Democratic Caucus's Senate Journal

Paving the Way to Our Clean Energy Future

Posted: 07/28/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Renewable Energy Is the Key to Our National Security

Posted: 05/26/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Party of No Show

For the second straight day, Republican members of the Environment and Public Works Committee failed to appear for and participate in the markup of the clean energy bill.

Posted: 11/04/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Absent Without Legislating

Senator Bernie Sanders

Posted: 11/03/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Obstruction Junction

Have you heard the rumor? Not content with their formidable list of held-up nominations and legislative delays, Senate Republicans are now hoping to bring the clean energy bill to a screeching halt. GOP senators are threatening to boycott today's Environment and Public Works' markup on the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act

Posted: 11/03/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Science Is Screaming At Us

Yesterday marked the beginning of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearings on the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act. This comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation, co-sponsored by Senators John Kerry and Barbara Boxer, addresses four urgent national priorities:

Posted: 10/28/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Continue to Block Progress While Democrats Try to Provide Solutions to America's Energy Crisis

Senate Democrats are committed to solving America’s energy crisis. That is why Democrats went out of their way to address Republican concerns about the renewable energy tax credits and tax extenders bill. But despite Democratic efforts Republicans continued to block this critical legislation. Senate Republicans knew full-well that blocking this bill would put an end to any agreement to deal with other energy amendments but they did it anyway. The American people are left with only one conclusion: Republicans are more interested in talking than solving problems. Their claims to want to do something about our nation’s energy crisis are disingenuous at best. 

Posted: 07/30/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

On Energy, Will Bush-McCain Republicans Finally Take 'Yes' for an Answer?

This afternoon, Senator Reid once again offered to give Republicans votes on offshore drilling, oil shale and nuclear power. Senate Republicans have said they will consider it. This time will they take ‘yes’ for an answer? Senate Democrats understand the pressure that high energy prices are putting on Americans’ family budgets. This year alone, Democrats have put forward numerous bills to address the problem of high gas prices. But Bush-McCain Republicans have said no at every turn. No to renewable energy and energy efficiency tax credits, no to cracking down on price-gouging and excessive market speculation, no to rolling back tax breaks for Big Oil and no to helping low-income families, seniors and the disabled cope with high energy costs. It’s time for Bush-McCain Republicans to stop their obstruction and work with Democrats to lower energy costs for all Americans. 

Posted: 07/28/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Can't Take Yes for an Answer

Bush-McCain Republicans showed how uninterested they are in having a real debate over energy. The GOP leadership rejected offers by Democrats to have a debate and votes on amendments important to them. Not surprising, Republicans leaders spent the last several days making speeches instead of working with Democrats on the bill, perhaps because GOP campaign strategists back home have asked them to.

Posted: 07/24/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Falsely Claim Their Offshore Drilling Plan Is The Best Way to Lower Gas Prices, So Why Are They Saying No to a Vote on Their Drilling Proposal?

Bush-McCain Republicans have time and again touted their plan to expand offshore drilling “in order to lower gas prices”, despite the fact that the Bush Administration’s own Energy Information Administration says that any impact on prices will be insignificant. Senator McConnell said opening the Outer Continental Shelf to drilling would be “a huge step forward.” But now, when given the chance to vote on their proposal which they have been touting for weeks along with a Democratic alternative, they are backing away. If they say no, it reveals how disingenuous their claims to want to do something about gas prices have been and shows that they are putting politics ahead of policy. Democrats hope that for once, Bush-McCain Republicans will take yes for an answer and instead work with Democrats on solutions to bring down the price of gasoline.

Posted: 07/23/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democratic Solutions for America's Energy Crisis

Democrats understand that high energy prices are taking a toll on American businesses and families and are committed to reducing energy costs through both short- and long-term solutions. We must increase domestic energy production, ensure fairness in the marketplace and reduce our dependence on oil by shifting to a new green economy. While Democrats have made important strides, like halting oil deliveries to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, passing a renewable fuel standard and raising fuel efficiency standards in cars and trucks for the first time in 32 years, Bush-McCain Republicans have stood in the way at every turn. But as gas prices continue to climb, we hope that our colleagues across the aisle will work with us on these short- and long-term solutions. By using our existing resources more efficiently and investing in newer cleaner energy sources, we will lower energy costs, reduce our dependence on oil and create jobs in a dynamic green economy.

