Marriage Protection

A strong family unit is the bedrock of a healthy society. Many of the important issues facing American families today are the subject of legislation being addressed in Congress. Issues such as family and dating violence intervention, awareness and prevention; child predators—online or in person; methamphetamine and other illicit drug abuse awareness and prevention; protection of unborn children; and, preservation of marriage all affect the state of our families. We must stand guard against destructive behavior and policies that threaten to harm our families and our children, and we must support healthy, morally-sound relationships, free from physical and emotional abuse and drug abuse.

Having led efforts to raise awareness of teen dating violence and established the first full week in February as National Teen Dating Violence Prevention Week in 2005, I continue to be actively involved in generating public awareness about family and dating violence. I will continue to promote legislation and initiatives that help victims stand against some of the most difficult problems facing families today, and help victims’ advocates promote awareness and education about how to move beyond tragedy to healing.

Last updated 04/23/2013