The most important function of government is to ensure the safety of its citizens. We must continue to make critical investments in our national security and strengthen our partnerships abroad. However, I also believe that the choice between our values and our safety is a false one. We face many challenges abroad, but I am fully committed to our proud tradition of engaged, sustained, and competent global leadership.

Reclaiming Congress’s Duty to Declare War 

For too long Congress has accepted gradual encroachment on its power to make and declare war by the executive branch. I have introduced a bill, the Reclamation of War Powers Act, to reaffirm the duty of Congress to have public debate on the use of our military men and women in hostilities in foreign lands. 

I continue to push for a new authorization for use of military force (AUMF) to limit the increasing use of U.S. troops under the umbrella of the 2001 and 2002 AUMF and avoid future military quagmires. 

Promoting Peace and Security in Israel and the Middle East 

A two-state solution, in which Israel and Palestine live within recognized, peaceful, and secure borders has long been a key goal of a decades-long process. I wholeheartedly support this goal. The Israeli and Palestinian peoples deserve and require nothing less.  

Throughout the process, we must never forget that Israel is the sole functioning democracy and our most reliable ally in the Middle East. Its history, politics, and thriving economy create a special and unbreakable bond between Americans and Israelis, and I will continue to support measures that strengthen our nation’s relationship with this critical partner. Through the continued support of Congress for investments in the security and development of the region, I hope that we can begin to make progress towards a just and lasting peace. 

Supporting Development Abroad 

Targeted, effective international aid programs ease the suffering of millions each day and are among the very best investments we can make in our national security and long-term prosperity. International aid is a powerful tool of soft power that can prevent the chaos and instability that serve as a breeding ground for terrorist recruitment. Having spent much of my youth in Latin America, where my father worked for the Ford Foundation, I have a deep personal interest in America’s relationships abroad. I strongly believe in programs and partnerships that help developing nations build healthy and productive communities. 

Reductions in Nuclear Weapons 

The threat of an attack with a nuclear weapon by a state or terrorist organization continues to be an enduring danger facing Americans. I fully support the comprehensive strategy of non-proliferation and nuclear security and pledge to do all I can to push for a world free of nuclear weapons.  

I have been proud to support several measures to strengthen sanctions against Iran, including the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act, the toughest sanctions against Iran ever passed by the United States and the Iran Sanctions Extension Act, which imposed financial penalties on any persons directly investing in or significantly contributing to the enhancement of Iran’s ability to develop its petroleum resources. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, signed in 2015, was integral to changing the nuclear threat that Iran was close to posing, by reducing their uranium stockpiles by 97%. Former President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the agreement represents a significant step back. Going forward, I am supportive of continued negotiations, with the goal of achieving another comprehensive deal.   

I have and will continue to advocate for engagement with the Chinese as a mechanism to deescalate nuclear tensions with a belligerent North Korean regime and supported the Korean Interdiction and Modernization of Sanctions Act. These sanctions are intended to encourage North Korea to engage in negotiations that will hopefully lead to a peaceful and diplomatic solution. 

Intelligence Committee 

As a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), I conduct oversight of the 17 separate federal agencies that make up the U.S. Intelligence Community, including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Agency (NSA). I serve on both the Defense Intelligence and Warfighter Support and the Strategic Technologies and Advanced Research Subcommittees. Since joining the committee in February 2013, I have worked to ensure the federal government strikes the right balance between respecting the privacy of American citizens and protecting our nation from acts of terrorism. 

Security and Privacy

Two decades after September 11, 2001, we are still seeking a reasonable balance among security, privacy, and civil liberties. I joined a bipartisan majority of the Intelligence Committee in passing the USA FREEDOM Act that was signed into law in June 2015. This bill modified the contentious USA PATRIOT Act, which after 9/11 gave the federal government sweeping authorities. The USA FREEDOM Act ended bulk collection programs and made improvements in FISA Court reforms and greater National Security Letter transparency.

I have introduced legislation to improve oversight of the intelligence community by requiring certain entities to send annual reports, compliance assessments, and FISA court procedural rule changes, decisions and pleadings to the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.


The constant threat of cyberattacks is one of the greatest our nation faces. I have long promoted the idea of international norms to guide countries in their behavior and responses to attack. Nonproliferation agreements were negotiated to curtail the growth of nuclear weaponry during the second half of the 20th Century. Now is the time for the international community to seriously respond with a binding set of international rules for cyberwarfare: an E-Neva Convention.


In my former capacity as Chair of the Strategic Technologies and Advanced Research Subcommittee, I wrote a report that presents the Subcommittee’s views and recommendations on critical components for the United States to focus on to lead in the development of these technologies. The report also identifies those that are best suited for legislative action, executive branch initiatives, or further study.

To read the report please click here.

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