Posted: 07/21/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush-McCain Republican Energy Plan Will Not Bring Down Gas Prices

The Bush-McCain Republican approach to lowering gas prices amounts to nothing more than drill, drill, drill. Democrats support expanding domestic production but know that drilling alone will not solve this crisis. Big Oil has failed to drill on more than 68 million acres of leased land. President Bush says that more drilling will quickly and significantly bring down the cost of gas at the pump, but his own Energy Information Administration and even some Republican Senators disagree. Instead of just calling for more drilling, Democrats are committed to providing short- and long-term solutions to this crisis, like opening up the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, curbing the market speculation that experts believe has driven up the price of oil and investing in renewable energy. Bush-McCainRepublicans should stop trying to score political points and instead work with Democrats on solutions to bring down the price of gasoline.  

Posted: 07/14/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Republican Energy Plan - Good for Big Oil, Bad for Consumers

Since President Bush came to office, the price of gas has soared 182 percent, to $4.11 per gallon.  But Bush Republicans refuse to work with Democrats to address the root causes of these record prices, instead continuing to offer more of the same failed policies that have helped Big Oil reap record profits and squeezed American drivers.  Rather than giving oil companies more offshore land in which to drill – despite failing to produce any oil and gas from 68 million acres of existing leases, an area bigger than Colorado – Bush Republicans should work with Democrats to address the root causes of high gas prices, reduce America’s dependence on oil and invest in renewable energy to create jobs and lower gas prices.

Posted: 07/07/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Republicans Have Struck Out on Energy

After blocking three Democratic efforts to address our energy crisis by investing in renewable energy just this month, Bush-McCain Republicans are now offering what they are calling a “new” energy bill that offers more of their same failed policies. The bill calls for opening up additional drilling off America’s shores, despite the 68 million acres already leased to oil companies that are not producing. It also calls for expanding oil shale production, which is still hampered by the lack of commercially-ready technologies and high costs. While these proposals would help Big Oil amass ever greater profits, they would do nothing to lower the cost of gasoline at the pump, worsen global warming and fail to reduce our dependence on oil. Fortunately, the Republican bill does borrow one idea to bring prices down from Democratic bills, which is to strengthening the Commodity Futures Trading Commission so it cracks down on excessive speculation in energy markets, but there is still more to do. The most important step that Bush-Republicans could take to help solve our nation’s energy crisis is to stop standing in the way, and join Democrats in investing in energy efficiency and clean alternatives to help consumers get some relief.

Posted: 06/26/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Fail to Understand That We Cannot Drill Our Way to Lower Gas Prices

From President Bush to the Senate Republican leadership, from Vice President Cheney to Senator McCain, the Republican energy policy can be summed up in three words: drill, drill, drill. The recent flip-flops by President Bush and Senator McCain to grant new access for offshore drilling comes as the Big Oil companies have spent $188 billion in stock buybacks over the last five years instead of investing significantly in increasing supply here and abroad. Meanwhile, at a recent House hearing, an ExxonMobil official testified that it was only investing $100 million over ten years on renewable energy.

Posted: 06/19/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Experts and Advocates Support the Democrats' Consumer-First Energy Act

The Consumer-First Energy Act, legislation to address the root causes of high gas prices, is supported by energy and economy experts as well as labor, environmental, business, rural and seniors’ advocates. They agree that this bill will address the root causes of gas prices, spur innovation and development of alternative energy and reduce America’s dependence on oil. 

Posted: 06/10/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Will Bush-McCain Republicans Stand in the Way of Addressing the Root Causes of High Gas Prices?

