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United States House of Representatives Radio-Television Correpondents' Gallery
United States House of Representatives Radio-Television Correspondents' Gallery podium in the Gallery
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Press Conference Locations

House Gallery Studios

The Radio-TV Gallery's new Capitol Visitor Center studios in HVC 114 (HVC Studio A) and HVC 110 (HVC Studio B) are available for news conferences subject to the following Gallery rules:

  1. A member must be invited by a broadcast journalist who guarantees to cover the event. This is to prevent your Member from coming to the studio and having no one there to cover their comments. Print journalists are allowed to be in the studio but may not invite members themselves.
  2. Only members of congress may be interviewed in the studio. If your Member wishes to have other people attend or participate, arrange the event at another location. Consider reserving a committee or private room in the Capitol or one of the office buildings or, in nice weather, the House Triangle (see below).
  3. Only accredited journalists are allowed in the studio for the interviews. Please do not invite others because it is awkward for everyone when we have to exclude them. Staff of participating members may be allowed in the studio if space permits. In your advisory announcing the Gallery news conference, be sure to specify only accredited media are eligible attend.
HVC Studio A HVC Studio B
HVC Studio A (HVC 114)
HVC Studio B (HVC 110)

House Triangle

Located in the grassy triangle on the House side of the Capitol's East Front, the House Triangle is equipped with a permanent podium for press conferences and shared with accredited television media organizations doing live shots. Members wishing to schedule an event at the Triangle must contact the Gallery for availability.  Participants should be limited due to the modest amount of space. Offices are requested NOT to use sound amplification systems given the Triangle's proximity to the Capitol and its offices. Non-members are allowed to participate in events as long as a member of Congress sponsors the event and is in attendance.

House Triangle

HC Rooms

The Speaker’s Office controls scheduling for all meeting rooms in the HC area except HC-9, which is under the control of the Republican Leader.  HC-5, HC-6 and HC-9 are the only HC rooms equipped for live feeds.

Committee Rooms

Most committee rooms are suitable locations for press conferences.  Contact the committee of ownership for more information about booking.  Rooms equipped for live feeds are always preferred by broadcasters.  Consult our committee room information sheet for more details.

Using the Gallery