Democratic Caucus's Senate Journal

At Hearing, Will General Petraeus Add His Voice in Support of the 21st Century G.I. Bill?

Today, General Petraeus will appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee for his pending nomination to be commander of CENTCOM as the Senate continues to work on the supplemental appropriations bill. The hearing is a reminder that we are spending $12 billion a month on the Iraq war. We are also draining the readiness of our military and diverting America from fighting Al Qaeda, winning the peace in Afghanistan, and giving our troops and veterans the benefits they deserve. The 21st Century G.I. Bill included in the supplemental will ensure that our troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan receive the same benefits that World War II veterans received at a cost over ten years equal to the costs of keeping our troops in Iraq for just two and a half months.  We hope that as General Petraeus offers his views on Iraq and the other threats in his new command that he honors our troops’ sacrifice and adds his voice to the thousands of veterans and leaders of veterans organizations in support of a 21st Century GI Bill.

Posted: 05/22/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Administration Has Gone Back on Its Word on Stop-Loss

The Bush Administration promised to minimize the use of a stop-loss policy that keeps troops in uniform past the time their service should end.  But earlier this week, a Pentagon official announced that the Army’s stop-loss policy would have to continue until at least the fall of 2009 and that the President’s “surge” had forced a 43-percent increase in the number of soldiers affected by the Army’s stop-loss policy.  The program, criticized as a “back-door draft,” effectively bars active-duty soldiers from leaving the Army even though they are within 90 days of retirement, and commanders have expressed deep concern about its effect on troops. Democrats believe we must change course in Iraq to relieve the strain on our servicemen and -women and begin to rebuild our military.

Posted: 05/09/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Five Years On, The Mission Is Not Accomplished

On May 1, 2003, President Bush declared, “My fellow Americans, major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.” Unfortunately for our troops, veterans and nation, five years later the war still rages and the costs continue to grow. Our troops have done their job, but the Iraqis have failed to take responsibility for their own country and the Bush Administration has no other policy than to stay the course. Our brave men and women are still being killed and wounded amidst the ongoing violence in Iraq. The burden on American taxpayers to pay for the war continues to mount while needs at home go unmet. The war continues to erode our military readiness making America less safe and continues to divert focus and resources from the global terrorist threat. Democrats believe we must redeploy from Iraq so we can rebuild our strained military, refocus on the terrorist threat and focus our resources here at home.

Posted: 05/01/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The War in Iraq Has Contributed to Pain at the Pump

Higher gas prices are just one of the many costs of the war in Iraq. The price of gasoline when the war began was $1.57. Since then, disruptions from the war, insurgent attacks on the oil industry and a lack of investment have all strangled Iraq’s oil production. Coupled with concerns about greater Middle East instability, oil and gas prices have reached record highs. Gas prices, which now average $3.61 per gallon across the United States, hurt every American at the pump. 

Posted: 04/30/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

As Costs of War Mount, Americans Increasingly Believe We Must Redeploy Our Troops

Today’s Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that a majority of the American public believes success in Iraq is not integral to America’s anti-terrorism efforts and that the U.S. should withdraw military forces from Iraq to avoid further casualties. This comes on the news this week of the mounting human costs of this war on our soldiers and more evidence that Iraq’s security forces are not standing up. Meanwhile, the U.S. is not safer – global suicide bombings have surged since 2001 and America has failed to neutralize the terrorist safe haven in the tribal areas of Pakistan. Democrats believe we should redeploy our troops from Iraq in order to relieve the strain on our overburdened military and strengthen our national security.

Posted: 04/18/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Finally Calls for Shorter Deployments, But Will Bush Republicans Match His Rhetoric with Legislative Action?

Democrats have long been pushing to relieve the strain on our soldiers. Last year, Senate Democrats twice led the fight to ensure our soldiers have the same amount of dwell time at home between deployments as they do deployed in theater. These efforts garnered support from a majority of the Senate, but were blocked by Bush Republicans. Democrats welcome President Bush’s announcement today to limit future army deployments to 12 months, but believe more must be done to limit the strain on our forces currently deployed and relieve the strain on our marines. Now that President Bush has finally acknowledged the strain on our forces, will Bush Republicans join Democrats in codifying the announcement into law and ensuring that our troops have the dwell time they need to recover from combat and train for future operations? 

Posted: 04/10/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT CHECK: 12 Benchmarks?

At this morning’s hearing, Ambassador Crocker incorrectly asserted that the Iraqi Government had met 12 of 18 benchmarks. Unfortunately, the Iraqis have not made adequate political progress and have at best met just six benchmarks, depending on how certain laws are implemented. The Iraqis have failed to take responsibility for their own country and America is paying too high a price.  Democrats believe we need to change course by responsibly redeploying our troops and holding the Iraqis accountable for achieving political reconciliation and taking the lead militarily.

Posted: 04/08/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The State of Iraq and America's National Security

The Bush/McCain mismanagement of the Iraq war and their stubborn refusal to change course have exacted tremendous costs on America and left America less secure. The war has severely strained our military, and weakened our national security by distracting us from the main threats facing the United States. And in Iraq, little political progress is being made and violence levels are rising. Democrats believe that we must change course in Iraq so that we can refocus on the war on terror, rebuild our military, and strengthen our national security.