Bush-McCain Republicans have talked extensively about the impact high gas prices are having on Americans across the country. With tomorrow’s vote on the Consumer-First Energy Act, they will have the chance to join Democrats in addressing the root causes of high gas prices. Democrats recently lead in passing bipartisan legislation to suspend filling of the nearly full Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Now, Bush-McCain Republicans once again have a choice between addressing this crucial issue by holding Big Oil accountable, cracking down on price gouging and market speculation and reducing our dependence on oil or continuing their record-setting obstruction. Americans feeling the pain of $4 per gallon gasoline hope that Republicans will work with Democrats on this critical legislation and other solutions to restore America’s energy and economic security.  

Posted: 06/09/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Climate Security Act Will Spur Innovation and Create Jobs

The Climate Security Act will help America transition to a green economy by spurring innovation in renewable energy and energy efficiency technology. This growing economic sector already sustains millions of good-paying jobs here in America, and this legislation will create millions more. Senate Republicans should join with Democrats to reduce our emissions and lessen our dependence on oil while creating jobs and strengthening our economy.

Posted: 06/03/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Republican Energy Bill Helps Big Oil, Not Consumers

The Bush Republican energy bill is just more of the same failed policies that have led to record-high gas prices. Instead of investing in renewable technologies, the Bush Republican plan calls for more oil drilling and expanding oil shale production, a process which has not been proven to be economically viable, results in huge greenhouse gas emissions and requires enormous amounts of water. The United States controls just 3 percent of the world’s oil reserves, but accounts for 25 percent of demand. Instead of addressing the root causes of today’s high prices and trying to reduce our dependence on oil, Bush Republicans offer more of the same: more handouts for Big Oil, more harm to the environment and no help for America’s drivers.

Posted: 05/13/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Citizens Across the Country Support the Democrats' Consumer-First Energy Act

A broad coalition of citizens from the labor, environmental, business and rural communities strongly supports the Senate Democrats’ Consumer-First Energy Act. Below are highlights from their letters and statements of support:

Posted: 05/09/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Republican Policies Have Weakened America's Energy Security

Seven years of Bush Republican policy failures have weakened America’s energy security. America’s dependence on oil undermines our national security interests by funding terrorism and hostile nations, as well as limiting America’s strategic options. America’s economy is so dependent on oil – and our energy infrastructure is so vulnerable to natural disasters and attacks – that high prices and other crises can cripple our nation. But the biggest threat to America’s energy security is our continued reliance on fossil fuels, which contributes overwhelmingly to man-made global warming. President Bush and his allies in Congress have had seven years to strengthen America’s energy security, but have done just the opposite. Democrats believe we must invest in alternative energy in order to end our dependence on oil, stem the tide of global warming and strengthen America’s energy security.

Posted: 05/05/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The War in Iraq Has Contributed to Pain at the Pump

Higher gas prices are just one of the many costs of the war in Iraq. The price of gasoline when the war began was $1.57. Since then, disruptions from the war, insurgent attacks on the oil industry and a lack of investment have all strangled Iraq’s oil production. Coupled with concerns about greater Middle East instability, oil and gas prices have reached record highs. Gas prices, which now average $3.61 per gallon across the United States, hurt every American at the pump. 

Posted: 04/30/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Lead on Reducing America's Dependence on Oil - Bush Republicans Stand in the Way

Amidst record oil profits, Democrats tried to spur investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced technology vehicles, paid for by rolling back tax breaks on oil companies, but Bush Republicans refused. The White House also objected to provisions passed by both the House and the Senate to crack down on price gouging in times of declared emergencies and allowing OPEC to be sued for anti-trust breaches in U.S. courts. Instead of protecting their oil company friends, Bush Republicans should work with Democrats to reduce America’s dependence on oil and lower gas prices for American drivers.

