Jason Altmire

Jason Altmire


Proudly Serving Pennsylvania's 4th District in the United States Congress

Pittsburgh, PA · http://www.altmire.house.gov

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

I'll be on Fox Business at noon with my colleague, , for a bipartisan discussion on the fiscal cliff. Be sure to tune in!

Our annual guide to Thanksgiving dinner, in case you sit beside the uncle who forwards you chain emails

National Medals for Museum & Library Service ceremony is today. Congrats to Shaler North Hills library, a 2012 winner!

Spent AM w/ Congressman-elect Rothfus @ parade; will keep working together during transition for our constituents

Thanks for the warm reception in Beaver Falls @ the Veterans Day Parade. I was proud to be there & honor our Veterans.

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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