Susan participates in a beach cleanup with constituents at Crystal Pier.

Office Contact Information

Washington Office
U.S. House of Representatives
1526 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2040
Fax: (202) 225-2948

San Diego Office
2700 Adams Avenue Suite 102
San Diego CA 92116
Phone: (619) 280-5353
Fax: (619) 280-5311


Susan understands how important it is to preserve America’s environment. She feels a great sense of responsibility to protect our nation’s natural resources for future generations. That’s why she continually cosponsors legislation and supports efforts that protect wildlife, preserve wilderness, safeguard our rivers and wetlands, save our oceans and beaches, and care for our National Parks and Forests. Another big legislative focus for Susan has been issues related to climate change.

Environmental Rating

The Congresswoman has unwaveringly fought against harmful anti-environmental legislation and draconian cuts to vital conservation programs. The annual scorecard of the League of Conservation Voters (LCV), which surveys the most import votes on environmental issues, has consistently given Susan exemplary scores for her votes on the environment. Read more here.

Climate Change

Scientific discovery has allowed us to understand new threats to the environment and human health in the form of toxic chemicals and the buildup of greenhouse gases causing climate change.  Through speeches and her support of related legislation, Susan has spoken out about California’s wildfires, drought and rising sea level – all observable consequences of climate change.  Susan has cosigned letters to the EPA about concerns over the new Renewable Fuel Standards and Super Pollutants.  She is also a vocal supporter of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan.  An outdoor enthusiast, Susan has been a longtime supporter of biking, hiking and walking trails throughout San Diego.  She recognizes the need to reduce our anthropogenic impact on the quality of the air we breathe and the world we live in.

Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC)

Susan is a proud member of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC), a focused, action-based caucus whose purpose is to advance policies that promote sustainability, clean energy technology innovation and domestic manufacturing, renewable energy resource development, and green job creation. Read more about SEEC here.


Susan believes we must make renewable energy a key component of our nation’s energy policy. Developing and promoting the use of renewable energy is critical to reducing global warming, cleaning our air, reducing our dependency on fossil fuels and creating American Jobs.  
San Diego is already a leader on this front when it comes to solar technology. Renewable energy investment also contributes to energy independence, and that is why Susan is supportive of the Navy’s efforts to pursue bio-fuel and solar technologies, as well as other local efforts to expand our renewable energy portfolio.

Congresswoman Davis recognizes the connection between the production of American energy and the strength of the American economy. She feels that energy production should not come at the expense of the environment, and that there are technologies that will allow us to utilize domestic resources in an environmentally responsible manner.  Susan thinks it’s important for Congress to come together and find workable solutions, and she continues to stand firm in working toward a future that provides a cleaner, safer, and healthier environment for future generations. That is why she cosponsored five bills that were recently introduced to protect the environment and public health from pollution created by hydraulic fracturing and other oil and gas production. These bills, commonly referred to as the Frack Pack, aim to close loopholes related to fracking in the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and also in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

Protecting Endangered Species and Wildlife

It’s important to protect species that are increasingly endangered due to habitat destruction, overhunting, pollution, and climate change. Susan has supported legislation to stop the importation of polar bear parts as hunting trophies, protect wilderness areas, and prevent the slaughter of wild horses. In fact, she was named a “Humane Advocate” for her work to protect animals. In addition, she has supported science-based conservation and restoration efforts for Columbia River salmon and the Mexican gray wolf. Read more about Susan’s work relating to animal welfare by clicking here.

Saving Our Oceans and Beaches

As San Diegans, our oceans and beaches are our most precious natural treasures and keeping them clean and safe has always been a personal priority for Susan. That’s why she’s a member of the Congressional Oceans Caucus and has repeatedly cosponsored legislation to prohibit environmentally harmful oil drilling off the California coast.

Preserving Our Wild Spaces

The supply of pristine, unspoiled land in this country is dwindling, and much of that remains vulnerable to environmental hazards, like gas and oil exploration and off-road vehicles. These wilderness areas are home to some of the most stunning natural beauty left in the world, which is why she has urged the Secretary of the Interior to protect some of these areas from destructive oil and gas development. Susan has worked hard prevent giveaways of natural resources to the timber, oil and mineral industries. She has also been vocal about the need to protect environmental legislative safeguards like the National Environmental Policy Act, which is consistently being stripped in proposed legislation.

Susan was a proud original cosponsor of National Forest Roadless Area Conservation Act, which would help prevent road construction through parts of our National Forest system that are currently roadless. She has also cosponsored legislation to designate millions of acres of lands across the country – including the Skykomish Valley in Washington and the Colorado Plateau in Utah – as wilderness areas.

Safeguarding Our Rivers and Wetlands

Because rivers often serve as the primary water supply for many communities and wetlands act as natural water filters, Susan has always treated the protection of these waterways not only as a matter of habitat preservation, but also as a public health issue. Susan has supported the Clean Water Restoration Act and the Clean Water Protection Act to both expand the amount of wetlands protected by the landmark 1977 Clean Water Act and prohibit the practice of dumping mining debris into rivers and lakes. She recently signed onto a Clean Water Act letter to the EPA asking for increased protection to all of our nation’s waterways.  Susan believes that it is imperative that we protect our delicate ecosystems and safeguard the quality of our water supply.

Caring for Our National Parks and Forests

America’s National Parks and National Forests are some of our nation’s greatest natural treasures. Susan has always been a strong advocate for maintaining and caring for these preservation areas, which include the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the Tongass National Forest, and Yellowstone National Park. As funding for these natural and national treasures comes under fire, Susan will continue to fight to keep them open and preserved for everyone to experience for generations to come.