Posted: 04/08/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Costs of the War in Iraq By the Numbers

As we begin the sixth year of the Iraq War, the costs of President Bush’s misguided decision to use force have far surpassed the Administration’s rosy predictions. Nearly 4,000 U.S. troops have been killed, with nearly 30,000 injured. Our army is out of balance according to Army Chief of Staff General George Casey, and violence is surging in Afghanistan/Pakistan where Osama Bin Laden remains at large. Democrats continue to push for a change of course, but Bush Republicans block the way, insisting on more of the same.  

Posted: 03/18/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing Sheds Light on Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Iraq

Today’s Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on waste, fraud and abuse shed new light on the extent of corruption in American contracting in Iraq. The hearing also exposed the rampant corruption and sectarianism within the Iraqi government. Most importantly, the hearing highlighted the ways in which corruption undermines our reconstruction efforts in Iraq. The Bush Administration has failed to hold the Iraqis or fraudulent contractors accountable for their corruption. Democrats are committed to enforcing accountability and rooting out waste, fraud and abuse.  

Posted: 03/11/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Iraq War Has Exacted a High Cost on America's National Security

Admiral Fallon’s testimony today before the Senate Armed Services Committee once again made clear the high costs that the Iraq War has exacted on America’s national security. President Bush’s failed strategy has taken focus and resources away from the threats we face in other areas of the world and strained our military almost to the breaking point. The Iraq War has caused us to neglect Afghanistan, which according to independent experts is faltering. In addition, Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is still the main threat to our homeland, as the NIE from July determined, and continues to plot attacks from its base in the Pakistan border region.  

Posted: 03/04/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush's War Has Cost Our Country Dearly

The Iraq war has exacted tremendous costs on our country. The lives and livelihoods of the thousands of courageous troops who have been killed and wounded is the most tragic cost. But the war has cost us in many other ways as well, including direct and indirect economic costs which are estimated by the Joint Economic Committee to reach $1.3 trillion by the close of 2008. According to Professor Stiglitz, who testifies before the JEC today, the costs could be even higher. The costs of war also include our failure to invest in domestic priorities, the strain on our military forces which has reduced our ability to respond to other threats both abroad and at home and the cost of taking our eye off the ball and failing to confront the terrorist threat posed by Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. All of these costs illustrate the urgent need to change course in Iraq, refocus the mission and begin to redeploy our troops.

Posted: 02/28/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Paul Wolfowitz's Happy Talk Five Years On

Five years ago on Monday, General Eric Shinseki testified to the Senate Armed Services that it would take “several hundred thousands soldiers” to secure the peace in Iraq. Five years ago today, then-Deputy Defense Secretary – and recently appointed chairman of the State Department’s International Security Advisory Board – Paul Wolfowitz called Shinseki’s warning “wildly off the mark.” He also predicted that American troops would “be greeted as liberators.” Unfortunately, history has proven Wolfowitz wrong on all counts. Yet, despite the thousands of American troops killed and wounded, the billions of dollars spent, the happy talk of war supporters continues five years later. Senate Republicans need to join with Democrats to transition the mission, redeploy our troops and refocus on the terrorist threat facing our nation.     

Posted: 02/27/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush's Glass Is Half Full State of the Union

During his State of the Union address last night, President Bush presented a picture of America’s economy, as well as its efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan in the most positive light possible. But the President conveniently overlooked some inconvenient facts that show things are not quite as rosy as the President would like our country to believe. While jobs have been created unemployment has increased and while violence has lessened in Iraq the Iraqis have still made very little political progress. The public deserves a full and thorough accounting of the state of our union, not a White (House)-washed version of the truth.

Posted: 01/29/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Administration Seeks Immunity for the Very Contractors it Cannot Manage

Yesterday two remarkable events occurred surrounding the administration’s oversight of contractors in Iraq. The same day Defense Department officials testified before a Senate committee that they cannot manage the approximately 180,000 contractors currently in Iraq, the Bush administration sought to provide immunity for all Defense contractors from Iraqi law in any long term security agreement. This should not come as a complete surprise as administration officials controversially provided contractors with immunity in 2004. However, this current news is troubling given recent abuses by some private security contractors, such as the September shooting incident involving Blackwater USA. As Jack Bell, the deputy undersecretary of defense for logistics and materiel readiness said. “Frankly, we were not adequately prepared to address” what he termed “this unprecedented scale of our dependence on contractors.” This news also further exemplifies why no long term security agreement should be negotiated without the involvement from Congress.

Posted: 01/25/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush: No Intention of Keeping His Promises to Military Families

When President Bush announced over the weekend that he was open to halting his promised troop withdrawals, he put in jeopardy many military families’ hopes that their loved ones would return home – particularly those on their second or third deployment in the region.  Worse still, by vetoing the Defense Authorization bill only days earlier, the President rejected numerous benefits Democrats had secured for our men and women in uniform, including a 3.5 percent pay increase, incentive pay and bonuses for many career fields, enhanced care and treatment of troops returning with combat-related injuries, and extended leave for family members to take care of disabled service members.

