Student Resources

Student Resources

Loan Assistance

If you are a current student or have student loans, resources are available to help you through this crisis.

The CARES Act permits students to defer their student loan payments for up to 6 months without penalty and keep their Pell Grants. The Department of Education is also temporarily waiving all interest on Federally-held student loans.

If you have further questions or seek additional information, please visit the Department of Education’s office of Federal Student Aid’s helpful webpage here.

If you are a current student who has been affected by school closures, there are resources available to you.

  • If you relied on an on-campus job for financial stability, colleges can continue paying students using Federal Work Study even if the student is unable to work during this crisis.
  • Children and families enrolled in the Head Start program will continue to receive services and funding is available for summer programming should facilities be ready to reopen by then.

For further information the resources made available by the Department of Education during this time, please visit the COVID-19 webpage for further information at

Assistance for K-12 teachers and students: