Recent Press Releases

"Our energy bill would give the President the ability to raise the liability caps on economic damages done by companies like BP — without driving small independent oil producers out of business. It would lift the administration’s job-killing moratorium on off-shore drilling as soon as new safety standards are met — a moratorium that one senior Gulf State Democrat has said `Could cost more jobs than the oil spill itself.’ Our bill has a true bipartisan commission — with subpoena power — to investigate the oil spill, rather than the President’s anti-drilling commission. So we’ve got our own ideas. We’ve got some of their ideas. Our bill doesn’t kill jobs. It doesn’t put a moratorium on production. We’re not interested in yet another debate about a Democrat bill in which the prerequisite is killing more jobs.”
`Spending, debt, regulations, more government — none of it has worked. And now they want to raise taxes on the very small businesses that are trying to create jobs. It’s time to change course, to do something that will actually create lasting private sector jobs and get us moving in the right direction.’