Democratic Caucus's Senate Journal

Senate Votes to Debate Food Safety Legislation

Posted: 11/17/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

DISCLOSE Act Vote Today

Posted: 07/27/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Hold Wall Street Accountable

Senate Democrats today moved one step closer today towards passing legislation that will rein in the excesses of Wall Street and strengthen consumer financial protections. It’s unfortunate that only a handful of Republicans joined their Democratic colleagues in voting ‘yes’ on today’s procedural vote. After witnessing more than 8 million Americans lose their jobs as a result of the financial crisis, it’s unclear why Republicans still want to protect Wall Street CEOs and big bank lobbyists from accountability.

Posted: 07/15/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Day One of Elena Kagan's Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing

Posted: 06/29/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Fight to Protect Small Businesses From Credit Card Swipe Fees

Posted: 06/21/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Nuts & Bolts of Wall Street Reform Legislation

Posted: 05/21/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Block Effort to Raise Oil Spill Liability Cap

Posted: 05/18/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Reid Meets Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan

Posted: 05/12/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Fight To Create A More Transparent Financial System

Posted: 05/11/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Elena Kagan: Nominee for Supreme Court Justice

Posted: 05/10/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republican B-I-N-G-O

Posted: 05/04/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republicans Go Behind Closed Doors

Posted: 04/29/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

As Republicans Protect Wall Street, Hard-Working Americans Feel The Consequences

After meeting behind closed doors with Wall Street executives, Republicans are protecting Wall Street by blocking us from beginning debate on how to hold Wall Street accountable. Senate Democrats want to restore accountability and transparency to Wall Street, and put consumers back in control. The “Restoring American Financial Stability Act” puts in place the strongest consumer financial protections ever and will help put a stop to the reckless behavior that cost Americans over 8 million jobs and trillions of dollars in savings.  But by voting to protect Wall Street, Republicans are leaving hard-working Americans vulnerable by voting against:

Posted: 04/27/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

What Republicans Are Voting Against

Posted: 04/27/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Will Republicans Choose to Protect Wall Street?

Posted: 04/26/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Grinding the Senate to a Halt

Posted: 03/16/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Sen. Klobuchar Draws Attention to the Plight of Haitian Orphans

Posted: 01/21/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Earthquake in Haiti

Posted: 01/13/10 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Robert Byrd: Dean of the Senate

Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat of West Virgina, who is already the longest-serving senator in U.S. history, has now surpassed Carl Hayden as the longest-serving member of Congress in history, combining his terms in both the House and the Senate.

Posted: 11/18/09 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Majority Leader Reid's Economic Recovery Proposals For America's Middle Class

Today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid offered a series of proposals to get Main Street back on its feet. Americans all across the country are watching the value of their homes plummet, their wages stagnate and their cost of living continue to rise, Senator Reid’s proposals address these and other issues. Below are some of Senator Reid’s economic recovery proposals for America’s middle class.  

Posted: 10/15/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republican Obstruction Creates Missed Opportunities For The American People

While Republicans broke records for obstruction this Congress, the real victims have been the American people. Bush-McCain Republicans have blocked numerous pieces of legislation that could have directly assisted families hurt by the current economic downturn. Among the bills blocked by Republicans were the efforts to enforce equal pay at the workplace for women, heating assistance for low-income families, the ability for Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices, and health insurance for children.

Posted: 09/18/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Discuss Eight Years Of Failed Bush-McCain Economic Policies

As the financial markets crumble, Senate Democrats continue to emphasize the need for strong leadership and decisive action while out-of-touch Bush-McCain Republicans seek more of the same failed policies that got us into this mess in the first place. Today Senators Barbara Boxer, Debbie Stabenow and Bob Menendez took to the Senate Floor to discuss how the turmoil on Wall Street is a direct legacy of Bush-McCain economic policies that have failed this nation for eight years. 