Posted: 01/14/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The War in Iraq Has Stretched Our Military Thin, Endangering Our National Security

After six years of war in Afghanistan and four and more than four and a half years of war in Iraq, the U.S. military is under tremendous strain. President Bush’s “surge” policy in Iraq which was enacted one year ago, has added to this strain.  The overextension of our armed forces has forced extended and repeated deployments, hurting the readiness of our fighting forces and taking a toll on the lives of our men and women in uniform. Extended deployments have hurt our military’s recruitment and retention efforts and have led to significant equipment degradation and shortages. The end result: our commanders are concerned that overextension of our forces has hurt America’s ability to respond to other threats, making us less safe. President Bush must work with Congress to redeploy our troops, refocus on the most serious threats facing our country and get our military forces back into balance.

Posted: 01/11/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

One Year Into Bush's "Surge," America's National Security Remains Under Threat

In the year since President Bush announced his surge strategy violence in Iraq has diminished, but the national security of the United States is no less threatened. In Iraq, insurgents pushed out of Anbar and Baghdad have moved into Northern Iraq, making it now the most dangerous part of the country. While the U.S. has been focused on Iraq, the global terrorist incidents have risen, violence in Afghanistan has surged to levels not seen since 2001 and Al-Qaeda has used a safe haven on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border to regenerate its ability to attack the U.S. homeland. Pakistan’s political instability has hurt its ability to tackle the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in its tribal areas and could compromise the security of its nuclear arsenal.  Despite President Bush’s promises that the new strategy would “bring a future of peace and security for our children and grandchildren,” the United States is far from safe. The President should work with Congress to redeploy our troops in Iraq and refocus our security resources on all of the threats facing our nation.

Posted: 01/10/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Hold Hearing to Highlight Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in Defense Contracting

Today, the Democratic Policy Committee held a hearing investigating waste, fraud and abuse at the Department of Defense and contracting in Iraq. In addition to receiving testimony from whistleblowers involved in Iraq contracting, the committee received written statements and questioned two of the nation’s leading experts in military affairs. Below are highlights from their submitted testimony.

Posted: 12/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Facts on the Ground Show the Escalation Is Still Not Working

President Bush and his allies have trumpeted reductions in violence in Iraq and claiming that the escalation strategy is working. But by the President’s own measures it is not. The political solution the escalation was meant to produce is still not at hand. Violence levels remain too high, and are not notably improved from levels two years ago. Sectarian violence is down, but largely because many neighborhoods in Iraq have been ethnically cleansed, resulting in millions of displaced Iraqis, and ethnic tensions continue to simmer just beneath the surface. General Petraeus himself has said that Iraq must have a political solution. Our troops have done tremendous work in achieving tactical victories on the ground, but Iraq’s leaders have failed to stand up and take responsibility for their country. It is time to the change the course, refocus the mission and begin to bring our troops home. 

Posted: 11/16/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

In Case You Missed It: Troubling Contracting Trends in Iraq

Yesterday, the Chairman of the Commission on Army Acquisition and Program Management in Expeditionary Operations briefed the media on the group’s investigation into Defense Department procurement, During the hearing, Chairman Jacques Gansler made a number of noteworthy comments. Namely, that 50 percent of the expeditionary force in Iraq is made up of contractors. As Senator Byron stated this week on the Senate floor, not all of the President’s recent supplemental request will go to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. A substantial portion of that money goes to contractors. Of note, it was also reported this morning that KBR, the former parent company of Halliburton and largest American contractor in Iraq, saw a significant boost in profits because of war contracts in Iraq, even though it is under investigation for fraud in the U.S. and Great Britain.

Posted: 11/02/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

FACT SHEET: President Bush's Hypocrisy on Appropriations

President Bush’s $200 billion request for funding for the war in Iraq highlights his hypocrisy on federal spending. In almost the same breath that he asks for an additional $200 billion for an intractable civil war in Iraq, he continues to threaten to veto efforts to invest in domestic priorities like homeland security, bridge repairs and law enforcement. And the sad fact is that the President is playing politics with America’s priorities, treating appropriations from the Democratically-controlled Congress entirely differently than spending bills from the Republican-controlled Congress. President Bush needs to stop playing politics and work with Democrats to address the priorities of the American people.

Posted: 10/23/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

More of President Bush's Misplaced Priorities

Today, President Bush asked Congress for an additional $46 billion for Iraq, Afghanistan and other national security programs, bringing his supplemental spending request to $196 billion for fiscal year 2008. But his request comes on the heels of his veto of a bipartisan compromise children’s health care bill, perfectly illustrating the President’s misplaced priorities; opposing much-needed domestic investments for our country while continuing to spend on an intractable Iraq  civil war . When the President says, “Our men and women on the front lines should not be caught in the middle of partisan disagreements in Washington, D.C.,” he should remember that neither should America’s children.