Posted: 04/29/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Pass Landmark Energy Bill That Invests in America's Future

Yesterday, Senate Democrats began the process of decreasing America’s dependence on oil. After Bush Republicans prevailed in protecting oil companies rather than promoting clean renewable energy, Democrats reached across the aisle to forge a compromise that protects America’s security and economic interests. Even with the compromise, outside conservation groups praised the efforts of Senate Democrats. The League of Conservation Voters wrote, “The U.S. Senate should be applauded for passing a much-needed energy bill that is a significant first step toward increasing fuel efficiency standards for our automobiles to 35 miles per gallon by 2020. We urge President Bush to sign the bill.” However, the LCV also made clear, “[A]t a time when the oil industry is enjoying near-$100 per barrel oil and record profits, the Senate by one vote earlier today sided with Big Oil and against the American people and the environment. Voting 59-40, a minority of senators blocked an attempt to repeal billions of dollars in tax giveaways to the oil industry…”

Posted: 12/14/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

In Light of President's Veto and Rising Energy Costs, Families Prepare for a Long Winter

On the same day President Bush vetoed the Labor-HHS spending bill, which included much needed funds for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), outside experts warned of the rising heating costs families could face this winter. In fact, the President raised concern about the rising cost of oil the very same day he vetoed the LIHEAP funds. Unfortunately, with his veto the President placed these funds in jeopardy and with home heating oil potentially rising as high as 26 percent, Democrats are seeking to override the President's veto. Senate Republicans must now decide whether they stand with the President or America’s families.

Posted: 11/14/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid Hails The Passage of Energy Bill

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spoke on the Senate floor today hailing the passage of S.6, the National Energy and Environmental Security Act of 2007.

Posted: 06/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Maria Cantwell Calls For Energy Reform In Democratic Radio Address

Senator Maria Cantwell delivers this week’s Democratic Radio Address, calling on Congress to pass an energy policy that strengthens America’s national security and economy.

Posted: 06/15/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Harry Reid: How the U.S. should fuel its prosperity

The following op-ed piece written by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was published in the Dallas Morning News today:

Posted: 06/12/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush: Not Getting the Job Done on Global Warming

At the G-8 Summit this week, President Bush has been working to weaken a proposal to cut emissions and limit global warming.  Unfortunately, this latest move by the President to undercut efforts to combat global warming is entirely consistent with his poor record on energy and the environment.  Next week, the Senate will be moving forward with energy legislation that will begin to address the issues the President has ignored.  Our plan will achieve reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions and help curb the risks of global warming by requiring the oil industry to start producing clean, renewable fuels in America rather those that contaminate our air and water and bringing more efficient cars, appliances and products to market. The cleaner our power sources, the fewer pollutants we produce and the easier our communities and our children breathe.

Posted: 06/08/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bipartisan Group of Senators Call on President to Make Climate Change a Priority for G8 Summit

In a letter (PDF) sent to President Bush today, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-DE) called for U.S. participation in the development of a multilateral response to global warming at the G8 Summit this week. The effort, led by Chairman Biden, Senators Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), urges President Bush to engage his counterparts at the G8 constructively in order to reach consensus on global solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.

Posted: 06/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Administration Must Show Real Leadership On Global Warming

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid released the following statement today in response to President Bush’s call for a global greenhouse-gases emissions goal: 

Posted: 05/31/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Impact of High Fuel Prices on the American Economy and Businesses

The Democratic Policy Committee (DPC) has released a document detailing the impact of high fuel process on the American economy and business. Gasoline prices broke records nationally and in 20 states this month. The DPC documenta details how high prices are increasingly taking a toll on the economy:

Posted: 05/24/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Work to Protect Consumers and Move Toward Energy Independence

As the price of gasoline passed $3 per gallon this week, Senate Democrats continued to push for policies that protect consumers in the short run and move America toward energy independence as soon as possible. Democrats are working to pass legislation that will enhance American's security by reducing the nation's dependence on foreign and unsustainable energy sources and the risks of global warming by:

Posted: 05/09/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Speaks Out on the Iraq War

Today in the Senate
December 2, 2010:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. Following Leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. The Majority will control the first 30 minutes and the Republicans will control the next 30 minutes. 


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