Posted: 09/16/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Groups Across the Country Support the Advancing America's Priorities Act, But Republicans Say No

The legislation that makes up the Advancing America’s Priorities Act has garnered support from groups across the country. Health care groups, mental health advocates, trade associations, state and local governments, and many others strongly support the legislation that has been held up by Republican obstruction and have urged passage of this bill. This collection of bills would improve the treatment of diseases and medical conditions, boost conservation efforts, improve economic development programs, and improve America’s ability to respond to disasters. But despite the broad support for this bill across the country, and the wide bipartisan support this legislation has received in the House and in Senate Committees, Senate Republicans continue to say no. It’s time for Republicans to stop standing in the way and work with Democrats on this important bill.

Posted: 07/28/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

CBO Letters To Reid And Conrad Undermines Bogus Attacks On Package Of Noncontroversial Authorization Bills

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today in response to a letter he received from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) regarding a package of noncontroversial authorization bills being blocked by some Senate Republicans:

Posted: 07/25/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Will Bush-McCain Republicans Block Critical Health Care Bills?

Next week, Bush-McCain Republicans will have the opportunity to vote in favor of a series of common-sense bills that will expand research and improve treatment for diseases and medical conditions that afflict millions of Americans. These bills are bipartisan and non-controversial, which should make it easy to for Bush-McCain Republicans to join Democrats in passing this important legislation. For the millions of Americans suffering from these diseases, these bills are critical to finding cures and living healthier, fuller lives. For their sake, Bush-McCain Republicans should join with Democrats to pass these bills.

Posted: 07/24/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Judiciary Committee Bills Blocked by Senator Coburn and Bush-McCain Republicans

Among the many bipartisan, non-controversial bills Senator Coburn has been blocking through petty procedural maneuvers, some of the most egregious deal with the law and criminal justice. Indefensibly, Senator Coburn has blocked the Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act, a bill to strengthen the Justice Department’s ability to solve the many murders still unsolved from the Civil Rights era – like that of Emmett Till himself.  He has also blocked common-sense bills to crack down on child pornographers and child exploitation.  Delaying these bills has real consequences for the many Americans who are victims of crimes.  But the responsibility does not lie with Coburn alone; the Republican leadership has done nothing to convince Coburn to lift his objections.  Hopefully, with the help of a few courageous Republicans, the Senate can bring to an end Senator Coburn’s obstruction of these critical bills. 

Posted: 07/23/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Democratic Energy Amendment: Supply, Demand & Taxpayer Fairness

During Senate debate on our legislation to curb excessive energy market speculation by Wall Street traders, Democrats will offer a proposal to increase domestic production of oil while reducing consumption.  These steps will provide the American people with both short term relief and long-term measures to solve our energy crisis.

Posted: 07/23/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Advancing America's Priorities Act | Summary and Reid Introductory Statement

Tomorrow Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will introduce The Advancing America's Priorities Act. The following is Senator Reid's statement on the bill as prepared for delivery:

Posted: 07/21/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Industry Experts, Housing Advocates and Economists Support Bipartisan Housing Bill

The bipartisan housing bill on the floor of the Senate has garnered support from industry experts, housing advocates and economists, who all believe this legislation is a critical step towards stabilizing the housing market and get our economy back on track. The bill reforms regulation of the Government Sponsored Enterprises, modernizes the FHA, helps families avoid foreclosure and establishes an affordable housing trust fund to help low-income families. Senate Republicans should join with Democrats to pass this bipartisan legislation without delay.

Posted: 06/25/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Housing Bill Provides Relief for At-Risk Homeowners

Today, the Senate continues debate on a comprehensive housing bill that by one account could help close to half a million homeowners keep their homes. The Senate bill will strengthen the Federal Housing Administration’s ability to keep people in their homes and provide them with secure fixed-rate mortgages, reform government sponsored enterprises (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) and assist potential homebuyers with a tax incentive to purchase their first home. In addition, the measure also creates a landmark low-income housing trust fund to assist in the construction of affordable rental housing and provides assistance to communities with redevelopment aid.

