Letcher County

Economic development is key to moving southern and eastern Kentucky forward, which is why Rogers continues to support a proposal for the U.S. Bureau of Prisons to construct a new facility in Letcher County, which would boost the economy and create jobs.  

Opening up southern and eastern Kentucky through expanding road infrastructure is key to jumpstarting the local economy. Rogers has made transportation a priority and secured funding to make U.S. 119 a reality in Letcher County. He continues to work to secure funding to upgrade and expand 119, so that local communities can continue to grow and bring new jobs to the region. Following a tragic school bus accident, Rogers was instrumental in securing funds to straighten U.S. 119 over Pine Mountain, significantly improving safety.

For years southern and eastern Kentucky has been plagued by flooding, straight pipes, inadequate septic systems and contaminated drinking water.  Sensing the need, Rogers has supported programs which have expanded Whitesburg’s sewer and water infrastructure. These efforts are not only important for the safety and security of the businesses and families in this region, they also help the environment, are key to economic development and essential for clean drinking water. 


UNITED for Substance Abuse Prevention

Coalition Meetings

5:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the Harry Caudill Public Library, 220 Main Street, Whitesburg, KY 41858.

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 274, Whitesburg, KY 41858

UNITE Coalition Coordinator

Samantha “Sam” Ratliff – sratliff@centertech.com, 606-889-0422 (work) or 606-794-9220 (cell)

*Whitesburg Middle School was honored as UNITE’s Middle School Club of the Year for the Kentucky River Region in 2008 and 2009 for their active role in the school and the community.

Letcher County PRIDE

PRIDE Coordinators

Bobby Kincer, Letcher County PRIDE Coordinator, 606.633.9461, letchercountyjudge@yahoo.com
James Collins, City of Fleming-Neon PRIDE Coordinator, 606.855.9026
Mason Yants, City of Jenkins PRIDE Coordinator, 606.633.0126
Jim Scott, McRoberts PRIDE Coordinator, 606.832.4789
Charlotte Ison, City of Whitesburg PRIDE Coordinator, 606.633.3700

Homes Affected by Waste Water Treatment Programs

202 homes in Letcher County have received funding from the Homeowner Septic System Program
178 homes in Letcher County have been affected by the Wastewater Construction Projects
311 homes in Letcher County have been affected by the Corps of Engineers Projects

Cleanup Summary

Following is a summary of cleanup totals for Letcher County:
8 streams/lakes/rivers cleaned
11 dumps eliminated
263 roadways cleaned
885 miles of roadway cleaned
11,691 individual appliances and 190 tons of appliances collected
4,759 individual tires and 83.38 tons of tires collected
7,239 bags of trash and 1,046 tons of trash collected
4,846 volunteers have contributed 15,235 hours