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RSC Initiatives

RSC's American Taxpayer Bill of Rights (3/14/07)
For those who believe Washington spends too much, we agree.  For those who believe Washington still taxes too much, we agree.  For those who believe we must balance the budget, cut wasteful Washington spending and provide further, permanent tax relief, we agree.  And so we pledge to do it better and get it RIGHT.  In an effort to reclaim our roots as the party of fiscal discipline and defender of the American taxpayer, the Republican Study Committee is proud to announce a new Taxpayer Bill of Rights.  Read more here.  To see additional photos of the recent Taxpayer Bill of Rights press conference, please click here.

Democrat 100-Hour Agenda
The RSC has prepared backgrounders on the parts of the Democrat's "100-Hour Agenda" agenda that were recently considered on the House floor.  To read the RSC Policy Brief on:

  • Domestic Energy Disincentives, click here.
  • Increasing Student Loan Subsidies, click here.
  • Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations, click here.
  • The 41% Minimum Wage Increase, click here.
  • The Destruction of Human Embryos for Research, click here.
  • Government-"Negotiated" Drug Prices, click here.

Three R's (10/27/06)
FormerRSC Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN), in this statement, defined the Democratic agenda for Congress as "the 3 R’s."

Conservative Unity (10/20/06)
Former RSC Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN) called for conservative unity in the wake of published reports of conservative infighting.  To see Rep. Pence's complete statement, click here.

Democrat Agenda (10/19/06)
In light of ongoing Democrat criticisms of the Republican legislative agenda, this is an abridged list of actual bills that have been introduced by House Democrats this or last year that we thought you might want to see.

Contract with America vs. Contract with America Renewed (3/13/06)
This document compares the RSC proposal with the original Contract with America (1994).

RSC Balanced Budget Released (3/08/06)
The RSC introduced a balanced budget based on the 1995 “Contract With America."

RSC TOP TEN: Legislative Agenda 2006 (2/28/06)
Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN), chairman of the House Republican Study Committee (RSC), today announced the caucus’ TOP TEN legislative priorities for 2006. To view the PDF version, click here.