Posted: 06/24/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Obstruction Alert - Republicans Block Bipartisan Medicare Bill That Prevents Cut in Doctor's Payments And Takes Care of Seniors

The bipartisan Medicare Bill prevents the looming ten percent cut in payments to doctors that is scheduled to take effect at the end of the month. But it also goes much further in improving Medicare coverage for seniors and reducing their costs. The bill pays for improvements and prevents the payment cut by reining in overpayments to some private Medicare plans. In contrast, the Republican bill only prevents the cut in doctor’s payments but does nothing to improve care or help seniors with rising health care costs. Additionally, the Republican bill does nothing to reform the private fee-for-service plans that are being vastly overpaid – up to 117 percent of traditional Medicare rates. Unfortunately, Bush-McCain Republicans chose to protect the special interests instead of siding with Democrats to make these critical improvements to Medicare and protect our seniors.

Posted: 06/12/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Costs of Bush-McCain Republican Obstruction

Senate Democrats are working to address the most pressing problems facing our nation by proposing comprehensive legislation to address the record high gas prices, housing crisis, rising unemployment and the barriers our returning veterans face in finding employment when they return home from war, but Bush-McCain Republicans continue to stand in the way. The costs of their obstruction to the American people are stark: average gas prices are a record $4.05 per gallon; more than one million homes are in foreclosure; the economy has lost 324,000 jobs this year; and finally, the rate of young veterans out of the workforce surged to 23 percent in 2005, up from just 10 percent in 2000. These costs are too high for the American people to bear. It is time for Republicans to stop standing in the way and work with Democrats to craft solutions to the problems facing working families.

Posted: 06/11/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Will Senate Republicans Match Their Words With Action to Combat Global Warming?

Some Senate Republicans have talked about the importance of addressing global warming. Some of them have called for a bipartisan solution that strengthens our economy, spurs innovation and significantly curbs greenhouse gas emissions. At the upcoming key procedural vote on the bipartisan Climate Security Act on the floor of the United States Senate, these Senators will have the opportunity to signal they support America leading, not following, in the global effort to reduce the risks of climate change.  Will they match their words with action, or will they join their colleagues in the Republican Conference to simply obstruct and delay and leave this enormous problem to burden future generations?

Posted: 06/05/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Intelligence Committee Unveils Final Phase II Reports On Prewar Iraq Intelligence

The Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV, and a bipartisan majority of the Committee (10-5), today unveiled the final two sections of its Phase II report on prewar intelligence.  The first report details Administration prewar statements that, on numerous occasions, misrepresented the intelligence and the threat from Iraq. The second report details inappropriate, sensitive intelligence activities conducted by the DoD’s Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, without the knowledge of the Intelligence Community or the State Department. 

Posted: 06/05/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Citizens Across the Country Support the Democrats' Consumer-First Energy Act

A broad coalition of citizens from the labor, environmental, business and rural communities strongly supports the Senate Democrats’ Consumer-First Energy Act. Below are highlights from their letters and statements of support:

Posted: 05/09/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator McConnell Is Not Even Sure What He's Obstructing Anymore

Senator McConnell has led his Conference in record-setting obstructionist fashion. But today, while discussing the Highway Technical Corrections, he claimed that the Senate was on the bill. Unfortunately, due to Republican obstruction, the Senate is still considering the motion to proceed to the bill, wasting valuable time in post-cloture debate of a bill that yesterday got support from 93 Senators, with only one objecting. Either Senator McConnell has been obstructing so much he’s lost track of Senate procedure, or he was trying to gloss over the fact that Senate Republicans are doing all they can to obstruct and delay.

Posted: 04/15/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Results of Bush Republican Failed Economic Policies

Today’s announcement that the U.S. lost 80,000 jobs in March is just the latest example of the failure of Bush Republican economic policies. Years of economic mismanagement have created a housing crisis and credit crunch that are spreading throughout the economy and hurting American families. That is why Democrats believe we need to act urgently to strengthen the economy for all Americans and prevent the housing crisis from spreading.

Posted: 04/04/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Diverse Coalition Representing Millions of Americans Supports the Democratic Budget

Groups representing a range of issues and millions of Americans have joined together to support the Democratic budget that will strengthen our economy and restore funding for critical education, homeland security, infrastructure and renewable energy programs. The Democratic budget will effectively reverse years of Bush Republicans’ fiscal policies that have weakened the economy and put the burden of a looming recession on the backs of middle-class families.  

