Recent Press Releases

‘This is the kind of balanced plan Americans are looking for. It’s focused on helping middle-class Americans without asking them to fund benefits for the wealthiest among us — and it does so without hamstringing the economy, as the Democrats would, with a permanent tax on job creators. And it also helps rein in bureaucracy in Washington. Millions of Americans have had to go without or to live with less over the past few years, yet all they see here is that Washington just keeps getting bigger and richer. It’s about time Washington took the hit for a change.’
‘So Republicans will put aside their misgivings and support this extension, not because we believe as the President does that another short-term stimulus will turn this economy around. But because we know it will give some relief to struggling workers out there who continue to need it nearly three years into this presidency. Americans shouldn’t have to suffer any more than they already are for the Democrats’ failed economic policies. Republicans reject the idea that the way to help people is for the government to write them a check every once in a while or adjust their pay stub at a time of our choosing. We think it’s time to get past the idea that government should be the sole arbiter of people’s futures and livelihoods. We need to get government out of the business of picking winners and losers. And that’s why Republicans think the real answer is broad-based tax reform that clears out the deductions and the loopholes and the special carve-outs for those who are rich enough or politically-connected enough to benefit from them.’
‘As I’ve pointed out again and again, the House has been busy all year passing bipartisan jobs bills…that we could rally around in a sign of unity and common concern for the millions of Americans who are looking for jobs.There’s no reason we shouldn’t focus on passing these bills rather than using the Senate floor as a stage for symbolic show-votes that we know won’t lead to anything except more tension and political acrimony. We should do what we were sent here to do — and that means more bill signings and fewer bus tours.’