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McConnell to Democrats: Help Stop The Painful Impact of Obamacare

‘Meanwhile, out in the real world, millions of Americans will continue to suffer under a law they told Washington not to pass in the first place, a law that Washington Democrats still stubbornly refuse to change in any meaningful way.’

December 17, 2013

Washington, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor calling on Washington Democrats to work with Republicans on commonsense health care reform:

“Earlier this morning, the Senate voted to advance the Ryan-Murray Budget Agreement that passed the House last week. The legislation's been a topic of much discussion over the past several days and there are sincere     arguments on both sides. While I appreciate the challenges that House and Senate negotiators faced in crafting these budgetary guidelines, I voted against this legislation because, in my view, congress should continue to adhere to the fiscal restraints that both parties agreed to under the Budget Control Act.

“I was the principal Republican negotiator of that agreement. I've been particularly invested in its success and was very proud of it. As a result of the Budget Control Act, government spending has declined for two years, two years in a row, for the first time since the Korean War. This was hard-won progress on the road to getting our nation's fiscal house in order.

“As I said, I fully appreciate the constraints that Chairman Ryan and Chairman Murray faced in their negotiations and there are clearly some good things to be said about their agreement. But in my view, we should not go back on the commitment we made under the B.C.A.

“Nonetheless, this has been a very important public debate.

“Unfortunately, our colleagues on the other side do not seem terribly interested in this or other substantive issues this week – least  of all Obamacare, which has been wreaking havoc on our constituents for months now but which Democrats seem entirely uninterested in discussing.

“Instead, for much of this week, the Democrat-run Senate has decided to devote its attention to pushing through nominations — to spending time seating political appointees at places like the Department of Interior. Positions that, while they might be important, are not emergencies that need to be attended to right this second.

“Meanwhile, out in the real world, millions of Americans will continue to suffer under a law they told Washington not to pass in the first place, a law that Washington Democrats still stubbornly refuse to change in any meaningful way.

“Our colleagues on the other side seem to think they have no responsibility to do anything about the impact of Obamacare since the White House issued a press release declaring partial victory in fixing the website.

“That’s their whole approach to this rolling disaster: let the White House dodge and deflect on any problem that arises until people forget about the last one. Point the finger at some bureaucrat or some web technician, and basically do nothing.

“We’re now nearly three months into this national calamity, and what have Democrats done about it? Well, they’ve issued a lot of talking points and some half-hearted apologies. They’ve mouthed nostrums about ‘private sector velocity.’ They’ve waived laws for fear of the political impact of leaving them in place. And there’s been hardly any accountability for the massive consequences faced by American consumers as a result of this failed law. In other words, they haven’t done much of anything. They’ve treated this whole thing as a public relations problem to get past rather than a real-life problem for middle-class Americans to be solved. They’re engaged in daily battle aimed at one overriding goal: to protect this law.

“And yet, nearly every day we hear more about its painful impact.

“Since the October rollout, millions of Americans have lost their insurance plans.

“More than 280,000 have lost coverage in Kentucky alone. And so many are feeling the squeeze of this law.

“Folks like Lana Lynch – a mom from Brandenburg, Kentucky who told me the annual out-of-pocket expenses for her family rose from $1,500 to $7,000 under Obamacare.

“And folks like Barrett Simpson from Sweeden, Kentucky. Barrett had a health plan he liked and wanted to keep – a $540 a month policy that was, in his words, ‘perfect’ for his family. The folks responsible for Obamacare apparently thought they knew better than he did about the needs of his family, so he lost it. Here’s what he had to say about that:

‘[My] plan is being eliminated because of the ACA, and the cheapest, closest similar plan will cost [u]s $1,400 next year. We can keep the plan until end of next year, but we will have to pick a new one. We don't need the extra coverage for maternity, vision or dental but yet we will be forced to pay for it.’

“And he continued:

‘These changes are absurd. Most people in this country who were content with what they had are now paying for what Obama is trying to do for a very few.’

“Barrett closed his letter by asking me to work to repeal Obamacare.

“Well, Barrett and Lana should know this – in fact, every Kentuckian should know this…every American should know this: The members on my side of the aisle hear you. Loud and clear. We aren’t going to give up this fight.

“No matter how much the other side tries to distract the country’s attention.

“We won’t be fooled. And we know you won’t be either.

“Look: the folks each of us were sent here to represent – not the government – should be the ones choosing plans that make the most sense for their families. And when our colleagues on the other side go around referring to insurance being lost as ‘junk’ that’s just beyond offensive to the people we represent.

“There’s a lot of ivory tower thinking that goes on in this city. Way too much of it.

“And it’s time for our Washington Democrat friends to finally climb out of the ivory tower and see the reality of their ideas in action – to witness the failure of their policies first hand.

“It’s time for Washington Democrats to drop their refusal to change anything of real substance in Obamacare and it’s time for them to listen closely to the people who sent us here in the first place.