Posted: 10/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Continues Pushing His Wrong Priorities - American Middle Class Suffers

While continuing to push for hundreds of billions in spending for Iraq, President Bush today reiterated his opposition to Democratic efforts to focus on the middle class and invest in our needs here at home.  Nothing illustrates the President’s misplaced priorities so clearly as his veto of legislation to provide health care for children.  Rather than addressing the pressures facing working families, President Bush continues to insist on policies that make matters worse.  The President should stop playing politics and work with Congress to invest in America’s domestic priorities and strengthen the middle class.

Posted: 10/15/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Leading Push for Political Reconciliation in Iraq

More than a year ago,Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D-DE), along with President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations Leslie H. Gelb, announced a detailed plan for promoting a political settlement in Iraq that would allow our troops to leave, without leaving chaos behind.  The plan called for a decentralized, federal system in Iraq which would give its people local control over the fabric of their daily lives, including police, jobs, education and government services.  A limited central government would be responsible for protecting Iraq’s borders and distributing its oil revenues.

Posted: 09/26/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Investigating Private Military Contracting in Iraq

Today the Democratic Policy Committee conducted a hearing investigating the use of private security contractors in Iraq, in light of the shooting incident in Baghdad involving Blackwater USA. The hearing also investigated waste, fraud and abuse in wartime contracting.

Posted: 09/21/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Local Politics Will Drive National Politics? Time for a Change of Course in Iraq

Today, in his press conference, President Bush said, “I also said in my speech, local politics will drive national politics. And I believe that.” Though he was referring to Iraq, the same should hold true here at home. The 2006 elections delivered a sharp rebuke to Bush over the war. Three hundred  towns, cities and states representing about fifty percent of the American people have passed resolutions against the Iraq War. President Bush should listen to his own rhetoric and work with Democrats to change course in Iraq.

Posted: 09/20/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Headlines Say It All: Republicans Once Again Fail Our Heroes

From a lack of body armor to Walter Reed and problems with mental health care to inadequate pay, President Bush and Republicans have repeatedly failed our heroes.  Yesterday, Republicans bowed to pressure from the White House and blocked the Webb dwell time amendment.  

Posted: 09/20/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Working for D.C. Residents

Today the Senate voted against moving forward on a critical civil rights bill that sought to give the citizens of the District of Columbia the right to a voting representative in the US House of Representatives. However, the Senate today did vote to reauthorize a program that gives thousands of District of Columbia students fair access to higher education. Both measures represent the strong commitment Senate Democrats have made in enhancing the civil rights of District residents.

Posted: 09/18/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Americans and Iraqis Agree: Time for a Change of Course in Iraq

As the President prepares to address the nation to announce once again that he will continue his failed policy in Iraq, he should listen to the voices of the American people who are calling for a change of course in Iraq, not more of the same. He should also listen to the Iraqi people who overwhelmingly believe the surge has not brought the improvements in security claimed by the Bush Administration. The facts on the ground are clear: despite the valiant efforts of our men and women fighting in Iraq, the Iraqis are no closer to achieving the national reconciliation needed to create a stable country. It is long past time to change the mission in Iraq to focus on counter-terrorism, force protection and training Iraqi security forces so that we can begin to bring American troops home and better ensure our national security.

Posted: 09/13/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Just Another Six Months...

In their testimony today, General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker made a bid for more time to stay the course in Iraq. They offered hope that with another six months there could be tangible political progress, but were tight-lipped about how long a successful outcome would actually take, or in the words of Senator Hagel, how much American blood and treasure it would require. With General Petraeus not sure if our mission is making us safer, it’s time for a  change of course in Iraq that gets our valiant men and women out of harm’s way and refocuses the mission on fighting terrorists, not policing a civil war.

Posted: 09/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Is the War in Iraq Making the U.S. Safer?

In his testimony today, General Petraeus said that he did not know if continuing the mission in Iraq was making the U.S. safer. Yet, General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker both refused to answer how long it would take to achieve a political solution in Iraq. With our commander on the ground not sure if our mission is making us safer, it’s time for a  change of course in Iraq that gets our valiant men and women out of harm’s way and refocuses the mission on fighting terrorists, not policing a civil war.

Posted: 09/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Administration Moving the Goal Posts

Bush Administration has moved the goal posts on the length of the escalation. From General David Petraeus today:

Posted: 09/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republican Rhetoric on Iraq: It's All About September

Today, the Bush Administration yet again called for more time in Iraq. But Republicans in Congress and the Bush Administration have repeatedly said that there would be a full assessment of Iraq policy in September. Now, with reports showing that violence in Iraq remains high and that a political solution remains out of reach, the Administration wants more time for a failed strategy. Now that September is here, it’s time for Republicans to live up to their own rhetoric and work with Democrats to force a change of course in Iraq.

Posted: 09/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Fact Check: Today's Testimony Offers Few Answers

Today in his prepared remarks, General Petraeus made the following statements regarding sectarian violence in Iraq. Unfortunately, his remarks raise as many questions as answers.

