U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

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Impact Aid
I support adequate funding for the federal Impact Aid program, which helps to defray the cost of providing free public education to children on so-called "federally impacted" land, including military bases, Native American trust or treaty land, and communities with low-rent housing or large civil service complexes. This funding is vital to providing students access to education in more than 20 school districts in Wisconsin. For these reasons, I joined the Senate's Impact Aid Coalition in 1997. I will continue to fight for adequate funding for the Impact Aid program.

After-School Programs
It is important that after-school programs, which provide safe, enriching after school care, receive adequate funding. All too often, funding for these programs is cut, even though the benefits to students participating in these programs are invaluable. I have worked to obtain adequate funding for after-school programs, which provide athletic, creative, and academically stimulating activities, and which offer hard working families a safe place for their children to go after school.

Wisconsin's Student Achievement Guarantee in Education (SAGE) program
I take great pride in Wisconsin's Student Achievement Guarantee in Education (SAGE) program, which works to reduce public school class size in the earliest grades. This program continues to serve as a model for other states hoping to implement successful education reforms in their public schools. I will continue to work to ensure that federal efforts to reduce class size in the earliest grades complement the SAGE program and do not limit the progress Wisconsin continues to make in improving its public education programs.

Private School Vouchers
I believe that we have a responsibility to strengthen all of our public schools so that every child is assured of the opportunity for a good education. I oppose using taxpayer money to fund private school vouchers because I do not believe that this approach will strengthen public schools. I am concerned that voucher programs will leave our most vulnerable children behind. We can and must do better for all of our children, and I do not believe that vouchers will, in the end, best serve Wisconsin’s students.

No Child Left Behind Act
Student Testing
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Teacher Quality
Other K-12 Education Issues
Higher Education

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