U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

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We owe it to our military personnel and their families to provide them with decent facilities and housing. Congress also owes it to the American people to support an effective, efficient military that uses taxpayer dollars wisely. For these reasons, I strongly support additional base closures. We should continue to reassess our base structure  to ensure that we are making the best use of our defense facilities. By closing bases that are no longer needed, we can help to ensure that our military personnel and their families are not being forced to live and work in hazardous conditions.

I support legislation authored by Senators John McCain (R-Arizona) and Carl Levin (D-Michigan), to authorize two rounds of base closings in addition to the base closings that passed Congress, and that I voted to support, during the 1990s. In 2001, McCain-Levin was partially incorporated into the Department of Defense (DoD) authorization bill, which authorized one round of base closings in 2005.

The Department of Defense estimates that the past base closings have each saved about $1.5 billion per round per year. DoD estimates that future rounds would save about the same.

Enforcing Budget Discipline
Ending Automatic Pay Raise for Members of Congress
Reducing the Number of Political Appointees
Reducing Irrigation Subsidies to Large Agribusinesses
Military Base Closings

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