Posted: 09/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Debunking the "Bottom Up" Anbar Myth

Recently, the Bush Administration has increasingly touted “bottom up” reconciliation as yet a new New Way Forward in Iraq. Administration officials and war supporters have used reductions in violence in Anbar Province as evidence of progress in Iraq. But today’s release of the Jones Report confirms the long-time consensus that there must be national reconciliation in Iraq. Efforts by the White House PR machine to spin success cannot change the facts on the ground; the Iraqi government is making little progress towards national reconciliation and violence levels remain high due to crippling sectarianism. Continuing the surge while simply changing the goals of that strategy will not change the outcome in Iraq. It is time for Republicans in Congress to work with Democrats to ensure a change of course in Iraq.  

Posted: 09/06/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Can No Longer Hide Behind Failed Escalation Strategy

During his “surprise” visit to Iraq this past weekend, the President touted success in al-Anbar province as a reason to keep his failed escalation policy in place. Unfortunately, the President’s rhetoric does not match the reality on the ground in Iraq. According to the President himself, the troop escalation was meant to allow Iraq’s political leaders the time to reconcile their differences and build a sustainable government. According to today’s GAO report the Iraqi’s have by all accounts failed to achieve any political reconciliation. In addition, not only has the central government failed to meet benchmarks, the White House’s own spin is unraveling. Not only have the modest security gains in al-Anbar province made national reconciliation unlikely, they were well-underway prior to the surge. It is time for Republicans in Congress to work with Democrats to force a change of course in Iraq.

Posted: 09/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush on Iraq: More Empty Rhetoric

For the second time in two weeks, President Bush sought to rally support for his failing Iraq policy with pure rhetoric. Last week, the President reversed himself and compared Iraq to Vietnam. Today, President Bush once again claimed that Iraq presents a “direct threat to American peace and security,” despite the judgment of the U.S. intelligence community that Al-Qaeda is the main threat to the U.S. He also painted a rosy picture of progress in Iraq, but the facts on the ground remain the same: high levels of violence, little progress towards national reconciliation and Iraqi security forces years away from conducting operations on their own. President Bush should heed the advice of General Pace and Senator Warner and work with Democrats to change course in Iraq.

Posted: 08/28/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

National Intelligence Estimate Paints Gloomy Picture for Iraq's Political Future

Today, the intelligence community released their latest National Intelligence Estimate which confirmed that the Iraqi government is failing to achieve meaningful political reconciliation, the stated goal of the President’s current Iraq policy, while our troops are forced to police a civil war. This summer has been the bloodiest to date and any modest improvements in security have not been matched by the political progress of Iraq’s leaders. As Democrats and Republicans have made clear, the only way forward is a political solution that, unfortunately, is a long way off. In light of the NIE and other recent assessments of Iraq’s political situation, the U.S. must change course.

Posted: 08/23/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Empty Rhetoric: President Bush and Iraq

Today, President Bush used yet another historical comparison to try to boost sagging support for his Iraq War strategy. But no matter what comparison he uses, it does not change the fact that Iraq is going through its bloodiest summer yet, the Iraqis are no closer to political reconciliation and the President’s Iraq policy is not working. The President is also using this new rhetoric to avoid talking with the VFW about the major failures in providing care for veterans that have occurred on his watch. President Bush should stop politicking and work with Congress to change direction in Iraq so that we can start bringing our troops home and ensure that our valiant veterans receive the care they deserve.

Posted: 08/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Troubling Questions About the September Report on Iraq

Yesterday, a Los Angeles Times story raised grave concerns that the President may rely on White House operatives rather than seasoned experts when he writes his September report to Congress on whether his surge strategy in Iraq has achieved its original goal of providing a political solution for Iraq.  Today, theWashington Post reported that the White House was proposing to restrict General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker to testifying to Congress only in closed session. These reports contradict the repeated statements by Administration officials that General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker would provide their frank and candid assessments without political interference and that their testimony would be key to informing the debate about future strategy in Iraq. These moves by the White House are troubling and beg a number of questions: Has the Bush Administration purposely invoked Petraeus and Crocker to add credibility to what they intend to be a report full of spin? Will the report provide an objective assessment of the situation in Iraq if it is written by the White House? And what is the Administration trying to hide by limiting their testimony to closed session?

Posted: 08/16/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Forgotten War: The State of Afghanistan

Despite reassuring words from the White House, it is undeniable the President has dropped the ball on the real front in the war on terror - Afghanistan.  Osama bin Laden remains at large, attacks are on the rise, poppy crops, which are used to finance Taliban operations are at record levels, and Al-Qaeda is regrouping on the Afghanistan, Pakistan border.  It is clearer than ever that we must redeploy our forces in Iraq so we can re-focus our efforts on the war on terror.

Posted: 08/06/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project - A Wrap-Up of this Week's Senate Oversight in Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued holding oversight on the President’s conduct of the war.  Senate Democrats are united in their determination to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy in Iraq and guarantee veterans receive the care they earned, and deserve.

Posted: 07/27/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

What Is NOT Being Sent to Iraq

This morning, President Bush will watch cargo being loaded onto planes en route to Iraq. But there are a number of items that have not been sent to Iraq, despite being desperately needed by our troops. For instance, our troops lack the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles that could save hundreds of lives. Commanders in the field cannot receive the battlefield surveillance they need because our military does not have an adequate number of Predator drones. The Army has struggled to keep up with demand for armor, equipment requests have not been met and operations have been delayed. 

