Recent Press Releases

‘Now, you’d think the President would welcome a proposal like ours. Given his complaints, and those of his cabinet secretaries about their hands being tied on cuts, you’d think he’d be banging on our doors demanding flexibility. But now – get this – he’s complaining that having extra authority might mean he’d actually have to choose which programs to preserve and which ones to cut. That he’d have to prioritize spending within the federal government. Well, with all due respect, Mr. President, I think a lot of people who voted for you think it’s your job to make tough decisions – especially tough decisions to implement the plan you yourself proposed and insisted upon.’
‘So today, as Americans, we’re united in re-imagining Rosa Louise Parks clutching her purse in those tense moments as Montgomery City Bus #2857 rolled down Cleveland Avenue. And we are reminded of the power of simple acts of courage. On an otherwise ordinary evening in Montgomery, she did the extraordinary by simply staying put. And, in the process, she helped all of us discover something about ourselves, and about the great regenerative capacity of America. We have had the humility as a nation to recognize past mistakes, and we have had the strength to confront those mistakes. But it has always required people like Rosa Parks to help get us there. Because of the changes she helped set into motion, entire generations of Americans have been able to grow up in a nation where segregated busses only exist in museums, where children of every race are free to fulfill their God-given potential, and where this simple carpenter’s daughter from Tuskegee is honored as a national hero. What a story. What a legacy. What a country.’
‘Look: We know that most Americans think Washington’s spending problem should be addressed by cutting spending. So when the President goes off to campaign for higher taxes instead of working with Republicans to replace the sequester with smarter cuts and when Senate Democrats put forward tax-hike gimmicks instead of negotiating serious spending-cut solutions, Americans feel like they’re not being listened to. And they have reason to be upset. They sent a divided government here to Washington. They expect it to work. The President may not like that fact, he may wish things were different, but he wasn’t elected to work with the Congress he wants. He was elected to work with the Congress he has. And that means working with both parties to get things done. It means leaving the gimmicks behind and working with us to hammer out a smarter solution to his sequester.’