Democratic Caucus's Senate Journal

Reid: Security At Stake As GOP Delays Nominations

Posted: 02/03/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Bush Administration's Failure To Make The Fight Against Al Qaeda In Afghanistan And Pakistan The Central National Security Priority It Must Be

Yesterday, President Bush called for a “quiet surge” of U.S. troops to Afghanistan in the coming months.  After years of focusing on the wrong fight in Iraq and diverting critical resources away from efforts to defeat the growing Taliban and al Qaeda threat, it is past time that the Administration turned its attention to defeating the terrorists that attacked our country on 9/11.  Unfortunately, however, this shift comes too late and falls far short.  A modest troop increase is not sufficient to reversing years of disastrous Bush administration policies that have allowed al Qaeda terrorists to rebuild their organization and secure safe havens along the Afghanistan/Pakistan border.  In the face of a dramatically empowered al Qaeda network, actively plotting attacks around the world and on the U.S. homeland, we need a fundamental change in strategy.

Posted: 09/10/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Seven Years Later: President Bush Continues To Ignore The Growing Threat In Afghanistan

Today, President Bush discussed his plan to keep more than 140,000 American troops tied down in Iraq while Al Qaeda and the Taliban gain strength in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  By most accounts the troop reductions will do little to relieve the strain on the military, and will not provide close to enough troops to combat the rising terrorist threat emerging in Afghanistan. This week, Bob Woodward revealed how President Bush ignored his military advisors in pursuing his failed strategy in Iraq. Now it seems the President is once again refusing to listen to military commanders as they raise the alarm about the growing Taliban and Al-Qaeda threat in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Posted: 09/09/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The State of Iraq and America's National Security

The Bush/McCain mismanagement of the Iraq war and their stubborn refusal to change course have exacted tremendous costs on America and left America less secure. The war has severely strained our military, and weakened our national security by distracting us from the main threats facing the United States. And in Iraq, little political progress is being made and violence levels are rising. Democrats believe that we must change course in Iraq so that we can refocus on the war on terror, rebuild our military, and strengthen our national security.

Posted: 04/08/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

National Security Experts Believe U.S. Must Change Course in Iraq

During today’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings on the military and political prospects in Iraq after the surge, national security experts reiterated their calls for a change of course in Iraq. Citing the continued lack of political progress, the tenuous nature of security gains and the cost of the war on our military readiness, they called for redeployment of our troops from Iraq. Democrats agree with this assessment, which is why we continue to push for a new strategy that refocuses on the terrorist threat, allows us to rebuild our military and redeploys our troops from Iraq.

Posted: 04/02/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Administration on FISA in Their Own Words

The Bush Administration is not being straight with the American people on FISA. The President said that there was no excuse for letting the current FISA law expire, but threatened to veto any extension. He said failure to pass a new FISA law would put our country in more danger of an attack, but DNI McConnell said the real issue was getting retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies. DNI McConnell also said that we were losing capability, but yesterday testified that intelligence collection could continue even if the current law expires. Instead of playing political games and trying to force Congress to accept its bill, the Administration should work with Congress to find a compromise that gives our intelligence professionals the tools they need while protecting Americans’ civil liberties.

Posted: 02/15/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush and Senate Republicans Continue Playing Politics With FISA

President Bush and his allies in Congress are playing politics with America’s national security. While warning that the current FISA law must not lapse, they have objected to any temporary extension to allow the House and Senate to work together to craft a bill that protects America’s national security while protecting our civil liberties. Senate Republicans also slow-walked passage of the bill in an effort to jam the House and force it to rubber stamp the Senate bill. President Bush and his allies in Congress should stop fear-mongering and work with Democrats to pass a bill that gives our intelligence professionals the tools they need and protect the civil liberties of all Americans.

Posted: 02/14/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Republicans Have Been Outspoken Against Torture - Will Their Votes Match Their Rhetoric?