Posted: 07/24/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up of This Week's Senate Oversight in Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued holding oversight on the President’s conduct of the war.  Senate Democrats are united in their determination to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy in Iraq and guarantee American veterans receive the care they earned, and deserve.  

Posted: 07/20/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

24 Hours of Debate On Iraq: By The Numbers

In the 24 hours that the Senate debated the Levin-Reed Amendment, thousands of Americans across the country made their voices heard in support of a new direction in Iraq. In that time, millions of dollars more were spent, and even more lives were lost in Iraq. In the Senate, as Democrats pushed for a new direction in Iraq the Grand Obstruction Party continued their tactics to block the will of the American people.  

Posted: 07/18/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Republicans Mislead On Pay Raise For Our Troops

Senate Republicans cried crocodile tears over the delay of the Defense Authorization bill, criticizing Democrats for denying a pay raise for our troops. But they said nothing about the fact that it was Democrats who initially proposed the 3.5% pay raise and that the White House has  gone on record opposing it, claiming it would be too costly. The only things standing between our troops and their pay raise is the White House and Senate Republicans  intent  on blocking any effort the change course in Iraq.  The good news is Senate Republicans still have time to end their filibuster and work with Democrats to pass the Defense Authorization bill, ensuring that our troops receive the pay raise they deserve.

Posted: 07/18/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Obstructing on Iraq: 50 Vote Margin Norm for Amendments to DOD Authorization

The Grand Obstruction Party is blocking Democratic efforts – supported by the vast majority of Americans - to change course in Iraq by forcing all amendments to the Defense Authorization bill meet a 60 vote threshold.  But forcing 60 votes for amendments to Defense Authorization is completely unprecedented.  Historically, amendments where roll call votes were held were decided by simple majorities.  By refusing to allow up or down votes on Iraq related amendments Senate Republicans have shown they are more interested in protecting the President than protecting our troops.  Below is the reality behind amendments to DOD Authorizations:

Posted: 07/17/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Talk Is Cheap ...

With violence in Iraq increasing and last week’s progress report showing the Iraqi government and security forces have failed to stand up, it is clear that we must change course in Iraq and re-focus on the war on terror.  Unfortunately, four years into the war and six months since the escalation began, the Grand Obstruction Party is blocking an up or down vote on changing the course in Iraq.  Republicans who spoke against the President’s policy in January, and those that came out against it recently, must stop blocking the will of the American people and allow an up or down vote on the Levin-Reed amendment.  The American public, military, intelligence and foreign affairs officials, and editorial boards are all calling for a new direction.  It’s time Republicans stop obstructing, put their money where their mouths are and stand with the majority of Americans in supporting an end to this war. 

Posted: 07/17/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Webb Amendment Essential for Troops and National Security

Multiple and extended deployments and rotations that keep our troops in battle longer than they are home have strained our forces and their families.  It has endangered our ability to respond to both threats abroad and disasters at home.  Senator Webb’s amendment addresses these problems, ensuring our heroes have adequate rest and training time.  Republicans must support our troops and the restoration of our military, and vote for this amendment.

Posted: 07/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Webb Faults Republican Filibuster Of Amendment To Support Troops

Senator Jim Webb of Virginia released a statement following the Republican decision to filibuster his amendment on responsible overseas troop deployment.

Posted: 07/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Webb Introduces Bi-partisan Amendment Supporting Troops Through Responsible Deployment Cycles

Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) today introduced a bi-partisan amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act requiring that active-duty troops and units have at least equal time at home as the length of their previous tour overseas. The amendment also sets a minimum 1-to-3 year ratio for National Guard and Reserve members and units.

Posted: 07/09/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

The American people demanded a change of course in Iraq, and the 110th Congress intends to press President Bush to provide it.  As President Bush and Senate Republicans continue to support a failed stay-the- course policy in Iraq, Senate Democrats are determined to hold the President accountable.

Posted: 06/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up of This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued to conduct oversight of the President’s conduct of the war.  Senate Democrats are united in their determination to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy in Iraq and guarantee American veterans have the support they deserve.

Posted: 06/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Pictures From The Employment Free Choice Rally (Updated w/ video)

The Senate is preparing to take up the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) this week. EFCA creates an easier path for workers to receive union representation. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senators Richard Durbin, Charles Schumer, Edward M. Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Sherrod Brown spoke this afternoon at an Employee Free Choice rally in support of legislation. We have video and some great pictures from the rally which included thousands of labor advocates and leaders. 

Posted: 06/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

The American people demanded a change of course in Iraq, and the 110th Congress intends to press President Bush to provide it.  As President Bush and Senate Republicans continue to support a failed stay-the- course policy in Iraq, Senate Democrats are determined to hold the President accountable.

Posted: 06/19/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up of This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued to conduct oversight of the President's conduct of the war. Senate Democrats are united in their determination to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy in Iraq and guarantee American veterans have the support they deserve. 

Posted: 06/08/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

The American people are demanding a change of course in Iraq, and the 110th Congress intends to press President Bush to provide it.  This week, Senate Democrats are continuing to conduct the oversight necessary to hold the President accountable.

