance Bill

As the President continues his crusade against the Children’s Health Insurance Program, one thing is for certain, he is only interested in playing politics with the wel-being of America’s children and has no intention of providing health care for the 3.9 million kids who would otherwise be uninsured if the new CHIP measure is not enacted. As White House Press Secretary said after the President’s veto, “We won this round on SCHIP.”

Posted: 10/31/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK: President Bush Misleading on Children's Health Insurance

This morning, the President continued spinning fictions about the Children’s Health Insurance bill. But the facts are clear. Despite the President’s refusal to meet with Congressional leaders, Democrats in Congress crafted a bill to respond to Republican concerns, in an effort to win their support, and the President’s signature. But the President’s continued veto threats show that he can’t take yes for an answer. It’s time for the President to put politics aside and make sure that 10 million children get the care they need.

Posted: 10/26/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Threatens to Veto New Children's Health Care Bill

This morning the President issued yet another veto threat to the new Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization currently under debate in the House of Representatives. This new veto threat is the clearest indication the President has no interest in providing health care for the almost 4 million additional kids this bill would cover. Below are passages from the President’s Statement of Administration Policy and the corresponding facts.

Posted: 10/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

More of President Bush's Misplaced Priorities

Today, President Bush asked Congress for an additional $46 billion for Iraq, Afghanistan and other national security programs, bringing his supplemental spending request to $196 billion for fiscal year 2008. But his request comes on the heels of his veto of a bipartisan compromise children’s health care bill, perfectly illustrating the President’s misplaced priorities; opposing much-needed domestic investments for our country while continuing to spend on an intractable Iraq  civil war . When the President says, “Our men and women on the front lines should not be caught in the middle of partisan disagreements in Washington, D.C.,” he should remember that neither should America’s children.

Posted: 10/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Having Vetoed CHIP, President Sets His Sights on Vetoing Medical Research

Coming on the heals of his veto of the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance measure, President Bush has now set his sights on vetoing funding for the nation’s medical research institutions. Last week, the President issued a veto threat to the measure which provides funds for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education. Below are highlights of the medical and public health research initiatives funded by the Senate Labor-Health and Human Services measure, which are threatened by the President’s veto.

Posted: 10/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Top 5 Myths About the Bipartisan Children's Health Insurance Bill

With the vote to override President Bush’s veto fast approaching in the House of Representatives, the President and his allies in Congress continue to repeat myths about the program. But the facts are clear. The bipartisan compromise Children’s Health Insurance bill will provide coverage for 3.8 million more uninsured low-income children. The President has decided to use this heartless veto to make a political stand, rather than putting kids first.

Posted: 10/16/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Arkansas' Children Welcome You, Mr. Bush

Today, President Bush will be traveling to Arkansas to tour a packaging plant and deliver a speech on the budget.  Having recently vetoed the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization bill, the President actually owes the 88,000 children insured by this program in Arkansas an explanation as to why he wants to place their health care at risk. 

Posted: 10/15/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Administration Makes New Push to Dismantle Medicare

The same week President Bush vetoed the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance Program compromise bill, he went one step further and revived a proposal to apply a ‘means test’ for Medicare’s Prescription Drug benefit. The unfairness of applying a means test for seniors that spent their whole lives paying into a system with guaranteed benefits, proves that the President doesn't share America's values.

Posted: 10/05/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Governors From Across the Country Oppose President's Veto of CHIP; Urge Veto Override

Yesterday, in the wake of President Bush’s veto of the bipartisan Children’s Health Insurance program, governors from across the country spoke out in support of the bill. They roundly expressed dismay at the President’s decision and called on the members of their state’s Congressional delegations to vote to override the President’s veto. Will members of Congress listen to the governors who agree that this legislation is vital to the children of their states?

Posted: 10/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Fact Check: President Spins More Inaccuracies on Vetoed Children's Health Insurance Bill

Today President Bush spoke before the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and defended his baseless veto of the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Bill. Below are highlights of the President’s speech and the corresponding facts.

Posted: 10/03/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Pennsylvania's Children Welcome You Mr. Bush

Today, President Bush gave a speech before the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Having just vetoed the bi-partisan Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization bill, the President has a lot of explaining to do to the children whose health insurance he just placed in jeopardy.  