Several Senate Republicans have been outspoken critics of the use of waterboarding and other harsh interrogation tactics. But will their votes today on the Intelligence Authorization bill, which includes a provision to ensure all U.S. agencies abide by the Army Field Manual in all interrogations, match their rhetoric?

Posted: 02/13/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

National Security Facts

In July, the U.S. intelligence community determined that Al-Qaeda represents the main terrorist threat to the United States.  Yet instead of focusing on the threat posed by Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the President has focused on policing an Iraqi civil war started on false pretenses. The result has been a regenerated Al-Qaeda, a military stretched thin and a less secure America. It’s time to refocus on the main threat of international terrorism.

Posted: 01/30/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Republicans: Playing Politics on FISA

President Bush and his allies have consistently warned of the dire consequences of allowing the Protect America Act (PAA) to expire. But the Bush Administration’s threat to veto a 30-day extension of the PAA illustrates that the President and his allies in Congress are more concerned with having a political fight than working to craft a solution. Democrats are focused on legislating: the House has passed a bill and the Senate is working through the legislative process, but Republicans are trying to block debate on this complex and important matter. Bush Republicans should stop playing politics and work with Democrats to find a solution that improves our nation’s ability to fight terrorism while protecting Americans’ civil liberties.

Posted: 01/28/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

More of President Bush's Misplaced Priorities

Today, President Bush asked Congress for an additional $46 billion for Iraq, Afghanistan and other national security programs, bringing his supplemental spending request to $196 billion for fiscal year 2008. But his request comes on the heels of his veto of a bipartisan compromise children’s health care bill, perfectly illustrating the President’s misplaced priorities; opposing much-needed domestic investments for our country while continuing to spend on an intractable Iraq  civil war . When the President says, “Our men and women on the front lines should not be caught in the middle of partisan disagreements in Washington, D.C.,” he should remember that neither should America’s children.

Posted: 10/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Strengthening America's Armed Forces

Today, the Senate began debate on the Department of Defense Appropriations bill. The measure provides service members a pay raise, increases funding for military health care and provides needed equipment funds for the National Guard and Reserve Forces. In addition, the measure funds the recently passed Wounded Warriors bill Senate Democrats fought for to help returning soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries. 

Posted: 10/02/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senators Reid, Levin, Biden and Rockefeller Write to President Bush

Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senators Carl Levin, Joseph Biden Jr. and John D. Rockefeller IV sent a letter to the President in light of new developments regarding Iran and the release of the IAEA's latest assessment of Iran's nuclear activities.

Posted: 05/23/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Welcome to the Coast Guard Academy, President Bush!

President Bush will address graduates of the Coast Guard Academy today, thanking them for their service to our country.  Unfortunately, under his watch, Coast Guard readiness has deteriorated greatly. The Coast Guard has fewer ships than it had five years ago despite billions of dollars in taxpayer expenditures. Today, the President is expected to speak on the subject of Iraq, but Americans will want to know what he plans to do about making sure the Coast Guard is ready to do its job. The members of America's Coast Guard deserve better than their current civilian leadership.

Posted: 05/23/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Book Report: At the Center of the Storm, by George Tenet

In his book, At the Center of the Storm, former CIA Director George Tenet confirms that the Bush Administration rushed into war in Iraq based on suspect intelligence with no plan to secure the peace.  Here are some of the key revelations from Tenet’s book:

Posted: 05/01/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Senate Passes Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Conference Report to Address Critical National Security and Domestic Needs

Today the Senate passed the conference report to the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 by a vote of 51-46. The legislation provides $124.2 billion in emergency funds primarily to support U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan; ensure continued recovery for the victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita; providing first-class health care for wounded veterans; address critical gaps in homeland security; and provide emergency disaster assistance for farmers. This fact sheet provides an overview of the key provisions, which - unfortunately - President Bush claims he will veto when the legislation reaches his desk.

Posted: 04/26/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Speaks Out on the Iraq War

Today in the Senate
December 2, 2010:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. Following Leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. The Majority will control the first 30 minutes and the Republicans will control the next 30 minutes. 


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