Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy (113th Congress)

Jurisdiction includes All matters relating to soil and water contamination; The regulation of solid, hazardous, and nuclear wastes; The regulation of industrial plant security; The regulation of drinking water; and, The regulation of toxic substances and noise.



Paul Tonko, New York, Ranking Member
Frank Pallone, Jr., New Jersey
Gene Green, Texas
Diana DeGette, Colorado
Lois Capps, California
Jerry McNerney, California
John D. Dingell, Michigan 
Jan Schakowsky, Illinois
John Barrow, Georgia
Doris O. Matsui, California
Henry A. Waxman, California (Ex Officio)
John Shimkus, Illinois, Chair
Phil Gingrey, Georgia, Vice Chair
Ralph Hall, Texas
Ed Whitfield, Kentucky
Joe Pitts, Pennsylvania
Tim Murphy, Pennsylvania
Bob Latta, Ohio
Gregg Harper, Mississippi
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana
David McKinley, West Virginia
Gus Bilirakis, Florida
Joe Barton, Texas
Fred Upton, Michigan (Ex Officio)