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  • Thornberry statement on tax relief bill
    Dec 17, 2010  - “It is absolutely essential for the health of our economy and for working families that we stop any tax increase. The bill passed last night does that. Ninety-three percent of the bill extends current tax law or, in the case of the payroll tax cut, provides additional tax relief. The rest of it cons... More
  • Thornberry tapped to serve as Vice Chairman of Armed Services Committee
    Dec 15, 2010  - U.S. Congressman Mac Thornberry (R-Clarendon) was today nominated by Speaker-designate John Boehner to be the Vice Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee in the 112th Congress. He will also serve as the Chairman of the Terrorism, Unconventional Threats, and Capabilities subcommittee. The Hou... More
  • What happens when Washington knows best
    Oct 18, 2010  - It has been a little over six months since the health care reform bill passed Congress and was signed into law. Already we are seeing some effects of the new health law on the health insurance market. Premiums are rising, coverage for part-time employees might become a thing of the past, and some in... More
  • Thornberry Statement on Congress' Adjournment
    Sep 30, 2010  - U.S. Congressman Mac Thornberry released the following statement after Congress voted last night to adjourn until after the November elections: "This Congress voted last night to go home and campaign, leaving the American people hanging. It is the height of irresponsibility. "It is a Congress that d... More
  • Rep. Thornberry Discusses Intelligence Policy
    Sep 30, 2010  - Congressman Thornberry discussed intelligence policy during the debate on the fiscal year 2011 (FY 2011)intelligence authorization bill. Return to "Video: Legislation" selections More
  • THORNBERRY: ‘Better-than-nothing’ is irresponsible lawmaking strategy
    Sep 29, 2010  - Washington, D.C. – Congressman Mac Thornberry (TX-13), a senior Member of the House Intelligence and Armed Services Committees, tonight issued the following statement opposing the FY10 Intelligence Authorization Bill: “This bill has had an unfortunate history, caught up in controversies involving wh... More
  • A Pledge to America
    Sep 23, 2010  - This morning I helped unveil the House Republicans' Pledge to America. This plan offers a set of specific solutions to create jobs, rein in spending, change the way Congress works, and keep America safe and secure. It is the product of several months of back-and-forth with the American people includ... More
  • Thornberry Gold Star Parents Bill Passes the U.S. Senate
    Sep 21, 2010  - A bill sponsored by U.S. Congressman Mac Thornberry (TX-13) to expand access to State Veterans’ Homes to parents whose son or daughter died while serving in the Armed Forces passed the U.S. Senate late Monday. The bill unanimously passed the U.S. House on June 30, 2010. “Adding a little common sense... More
  • Thornberry, Texas Republicans Co-Introduce Legislation to Repeal Education Language that Singles out Texas Schools
    Sep 14, 2010  - U.S. Congressman Mac Thornberry, along with members of the Texas Republican delegation today co-introduced legislation that repeals language in the education funding bill which could prevent Texas from receiving its fair share of federal education funding. H.R. 6108 calls to strike a paragraph, whic... More
  • Why is Washington Tone Deaf When it Comes to the Economy?
    Sep 10, 2010  - After twenty months and more than a trillion dollars of “stimulus” spending since the President took office, the number one issue in the country remains jobs and the economy. All of the borrowed money and new programs pushed by the Obama Administration and the Democrats in Congress have not worked. ... More

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