Unemployment Assistance

Unemployment Assistance

Unemployment Insurance

Provisions in the CARES Act have made temporary changes to Unemployment Insurance benefits to best assist those in need during this crisis. These include:

  • An additional $600 per week will be added to unemployment checks through July 31, 2020.

  • An additional 13 weeks of unemployment coverage past the maximum number of eligible weeks mandated by Kentucky.

  • Workers who are self-employed, contractors, furloughed, or part-time are temporarily eligible for unemployment benefits during this public health emergency.

  • Workers are not eligible for unemployment benefits if they quit their job of their own volition. You must be laid off or furloughed by your employer, unless there is a reasonable fear for employee health in their place of employment and the employer has not provided reasonable accommodations to keep employees safe.

How do I apply for unemployment?

To begin the application for Unemployment Insurance, visit www.uiclaims.des.ky.gov.

For more information please visit the Kentucky Unemployment Website at www.kcc.ky.gov, or the Department of Labor's COVID-19 response page, www.dol.gov/coronavirus.