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Independent Study FAQ

Please read these FAQs before submitting a request for general information. In most cases, either the answers or hyperlinks listed here will provide the information you seek.

Question: Where can I look for help on how to use NETC Virtual Campus?

Answer: If you need help on the use of the NETC Virtual Campus, you can contact the Help Desk by phone at (301) 447-7211 or e-mail the NETC Virtual Campus Webmaster. The help desk is available MONDAY - FRIDAY, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Eastern Time). You may call and leave a voice mail message at all other times. Voice mail messages and e-mails will be responded to as soon as possible.

Question: Who can take FEMA’s Independent Study Courses?

Answer: The primary audience for the Independent Study Program is "national" emergency response and recovery personnel of the United States, as well as emergency management personnel of FEMA, and US residents. You must have a US deliverable postal address to receive printed materials, take the final exams, and/or receive certificates of completion.

Notice to Non-US residents You can access, download and use the course materials on this website. As stated above, we provide printed materials, final exams and certificates TO US RESIDENTS ONLY.

Question: How can I get a transcript of my Independent Study course completions, and what information is included on it?

Answer: Upon submitting a signed IS Transcript Request Form,(See the link in the column at left) a detailed transcript including your personal identification information, course numbers and titles, completion dates, and the number of contact hours and/or applicable Continuing Education Units will be mailed to you, and any institution you specify, usually within 30 days.

Question: How can I get college credit for the Independent Study courses I've done?

Answer: Lower division, 100 or 200 level, academic credit is granted by Frederick Community College (FCC). For details, or to download an application, check out 'College Credit' to the left.

Question: How many military retirement points do I get for your courses?

Answer: We are not a granting authority for Military Reserve Retirement Points. The awarding of points is solely at the discretion of your military branch, but check out the link at the left for more details. Many of our courses have earned military reservists valuable points.

Question: Can I get on a list that will allow me to be automatically enrolled in new IS courses as they come out. If not, how will I know when new courses are released?

Answer: No, we do not provide a waiting list for courses that are not already available. We recommend that you visit the “Our Courses,” page frequently. As new courses become available to the general public they will be posted there.

Question: Can I use my GI bill or military tuition assistance to pay for college credit from FCC?

Answer: As a rule, no. Since you have already completed the course, most GI benefits will not pay the accreditation fee. Please see your education services office for assistance.

Question: How can I pursue a degree in emergency management?

Answer: Visit, training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu, and choose "College Courses" from the menu on the left side of the page. There you will find information on schools offering programs under EMI's Higher Education Project.

Question: What phone number can I call if I have problems downloading materials or submitting my online answer sheet?

Answer: 301-447-7210

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* Questions below are for IS-195 Only

Question: I took the online exam and received an error that I did not complete questions 26 - 50, but my test only has 25 questions?

Answer: IS195 has two exams. The printed materials exam is different from the interactive web-based course exam. Each material has its corresponding questions and answer sheet. Please read directions carefully when taking the test.

Question: Why did I get an error message like "Invalid Student ID" while I tried to access the web-based course?

Answer: It is very likely that your session expired. The reason for this error is that you may have started the unit and had to leave it unexpectedly or you used a bookmarked URL to access the page.

Try these steps below:

1. Open your Internet Explorer browser, go to "Tools" and click "Internet Options", under "General" tab, there is a grey box that contains 3 buttons, the 1st one is to "delete cookies", 2nd "delete files", click each of them to empty some cache. For the 3rd one, check "Every Visit to the Page" box. Click "OK" or "Apply" to apply the changes.

2. Refresh your browser by clicking "Refresh" Icon Internet Explorer Refresh Icon on your Internet Explorer toolbar; Then type in this address: http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/k195/ to login.

3. Go to "Course Maps", you may start directly from where you left off in the unit. Be sure to complete each unit before leaving the computer.

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An official web site of the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency
U.S. Fire Administration, 16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727 Voice: (301) 447-1000