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Gas Prices Resource Page



Gasoline prices - What I have done:

  • First off, I was among the first Members of Congress to write the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) early last year to ask them to monitor for price gouging.  Prices were high even before Katrina and it is imperative all levels of government keep a watchful eye out for anyone trying to take advantage of consumers. 

  • In addition, I have called on New York State to slash its 31.9 cents per gallon gas tax nearly in half.  Given today’s prices at the pump, there is no need for excessive taxation to pinch pockets more than necessary. 

  • Furthermore, I helped form a Gas Price Task Force with House Majority Whip Roy Blunt.  Our group works towards developing immediate and long term strategies to bring relief at the pump. We have already sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) asking them to report preliminary results of a price gouging investigation the required by provisions of the Energy Bill passed earlier this year.  As we move forward, the Task Force will send letters asking tough questions to every sector of the energy industry so we can get to the bottom of all factors contributing to high gas prices

  • I supported H.R. 6 - the Energy Policy Act of 2005, H.R. 3893 - the Gasoline for America’s Security (GAS) Act of 2005, H.R. 5253 - the Federal Energy Price Protection Act of 2006, H.R. 5254 - the Refinery Permit Process Schedule Act, and H.R. 5359 which allows the Department of Transportation to responsibly raise fuel economy standards for passenger cars.  I also introduced H.R. 5534, which doubles the amount of money for alternative fuels infrastructure without costing taxpayers a dime.  You can read about how these measures address rising energy prices in the next few pages.

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