“And here’s what so many Americans are saying: that they want Democrats to start working with Republicans to improve our nation’s health care system in a positive way – to help us implement real, patient-centered, common-sense reforms that can actually lower costs and improve the quality of care.

“Because we were sent here to solve problems, not to make them worse as Obamacare does.

“So let’s erase that mistake and start over with real reform. Working together, we can do it.”

Washington, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell issued the following statement regarding the Ryan-Murray budget plan:

“While I appreciate the challenges that House and Senate negotiators faced in crafting the budgetary guidelines, I cannot support the legislation they have agreed to. The Budget Control Act (BCA) was designed to cut spending in the short and long term, and I remain convinced that Congress should continue to adhere to the fiscal restraints it set. For the first time since the Korean War, government spending has declined for two years in a row as a result of the BCA. This was hard-won progress on the road to getting our nation’s fiscal house in order. We should not go back on that commitment.”

McConnell: Kentuckians Upset about Higher Costs, Fewer Options under Obamacare

“But that’s the reality of Obamacare for too many Kentuckians – a state where 280,000 have already lost the coverage they had because of this law. It’s a reality facing millions of Americans across the country.”

December 16, 2013

Washington, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the consequences of Obamacare on consumers:

“A few weeks ago, the Obama Administration declared that it had met its goals for fixing the Obamacare website.

“And with the web site fixed, they led us to assume that Obamacare was ‘fixed’ as well.

“But that was never true. As I’ve been saying all along, the problems here are much bigger than a website.

“And even the administration’s claims about the Web site have been greatly exaggerated.

“Recent news reports suggest that many Americans who thought they’d enrolled on the exchanges will find out that they do not, in fact, have coverage on January 1st, largely as a result of lingering problems with the site.

“But an even bigger problem lies with the coverage options folks are finding if they actually make it through the website.

“For the folks patient enough to successfully navigate through, many are finding that Obamacare offers higher premiums, costs, or deductibles – sometimes all three – in exchange for coverage that’s in many cases inferior to what they had before.

“Fewer choices, restricted hospital networks, losing doctors our constituents know and trust. 

“That’s what many are getting in exchange for higher costs and skyrocketing premiums, even after the President promised that reform would ‘cut costs and make coverage more affordable for families and small businesses.’

“Despite the President’s serial pledges to the contrary, the government’s own studies on this issue now indicate that Obamacare will actually increase the cost of health care in America by more than $620 billion.

“As one California woman recently put it, Obamacare feels like being ‘forced into a lower coverage plan, for more money.’

“Many Kentuckians feel the same way.

“Giselle Martino is a constituent of mine from Prospect, Kentucky.

“Here’s what she recently wrote to me after losing her coverage:

‘I paid a very high premium to have a major medical plan. I am now forced into the exchange for a lesser plan with more exclusions and higher deductibles. I will most likely never reach those deductibles. How does this help me? I'm basically paying into the plan for the others. If I must pay for my higher tier heart drugs anyway, why should I bother with the health plan? What a disappointment this administration has caused.’

“Higher costs and less care: that’s what Obamacare means for Giselle Martino.

“Obamacare’s been a disappointment for Mike Conn from Prestonsburg too.

“Here’s what he had to say about this law:

‘A policy that has similar coverage to what we had would cost us around $1100 a month. [That] is a 100% increase for me and my wife. I was informed by the individual that was helping me find coverage that it was because we live in eastern Kentucky.’

“Mike says his plan is no longer available in that part of the state. And now he’s evidently facing a 100% increase in cost because of where he lives.

“It’s not fair. Mike and Giselle both have every right to be upset.

“But that’s the reality of Obamacare for too many Kentuckians – a state where 280,000 have already lost the coverage they had because of this law. It’s a reality facing millions of Americans across the country. And when the White House was asked today if they were confident that those millions of Americans with cancelled policies would be able to sign up for new insurance before January 1st, they couldn’t give a straight answer.

“And that’s why Republicans are going to maintain our focus where it belongs – on the people we represent on the issues that truly matter to them. Because our constituents understand that Obamacare is about so much more than a website.

“The Administration needs to start understanding that too.

“Fixing a few lines of code isn’t going to help people keep the plans they like – plans that work for their families.

“It isn’t going to help our constituents afford the law’s exorbitant premiums and deductibles.

“It isn’t going to help our constituents cope with fewer choices and lower quality of care.

“These are the things that actually matter to the middle class.

“So the Administration and its allies in Congress can talk until they’re hoarse about a website, or about nominees, or about whatever else they think they can say to distract Americans from the failures of this law.

“But it isn’t going to work.

“And to the millions of Americans suffering under Obamacare, you should know that Republicans are on your side.

“We’re going to keep fighting for true health reform that lowers costs, for reform that promotes choice and a better quality of care. And we’re going to keep fighting against the idea that government knows better than you do when it comes to your family’s health care. That’s what our constituents expect of us. I know it’s what Kentuckians expect.

“And that’s just what Republicans are going to continue to do.”