Find a Clinic

Which clinic option is right for me?

Health Departments
county health dept sign

Call your doctor or local health department to see if they can provide pre-travel advice, vaccines, and medicines.

Vaccine Finder
Vaccine Finder

Use the vaccine finder tool to locate quick clinics and pharmacies that provide routine vaccines. Call ahead, some of these clinics also offer travel vaccines.

Travel Medicine Clinics
medical files

If you are visiting several countries or if you have a pre-existing health condition, you may need to see a clinician who specializes in travel medicine, the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) can direct you to a travel clinic near you.

Yellow Fever Vaccination Clinics
yellow fever vacc paper

If you are visiting countries where a yellow fever shot is recommended or required, you will need to visit an authorized yellow fever vaccine clinic. Many of these clinics also give other travel-related shots and medicines. Find an authorized US yellow fever vaccine center near you.

What vaccines, medications, and health advice do I need for my destination?

Use our destination tool to find vaccine, medications, and health advice recommendations for your next trip.

  • Learn about routine vaccines; you should have these vaccines no matter where you plan on traveling.
  • Learn about travel vaccines; you should consider getting these vaccines depending on where you are going and what you will be doing. Check our destination tool and talk to your doctor.

When should I plan to make a doctor’s appointment?

You’ll need to get your vaccines at least a month before you travel to be fully protected.

However, even a last-minute visit to a healthcare provider can be helpful to get medicines and advice for your trip.

Already abroad and need to see a doctor?

The following list of resources can help international travelers identify health care providers and facilities around the world. CDC does not endorse any particular provider or medical insurance company, and accreditation does not ensure a good outcome.

  • The nearest US embassy or consulate can help travelers locate medical services and notify friends, family, or employer of an emergency. They are available for emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, overseas and in Washington, DC (888-407-4747 or 202-501-4444).

More information

Frequently Asked Questions

Traveler Advice

Clinician Tools and Resources


CDC provides these links to clinics as a convenience to international travelers. CDC does not endorse, recommend, or favor any clinics on these lists, nor does the appearance of a clinic on these lists imply a guarantee of service quality.