U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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  • Senator Coons applauds Senate progress on Sportsmen’s Act

    Senator Coons applauded the Senate’s progress in advancing the Sportsmen’s Act, on Tuesday with a 92-5 vote to invoke cloture. The legislation includes 20 conservation, hunting and fishing bills, including the reauthorization of important domestic and international wildlife and habitat conservation programs, changes to conservation programs such as creating a mechanism to update the Duck Stamp and improvements to access for hunters and fisherman.

    “Protecting Delaware’s pristine wildlife and natural resources is all of our responsibility,” Chris said. “The Sportsmen’s Act will help preserve these resources for hunting, fishing, camping, cycling and wildlife viewing – outdoor activities that contribute billions of dollars each year to our local economy. We must continue to protect these natural resources so they can be enjoyed by future generations of Delawareans.”

    The North American Wetlands Conservation Reauthorization Act (NAWCA), one of two provisions that Chris co-sponsors, currently funds eight projects in Delaware that have conserved a total of 7,528 acres of wildlife habitat. NAWCA has awarded more than $4 million in funds that stimulated partner contributions of more than $7.5 million. Delaware also benefits from three multi-state NAWCA projects that have conserved 45,500 acres of wildlife habitat on the Chesapeake Bay.

    “Ducks Unlimited commends Senator Coons for supporting the Sportsmen’s Act of 2012, which will reauthorize critical conservation programs such as the North American Wetlands Conservation Act and allow for an increase in the Federal Duck Stamp,” said Ducks Unlimited Delaware State Chairman Clif Bakhsh of Middletown.  “NAWCA and the federal Duck Stamp provide the financial resources that allow groups like DU to protect and restore waterfowl habitat across the country. DU is hopeful Senator Coons can help push this bipartisan legislation through the Senate so future generations of sportsmen and women can enjoy our wonderful natural resources.”

    The Senate is expected to vote on final passage of the Sportsmen’s Act on Thursday.

    Chesapeake Bay