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Southfield, Michigan (May 6, 2002)

"Our nation has been called to commit itself to the bold goal of creating a system that insists on accountability and results, teacher quality and reading programs that work. It will be a system in which taxpayers know what they're getting for their money -- and parents know if their children are learning," says Secretary Paige.

"Our nation has been called to commit itself to the bold goal of creating a system that insists on accountability and results, teacher quality and reading programs that work. It will be a system in which taxpayers know what they're getting for their money -- and parents know if their children are learning," says Secretary Paige. "If the goal for America is "No Child Left Behind," let's make sure we view each child as an individual; test him or her as to whether or not he or she can read, write, add or subtract, and correct his or her problems early, before it's too late. And you mark my word, what's going to happen: high standards, accountability, and local control of schools will mean that the public school system is going to be the greatest it can possibly be," says President Bush.
Mariam Karana, a fourth-grade student at Vandenberg Elementary, shows Secretary Paige and President Bush her schoolwork.  


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"Our nation has been called to commit itself to the bold goal of creating a system that insists on accountability and results, teacher quality and reading programs that work. It will be a system in which taxpayers know what they're getting for their money -- and parents know if their children are learning," says Secretary Paige.