Posted: 03/13/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Keeping America's Children Safe

Today, Senate Democrats will introduce legislation to substantially increase the budget and enforcement capacity of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, given the alarming rise in recalled children’s toys. Last year alone, over 20 million toys were recalled because of the hazard they posed to children. Unfortunately, the Commission, which during the Bush administration only hired one full-time toy tester, opposes the Senate’s efforts to increase its capacity, claiming they would be unnecessary and too difficult to implement. Given the risk posed by the Bush Administration’s dismal record overseeing imported toys and products, numerous consumer groups have joined Senate Democrats in an effort to pass this measure.

Posted: 03/03/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Headlines Say It All - Republicans Block Economic Stimulus for Working Americans

Yesterday, Bush Republicans had a chance to strengthen our weakening economy, but instead they blocked a bipartisan bill which would have given a much deserved rebate to an additional 20 million seniors and 250,000 disabled veterans. The package also would have given heating assistance to low-income families across the nation. The headlines say it all:

Posted: 02/07/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Over Republican's Objections, Senate Democrats Remain Committed to Helping Americans Suffering in Bush Economy

Democrats are proud to have ensured that 20 million seniors and 250,000 disabled veterans will receive rebate checks, but are disappointed that Bush Republicans blocked other key improvements to the economic stimulus bill that would further strengthen the economy.  Democrats will continue to fight to help those who have lost their jobs, help small businesses suffering in a shaky economy, and help American families avoid foreclosure.

Posted: 02/07/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Republican Rhetoric and Reality on Economic Stimulus

Republican rhetoric on the economic stimulus bill has heated up of late, but their claims have been divorced from reality. Senator McConnell claimed Democrats were delaying rebate checks, but checks cannot be sent until mid-May no matter what. Senator Gregg said extending unemployment benefits would not boost the economy, but economists say it is one of the best ways to get money into the economy quickly. Republican Senators referred to the additional provisions sought by Democrats as “pet projects,” even though they are widely-supported measures such as heating assistance for low-income families and rebates for seniors and disabled veterans. Finally, Senator Kyl said economic stimulus would not help the economy recover, in the face of calls for stimulus from the President and Secretary Paulson. What’s the common theme here? Bush Republicans do not want to pass the Senate Finance Committee bill and have used every tactic in the book to delay its passage.

Posted: 02/05/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bush Administration Blind To The Economic Reality Facing Americans

Today, both President Bush and Secretary Paulson will attempt to ease America’s concerns about the nation’s struggling economy. Unfortunately, rhetoric alone does not address this growing concern. In Cook County, Illinois, the location of the President’s speech, close to 29,000 homes are projected to be lost to foreclosure, the second highest in the nation. In addition, almost two-thirds of homeowners in the county will see their property values affected. Worse still, Illinois continues to lose manufacturing jobs at an alarming rate. Since Bush took office, the state lost close to 18,000 (1 out of 5) manufacturing jobs. While Bush continues to claim the fundamentals of the economy remain strong, economic indicators tell a different story.

Posted: 01/07/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democratic Accomplishments in the 110th Congress: A New Direction for America

Last year, Democrats were elected to take the country in a new direction by advancing the priorities of the American people.  Nearly one year into the Democratic-led Congress, Democrats have made a significant down-payment on those expectations. After nearly a decade of Republican control, we have worked to restore fiscal responsibility in Washington, fund the government, and pass key legislation on countering terrorism, homeland security, troop readiness, veterans’ care, crime, energy independence, competitiveness, ethics reform, labor and wages, small businesses, health care, nutrition, education, stem cell research, economic security, housing, transportation, water infrastructure, government accountability, and Gulf Coast revitalization.

Posted: 12/21/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Grand Obstruction Party Blocks Bipartisan, Non-Controversial Bills

Bush Republicans have engaged in unprecedented obstruction. They have used every delaying tactic available to them, including filibusters and secret holds. But Bush Republican efforts to block floor consideration of even bipartisan and non-controversial bills clearly reveals their strategy: block everything.  

Posted: 12/12/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

While Visiting the Office of National Drug Control Policy, President Bush Should Have Explained Why He Vetoed Its Funding

Today, President Bush visited the Office of National Drug Control Policy to discuss the latest report by the Monitoring the Future Program. Before the President touts the accomplishments of this vital program, perhaps he should explain to them why he put the program at risk by vetoing its funding.

Posted: 12/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

President Bush Lecturing Democrats on Fiscal Responsibility: Priceless

Today, President Bush once again played politics with our nation’s priorities by vetoing the Labor-HHS-Education spending bill and lecturing Democrats on fiscal responsibility. But as today’s report by the Joint Economic Committee underscores the growing cost of the Iraq War, it is clear that the President has little ground to stand on. President Bush has increased our nation’s debt by $3 trillion dollars and funded his entire failed Iraq war strategy on the nation’s credit card, maxing it out 5 times. Instead of playing politics, President Bush should work with Congress to fund our nation’s priorities.

Posted: 11/13/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Democrats Secure Funds for America's Troops and Provide Continuing Disaster Relief Assistance

Yesterday, the Senate sent to the President a comprehensive appropriations bill that allocates $459 billion for the Department of Defense to strengthen our military and provide for our troops. Specifically, the measure provides over $11 billion for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles, $23.5 billion for military health care programs and a 3.5 percent pay raise for active duty military personnel that the Bush Administration opposed. In addition, the bill also provides continued disaster relief assistance for the Gulf Coast and $500 million for federal firefighting programs.

Posted: 11/09/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Farm Bill Provides Vital Funding for Nutrition Programs

This week Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, ushered to the Senate floor the 2007 farm bill – the Food and Energy Security Act of 2007. The measure passed the Committee on October 25th.

Posted: 11/07/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Fighting to Protect the Safety of America's Children

This week, Senate Democrats highlighted their measure to bring accountability and oversight to the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC).However, it has been reported that the head of the Bush Administration’s CPSC opposed Congressional attempts to boost the agency’s ability to inspect products, stop the sale of recalled products and fine retailers. Senate Democrats have taken the lead to ensure parents feel confident the products they buy for their children receive the highest possible scrutiny before hitting the shelves.

Posted: 11/01/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

The Democratic Action Plan to Stem the Rising Tide of Foreclosures

The crisis of rising mortgage foreclosures affects not just homeowners, but also neighboring homeowners and communities, lenders and the economy as a whole. Projections show that 1.7 million people nationally could lose their homes this year and next, nearly double the number of foreclosures during the last two years. Subprime mortgages have soared in recent years, with 3 million new subprime loans in 2005 and 2006, and have triggered this national foreclosure crisis. Democrats are committed to acting quickly to rein in subprime loans, increase the availability of stable, affordable home loans and keep families in their homes.

Posted: 10/03/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Limbaugh Selectively Edited His Own Broadcast to Spin His Way Out Of "Phony Soldiers" Controversy

On September 26, Rush Limbaugh impugned the patriotism of soldiers who have questioned the war in Iraq. The context of his comment about “phony soldiers” was a conversation about soldiers who oppose the war. Only a full two minutes later did Limbaugh refer to Jesse MacBeth. Yet on September 28th, Limbaugh played back an edited version of his September 26th broadcast with two minutes cut out of the tape to make it seem like he was talking about MacBeth when he made his “phony soldiers” remark. The edited tape trick, straight out of the Nixon White House playbook, failed to fool anyone who actually heard the original broadcast. And to make matters worse, Limbaugh followed up by including decorated Vietnam veteran Congressman Jack Murtha in a list of “phony soldiers.” That he edited his own broadcast, and claimed he aired “the entire transcript,” shows just how desperate he was to spin his way out of his remarks.

