Jason Altmire

Jason Altmire


Proudly Serving Pennsylvania's 4th District in the United States Congress

Pittsburgh, PA · http://www.altmire.house.gov

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Thanks to for joining our call today, we appreciate your time discussing such an important issue

The American unemployment rate has dropped from 7.9% to 7.7%, its lowest level since December 2008

I'll be on Fox Business at noon with my colleague, , for a bipartisan discussion on the fiscal cliff. Be sure to tune in!

Congrats Florida State Seminoles - ACC champions in both football and basketball!

Our annual guide to Thanksgiving dinner, in case you sit beside the uncle who forwards you chain emails

National Medals for Museum & Library Service ceremony is today. Congrats to Shaler North Hills library, a 2012 winner!

Spent AM w/ Congressman-elect Rothfus @ parade; will keep working together during transition for our constituents

Thanks for the warm reception in Beaver Falls @ the Veterans Day Parade. I was proud to be there & honor our Veterans.

The path forward for the Republican Party lies in a return to the centre, not further regression


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