Mobile Apps


TravWell mobile app screenshot

CDC’s TravWell app helps you plan for safe and healthy international travel. Build a trip to get destination-specific vaccine recommendations, a checklist of what you need to do to prepare for travel, and a customizable healthy travel packing list. The app also lets you store travel documents, keep a record of your medications and immunizations, and set reminders to get vaccine booster doses or take medicines while you’re traveling.

Key Features

  • Authoritative recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • During-travel features available offline (no data connection needed)
  • Fully customizable to do list and packing list
  • Emergency services phone numbers for every destination
  • Easy to use and fun

Available from Google Play   Available from the App Store

To give feedback about this app, contact CDC-INFO.

Can I Eat This?

App - Can I Eat This

Montezuma’s revenge, Delhi belly, or travelers’ diarrhea—whatever you call it, it can ruin your international trip. Help prevent travelers’ diarrhea by using CDC’s Can I Eat This? app. Select the country you’re in and answer a few simple questions about what you’re thinking about eating or drinking, and Can I Eat This? will tell you whether it’s likely to be safe. With Can I Eat This?, you can be more confident that your food and drink choices won’t make you spend your international trip in the bathroom.

Key Features

  • Authoritative recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Access recommendations offline (no data connection needed)
  • Easy to use and fun

Available from Google Play   Available from the App Store

To give feedback about this app, contact CDC-INFO.