Posted: 10/02/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Increase Funds for the Nation's Law Enforcement Agencies

Senate Democrats joined local officials at a press conference today to discuss the importance of funding local law enforcement and policing initiatives.  The Senate will begin debating the Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations bill this week, and will seek to support important programs to fight crime in our schools and communities after years of cuts by the Bush Administration.

Posted: 10/02/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Democrats Move to Consider Hate Crimes Legislation

Today, Senator Reid announced that the Senate will vote Thursday on the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which seeks to strengthen the ability of federal and local law enforcement officials to prosecute hate crimes. This measure, an important part of a broad civil rights agenda, strengthens federal civil rights laws and provides grants to state and local law enforcement agencies to combat hate crimes.

Posted: 09/25/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Baucus Comments On Presidential Remarks On Health Care

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) commented today on remarks by the President Bush, who called again to replace efforts to renew and improve the successful Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) with tax proposals instead.  CHIP covers low-income American children for health care when their families cannot afford private insurance.   The Finance Committee will soon consider legislation to renew this vital program.

Posted: 07/10/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

News from Outside the Beltway

Throughout the Senate energy debate, America has voiced its opinion and the Senate Democrats have listened. Democrats and most Americans recognize that a dramatic shift away from the interests of Big Oil is essential for the environmental sustainability, economic, and national security of our country.  In order to decrease our dependence on oil, America must adopt stronger fuel efficiency standards for automobiles, utilize more energy from renewable sources, and increase its domestic energy production.  Progress in these areas is exactly what the National Energy and Environmental Security Act of 2007 delivers.

Posted: 06/22/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Americans Have Lost Confidence in the Attorney General

Today, every Senator will have the opportunity to go on record and either approve or disapprove of the performance of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.  Gonzales has repeatedly shown that he lacks the leadership necessary to run the Justice Department.  Republicans have joined Democrats in speaking out in protest of Gonzales’ poor management and questionable judgment.  When the time comes to vote, will they stand by their earlier statements, or will they provide cover to a President unwilling to demand accountability from the Attorney General? 

Posted: 06/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

No Confidence Vote on Gonzalez this Monday

Today, Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) announced that a vote of no confidence in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will be held this Monday: 

Posted: 06/08/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

News from Outside The Beltway

As they returned home for the Memorial Day District Work Period, Democrats addressed the record-breaking gas prices and threats to our environment that need urgent attention in Congress. Newspapers from across the country are picking up Democrats’ united call for energy legislation that protects consumers, increase our energy independence, strengthens the economy and reduces global warming emissions. Next week Democrats will begin debate on an energy bill that accomplishes all of those goals, while also keeping the pressure on this Administration to change course in Iraq.

Posted: 06/08/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Bipartisan Group of Senators Call on President to Make Climate Change a Priority for G8 Summit

In a letter (PDF) sent to President Bush today, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-DE) called for U.S. participation in the development of a multilateral response to global warming at the G8 Summit this week. The effort, led by Chairman Biden, Senators Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), urges President Bush to engage his counterparts at the G8 constructively in order to reach consensus on global solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.

Posted: 06/04/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Administration Must Show Real Leadership On Global Warming

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid released the following statement today in response to President Bush’s call for a global greenhouse-gases emissions goal: 

Posted: 05/31/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Majority Leader on Sudan Sanctions ...

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid released the following statement today in response to newly announced sanctions against Sudan:

Posted: 05/29/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senators Reid, Levin, Biden and Rockefeller Write to President Bush

Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senators Carl Levin, Joseph Biden Jr. and John D. Rockefeller IV sent a letter to the President in light of new developments regarding Iran and the release of the IAEA's latest assessment of Iran's nuclear activities.

Posted: 05/23/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senate Leadership Expresses "Grave Concern" re. Crisis at The World Bank

Today Senators Harry Reid, Dick Durbn, Patty Murray, and Chuck Schumer sent a letter to President George W. Bush expressing "grave concern about the situation with respect to the leadership of the World Bank".

Posted: 05/09/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Speaks Out on the Iraq War

Today in the Senate
December 2, 2010:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. Following Leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. The Majority will control the first 30 minutes and the Republicans will control the next 30 minutes. 


Senate Floor Calendar...




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