Posted: 10/03/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Was for CHIP Before He Was Against It

President Bush’s repeated veto threats against the bipartisan children’s health care bill are just more examples of his signature “go it alone” style. The compromise bill, worked out with both Republicans and Democrats at the table, has garnered broad bipartisan majorities in both the House and the Senate. However, the most curious thing about the President’s veto threat is that he was for CHIP before he was against it. During the 2004 campaign he repeatedly called for covering more kids under the CHIP program. Similarly, while he now decries the bill for providing coverage to kids whose families make more than 200 percent of the federal poverty level, his Administration has provided waivers to numerous states to provide coverage to kids from higher income families, touting the Administration’s efforts to give states the flexibility to tailor their programs to meet their citizens’ needs. It’s time for President Bush to end his hypocrisy on CHIP and sign this bipartisan bill to ensure that America’s low-income children receive the care they deserve.

Posted: 09/28/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Urges President Not to Veto Bi-Partisan Children's Health Care Measure

Last week, members agreed to a bi-partisan, bi-cameral deal that reauthorizes the very popular Children’s Health Insurance Program. The compromise would provide health insurance to more than 10 million children. Unfortunately, the President has vowed to veto the measure, placing the health care of these children at risk.

Posted: 09/24/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reeling from Defeat, Bush Administration Seeks to Cut Kids from the Children's Health Insurance Program

According to reports this morning, the Bush Administration, mandated new restrictions making it more difficult for states to provide health care for low income children. The Administration will now require that states certify that children were uninsured for at least one year before providing health insurance for children from families earning more than 250 percent of the poverty level or $51,625 for a family of four. In addition, those states must also demonstrate that at least 95 percent of children from families making less than 200 percent of the poverty level have been enrolled in the children’s health insurance program or Medicaid.

Posted: 08/21/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush-Lott-McConnell Amendment Seeks to Dismantle Bi-Partisan Children's Health Insurance Bill

Today, Senators Mitch McConnell and Trent Lott offered an amendment to the bi-partisan Senate Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization bill. In short, the amendment would provide coverage for far fewer new children while jeopardizing the coverage of hundreds of thousands of children. Below are highlights of why the GOP leadership’s amendment would put kids' health insurance coverage at risk.

Posted: 08/01/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Issues Misleading Statement of Administration Policy on Senate Children's Health Insurance Bill

Today the Bush Administration underscored their veto threat in their Statement of Administration Policy on the bi-partisan Senate Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization. In their Statement, the administration makes several erroneous assumptions about the bill. Below are key administration assertions with the corresponding facts.

Posted: 07/31/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act Protects Health Care for Kids

Today, a bipartisan Senate coalition offered legislation to reauthorize a vital children’s health insurance program, known as the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). With their commitment to ensure children in need have the opportunity to receive the care they deserve, Democrats worked with GOP Senators in crafting a bi-partisan bill that covers 3 million children who are currently uninsured and does so in a fiscally responsible manner.

Posted: 07/30/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK - Secretary Leavitt and CHIP

Today on C-Span’s Morning Edition, Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, provided misleading information about the bi-partisan Senate Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Bill. Below are his comments and the corresponding facts.

Posted: 07/30/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Finance Committee Approves Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act

By a vote of 17-4, the Senate Finance Committee has approved a bipartisan plan to renew and improve the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) this year.  CHIP provides health coverage to low-income, uninsured American children whose parents do not qualify for Medicaid, but who cannot afford private health insurance.  U.S. Senators Max Baucus (D-Mont.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) crafted the $35 billion Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act to maintain coverage for all 6.6 million children covered by CHIP today – including 800,000 who will lose CHIP coverage without these additional funds – and to bring dependable health coverage to an additional 3.2 million low-income, uninsured American children in the next five years.   The Committee-approved bill sharpens CHIP’s focus on children’s coverage, and targets the lowest-income eligible children for outreach and enrollment.

Posted: 07/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Baucus Comments On Presidential Remarks On Health Care

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) commented today on remarks by the President Bush, who called again to replace efforts to renew and improve the successful Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) with tax proposals instead.  CHIP covers low-income American children for health care when their families cannot afford private insurance.   The Finance Committee will soon consider legislation to renew this vital program.

Posted: 07/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK: President Bush on Stem Cell Research

President Bush today vetoed legislation to expand embryonic stem cell research – for the second time.  Instead of providing hope to millions of Americans, President Bush chose ideology over science.  President Bush needs to face facts: Americans support this bill by a wide margin. 

Posted: 06/20/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Speaks Out on the Iraq War

Today in the Senate
December 2, 2010:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. Following Leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. The Majority will control the first 30 minutes and the Republicans will control the next 30 minutes. 


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