Posted: 06/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid Responds To The White House's Vision Of South Korea Model For Iraq

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid released the following statement today in response to the White House’s announcement that it would like to see a lengthy U.S. troop presence in Iraq like the one in South Korea

Posted: 05/31/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats' New Direction: Fulfilling Our Commitment to Veterans

The Democratic Policy Committee (DPC) has released a fact sheet entitled: "Senate Democrats' New Direction: Fulfilling Our Commitment to Veterans". This report has been released in conjunction with the Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee's video, entitled "Keeping The Promise: Senate Democrats Honor Our Commitment to America's Veterans".

Posted: 05/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Report Comes Out On "Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Postwar Iraq"

The Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV, today unveiled one of the final remaining sections of Phase II: Prewar Intelligence Assessments About Postwar Iraq. The report is available on the Committee's website and is accompanied by two recently declassified Intelligence Community assessments from January 2003.

Posted: 05/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up of This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued to conduct oversight of the President's conduct of the war. Senate Democrats are united in their determination to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy in Iraq and guarantee American veterans have the support they deserve.

Posted: 05/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush's New Plan B Was America's Plan A

As Senate Democrats continue to hold the President accountable for his failed stay-the-course policy in Iraq, the White House has started to consider going back to the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group as a "Plan B". Senate Democrats have long advocated for many of the recommendations that were incorporated into the Iraq Study Group's report, while the White House dismissively rejected the group's recommendations in December in favor of a flawed plan crafted by the American Enterprise Institute. Meanwhile, Americans and Iraqis have paid the price for the President's slow transition from its flawed Plan A to a more sustainable Plan B.

Posted: 05/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

The American people demanded a change of course in Iraq, and the 110th Congress intends to press President Bush to provide it. As President Bush and Senate Republicans continue to support a failed stay-the- course policy in Iraq, Senate Democrats are determined to hold the President accountable.

Posted: 05/21/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up of This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued to pursue aggressive oversight of the President's conduct of the war. Senate Democrats are united in their determination to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy in Iraq.

Posted: 05/18/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Growing Momentum Toward Changing Course in Iraq ...

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid delivered a statement this morning on the floor of the U.S. Senate stating how there is a growing momentum in the toward changing course in Iraq:

Posted: 05/17/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Measuring Progress in Iraq: The Status of Political Benchmarks

In September, the Iraqi government publicly committed to meet a series of political benchmarks, by the end of 2006 or early 2007, for advancing the national reconciliation process, including measures for amending the constitution; holding provincial elections; reforming de-Baathification laws; regulating the oil industry; and disbanding sectarian militias.

Posted: 05/17/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Remain Committed to Fund Our Troops & Change Course In Iraq

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and Senators Dick Durbin, Charles Schumer, John Kerry, Russell Feingold and Ron Wyden held a press conference today discussing Democratic efforts to change in course in Iraq. To watch a video of this press conference please click here.

Posted: 05/16/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Democrats Will Continue To Push For Change Of Course In Iraq ...

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement this morning on the floor of the U.S. Senate regarding Sen. Levin’s withdrawal of his amendment to change course in Iraq:

Posted: 05/16/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Senate Leaders Agree On Path To Emergency Supplemental Conference

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today:

Posted: 05/15/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Senate Will Have Opportunity To Speak On Change Of Course In Iraq

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today, announcing the introduction of two amendments to the Water Resources Development Act that would allow Senators the opportunity to vote to change course in the war in Iraq, while also expediting Senate consideration of the Iraq war supplemental:

Posted: 05/14/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up of This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued to pursue aggressive oversight of the President’s conduct of the war.

Posted: 05/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Bipartisan Consensus Emerging To Change Course In Iraq

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement this morning on the floor of the U.S. Senate:

Posted: 05/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Speaks Out On The War In Iraq

Senators Debbie Stabenow and Ted Kennedy kicked off an effort today to make the voices of everyday Americans heard by the President and Congress. Senators Stabenow and Kennedy held a press conference today to highlight how each and every American, from every walk of life, is impacted by the Iraq war and the failed policies of the Bush Administration. This is the first in a series of events to give a larger voice to Americans across the country who are concerned about and affected by this war. The Senators were joined by teachers, farmers, faith leaders and veterans from across the country including Donn Teske, a Kansas farmer, Anna Burger, Secretary-Treasurer of SEIU and Jim Winkler, General Secretary of the Methodist Church.

Posted: 05/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Benchmarks In Iraq Must Include Consequences

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today in response to President Bush’s remarks on the war in Iraq:

Posted: 05/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

On Timetables ...

As President Bush sends 35,000 more American soldiers over to Iraq, giving him the capability to keep his escalation going even longer, members of his party are discovering a newfound appreciation for the timetables they previously joined Bush in rejecting. Unfortunately, the American people are demanding a change of course now, not next September. Republicans who have had enough of President Bush's flawed Iraq policies should join with Democrats to craft legislation that transitions the mission.

