Democratic Caucus's Senate Journal

December 2, 2010

ICYMI: McCain: "Directly Challenged" By Mullen As He Continues Flip-Flop On DDT

FLASHBACK: "The day that the leadership of the military comes to me and says, 'Senator, we ought to change the policy,' then I think we ought to consider seriously changing it.” – Sen. McCain on repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” October 2006


Kay point: “McCain's statement was directly challenged by Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, the military's top uniformed officer who chairs the Joint Chiefs of Staff. ‘Repeal of the law will not prove unacceptable risk to military readiness,’ Mullen told the Senate Armed Services Committee. ‘Unit cohesion will not suffer if our units are well-led. And families will not encourage their loved ones to leave the service in droves.’”


McCain calls study on gays in military flawed


(AP) – 1 hour ago


WASHINGTON (AP) — Directly challenging the Pentagon's top leadership, Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain on Thursday snubbed a military study on gays as flawed and said letting gays serve openly would be dangerous in a time of war.


McCain's opposition foreshadows the upcoming Senate debate on a bill that would overturn the 1993 "don't ask, don't tell" law, which bans gays from serving openly in the service.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has promised a vote, but McCain has helped to block previous debate on the Senate floor.


Further dimming chances of repeal this month was a recent agreement among Senate Republicans not to vote on any bill before addressing tax cuts and government spending.


Advocates of repeal had hoped that this week's Pentagon study would have lessened GOP resistance to the bill. The study found that the overwhelming majority of troops were not against seeing the policy repealed.


But among those who did care, most were troops performing combat arms duties. Nearly 60 percent of those in the Marine Corps and in Army combat units said they thought repealing the law would hurt their units' ability to fight on the battlefield.

McCain seized on this finding to argue that forcing such a substantial personnel policy change in a time of war would be wrong for the military and the country. He also criticized the study for scrutinizing only how the law could be repealed, instead of whether doing so would benefit the military.


"At this time, we should be inherently cautious about making any changes that would affect our military, and what changes we do make should be the product of careful and deliberate consideration," McCain said.



McCain's statement was directly challenged by Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, the military's top uniformed officer who chairs the Joint Chiefs of Staff.



"Repeal of the law will not prove unacceptable risk to military readiness," Mullen told the Senate Armed Services Committee. "Unit cohesion will not suffer if our units are well-led. And families will not encourage their loved ones to leave the service in droves."



Mullen also said that Congress should act before the courts do, and that wartime is an ideal time for repeal.



"War does not stifle change; it demands it," he said. "It does not make it harder; it facilitates it."


McCain has previously suggested that Mullen's opinion didn't matter as much as other military commanders because he doesn't directly lead troops.


In his opening statement, Mullen seemed to issue a direct challenge to McCain.


"For more than 40 years, I have made decisions that affected and even risked the lives of young men and women," Mullen said. "You do not have to agree with me on this issue. But don't think for one moment that I haven't carefully considered the impact of the advice I give on those who will have to live with the decisions that advice informs."


Marine Gen. James

He like the other Pentagon leaders said that is by far the second choice, and would be disruptive for forces currently cycling through the military's tightly planned rotation for wartime deployment.


"Bringing this into force quickly means that we have to do some of this in the battlefield. Probably doable, but it's a bigger challenge than we really want to have to take," Cartwright said.


Cartwright and the military chiefs of each service will testify before the same Senate panel on Friday. The focus will be on Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos because of the survey results showing high opposition to repeal among Marine combat troops.


"I cannot speak for him but I will speak as a Marine," Cartwright said. "If the law is repealed the Marine Corps will lead the education, training, and bringing it in," he said. "They will comply with the law, no doubt about it, and they will comply with the law aggressively."



Associated Press writers Pauline Jelinek and Anne Gearan in Washington contributed to this report.


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America Speaks Out on the Iraq War

Today in the Senate
December 4, 2010:

The Senate will convene at 8:15 a.m. Following any leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of the House Message to accompany H.R.4853, with the time until 10:30 a.m. equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees.

At 10:30 a.m., the Senate will proceed to vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the Reid motion to concur with the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 4853, with the Baucus amendment #4727  (tax cut extension for those making up to $250,000, plus several additional items such as UI extension, AMT relief, estate tax, 1099 repeal, making work pay credit, and others).

If cloture is not invoked, the Senate would immediately proceed to vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the Schumer amendment #4728 (tax cut extension for those making up to $1 million, plus several additional items such as UI extension, AMT relief, estate tax, 1099 repeal, making work pay credit, and others).


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