Democratic Caucus's Senate Journal

Senate Republicans Are Playing Politics on Immigration

Senate Republicans’ immigration amendments to the budget are part of an effort to use immigration as a wedge issue in the 2008 elections. But it hasn’t worked. Poll after poll has shown that most Americans do not support their divisive, extreme position on immigration and instead support tough, fair, and practical comprehensive immigration reform. Results at the ballot box for immigration hard-liners have been hard to come by, even in the Republican Presidential primary. Democrats support comprehensive immigration reform and believe we should be legislating on this important issue instead of playing politics.

Posted: 03/13/08 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Senator Kennedy On Immigration After Cloture Vote

Senator Edward M. Kennedy spoke on the Senate floor today after cloture vote.

Posted: 06/28/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Needs Tough, Fair, and Practical Immigration Reform

America's immigration system is broken. Ineffective enforcement and inadequate pathways to legal immigration have led to a skyrocketing number of illegal immigrants. It is estimated that nearly 12 million people live in this country without authorization, with an additional 500,000 settling each year. Last year, the Senate passed a comprehensive, bipartisan measure to address this problem, but it was blocked by House Republicans. The American people deserve better. The Democratic Policy Committee recently released a fact sheet titled, "America Needs Tough, Fair, and Practical Immigration Reform."

Posted: 05/21/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

Reid: Democrats Will Fix Immigration System In Tough, Fair, Practical Way

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada made the following statement earlier this morning on the floor of the U.S. Senate:

Posted: 05/11/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Needs Tough, Fair and Practical Immigration Reform

America's immigration system is broken. Ineffective enforcement and inadequate pathways to legal immigration have led to a skyrocketing number of illegal immigrants. It is estimated that nearly 12 million people live in this country without authorization, with an additional 500,000 settling each year. Last year, the Senate passed a comprehensive, bipartisan measure to address this problem, but it was blocked by House Republicans. The American people deserved better. In the 110th Congress, Democrats have made immigration reform that is tough, fair and practical a top priority. As the Senate's scheduled debate on this issue approaches, it is important to remember why fixing our broken immigration system is important to our nation.

Posted: 05/09/07 by SDCC Staff | Permalink

America Speaks Out on the Iraq War

Today in the Senate
December 2, 2010:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. Following Leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. The Majority will control the first 30 minutes and the Republicans will control the next 30 minutes. 


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