Posted: 05/08/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

The American people demanded a change of course in Iraq, and the 110th Congress intends to press President Bush to provide it. As President Bush and Senate Republicans continue to support a failed stay-the- course policy in Iraq, Senate Democrats are determined to hold the President accountable.

Posted: 05/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

National Guard Readiness Suffers from President Bush's Iraq Policies

The President's flawed stay-the-course policy in Iraq has decreased the capacity of our National Guard to respond to crises at home.  The tornadoes that ripped through Kansas this weekend tragically demonstrate that our National Guard is stretched too thin and lacks the equipment necessary to handle disasters in the U.S. The President's strategy in Iraq is making America less safe and communities in Kansas are paying the price.

Posted: 05/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Are Breaking From The President On Iraq

With our troops mired in the middle of a civil war, U.S. casualties mounting, and terrorist attacks up across the globe, some Congressional Republicans are beginning to realize that the current path in Iraq is unsustainable. There is hope that they will put the interests of the country ahead of protecting the President.

Posted: 05/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Ben Nelson's Iraq CODEL

Senator Ben Nelson (NE) recently led a Congressional Delegation (CODEL) to Iraq to meet with Nebraska troops and assess the challenges and progress in the war-torn country.

Posted: 05/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Schumer, In Democratic Radio Address, Calls For Change Of Course In Iraq

Senator Chuck Schumer delivers this week's Democratic Radio Address, calling on the President to work with Congress to forge a new direction in Iraq. Democrats remain united in our efforts to fully fund our troops and change course in Iraq.

Posted: 05/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats United In Efforts To Change Course in Iraq

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement earlier this morning on the floor of the U.S. Senate: 

Posted: 05/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up Of This Week's Senate Oversight On Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued to pursue aggressive oversight of the President’s conduct of the war.  While the President and Senate Republicans have chosen to follow a failed stay-the-course strategy in Iraq, Senate Democrats continued to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy.

Posted: 05/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Book Report: At the Center of the Storm, by George Tenet

In his book, At the Center of the Storm, former CIA Director George Tenet confirms that the Bush Administration rushed into war in Iraq based on suspect intelligence with no plan to secure the peace.  Here are some of the key revelations from Tenet’s book:

Posted: 05/01/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Mission Accomplished?

Four years after President Bush declared "mission accomplished," Americans from all parts of the country continue to bear the burden of the President's flawed Iraq policies. Over 3,300 American servicemen and women have been killed, and over 24,000 have been wounded.

Posted: 05/01/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Iraq Accountability Project: This Week's Senate Oversight on Iraq

The American people demanded a change of course in Iraq, and the 110th Congress intends to press President Bush to provide it. As the President threatens to veto a bill that will fully fund the troops and transition the mission, Senate committees continue to hold oversight hearings on the administration's policies in Iraq.

Posted: 04/30/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Senate Passes Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Conference Report to Address Critical National Security and Domestic Needs

Today the Senate passed the conference report to the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 by a vote of 51-46. The legislation provides $124.2 billion in emergency funds primarily to support U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan; ensure continued recovery for the victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita; providing first-class health care for wounded veterans; address critical gaps in homeland security; and provide emergency disaster assistance for farmers. This fact sheet provides an overview of the key provisions, which - unfortunately - President Bush claims he will veto when the legislation reaches his desk.

Posted: 04/26/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Rhetoric Vs. Reality: Responding to Republican Attacks on the Supplemental Appropriations Bill

For the past several weeks, the White House and its Republican allies in the House and Senate have launched a full-scale attack on Congress's handling of the Fiscal Year 2007 supplemental appropriations bill. Hoping to shift blame for war funding shortfalls, declining military readiness, and a failing strategy in Iraq, Republicans are employing false claims and misleading rhetoric to find ways to vote against a bill that would fund the troops, protect America, and increase chances for success in Iraq. The following fact sheet outlines the most common Republican attacks against the bill and sets the record straight on why President Bush should sign this legislation as soon as it reaches his desk.

Posted: 04/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Iraq: The Facts on the Ground

Today Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid delivered a speech at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars where he gave an honest assessment of the reality on the ground in Iraq. While the President today continued to talk about the progress his escalation plan is bringing to Iraq, the facts on the ground tell a different story. April has become one of the deadliest months on record for coalition troops, with an average of almost four killed every day. Senator Reid and Democrats are calling for a change of course.

Posted: 04/23/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush in Michigan

Today, President Bush returns to Grand Rapids, Michigan, to discuss the war on terror. In 2003, President Bush went there to make the claim that Iraq and al-Qaeda were working together, a claim we now know to be false. While President Bush may still call Iraq the "central front in the war on terror," the truth is that the President's failed policies in Iraq are making America less safe. Michigan service men and women are bearing the brunt of Bush's "stay the course" strategy, and Michigan's communities are paying for Bush's inflexible policy of surging our troops into the midst of an Iraqi civil war. The President should drop his threat to veto a bill that will provide the troops the funding they need and the change of course they deserve.

Posted: 04/20/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Speaks Out on the Iraq War

Today in the Senate
December 2, 2010:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. Following Leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. The Majority will control the first 30 minutes and the Republicans will control the next 30 minutes. 


Senate Floor Calendar...




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