

Senator Lieberman's Constituent Service Center offers help in the following areas:

National Preparedness Month

As we continue to pick up the pieces after of Hurricane Katrina, federal, state and local governments have an ongoing responsibility to improve our national emergency management system, and ensure that citizens are prepared for potential disasters.

I am proud to serve as an honorary co-chair for National Preparedness Month in September 2006, a nationwide effort to encourage individuals, businesses and families to take simple steps to prepare themselves for what we hope will never happen.

To help in this effort, I am providing a list of resources to help you prepare and make plans in case of an emergency. I hope the message of civilian preparedness is one that you will share with your co-workers, friends, and family. Together we can make America safer.

CT Guide to Emergency Preparedness is provided by the State government of Connecticut to serve as a practical guide to emergency preparedness for Connecticut families. is a Federal Government site with official information about National Preparedness Month. also includes links to asist individuals with disabilities and senior citizens, and contact information for Connecticut state/local civilian preparedness departments and groups.

FEMA guide: Are You Ready? is FEMA's most comprehensive guide to civilian preparedness. The guide can be read in chapters or as a PDF document. En Español.

30 Tips for Emergency Preparedness from the US Department of Homeland Security.

FEMA "Plan Ahead" is a general page provided by FEMA with informative links on preparing for all kinds of emergencies, both natural and man-made.

Connecticut Red Cross Chapters

Photo of an American Flag flying above the US Capitol Building.



Photo of Senator Lieberman and an intern in the Washington office.





Fun & Games



Photo of the US Capitol Building.
