Member Directory
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To view Members by state, select a state from the drop down menu:
Official Lists
- Mailing Labels
Download Official Mailing Labels of Member Addresses.
- MS Word
(PC format, Avery #5160)* - Word Perfect
(PC format, Avery #5160)* - Excel Spreadsheet
- ASCII Text File*
* Right-click the mouse to download, choose Save Link As
- MS Word
- Member Telephone Directory Official Member Telephone Directory. [HTML | PDF]
- Official Alphabetical List of Members
Official list of Members, including state and district information.
[HTML | PDF] - Official List of Members by State Official list of Members by state. [HTML | PDF]
- Official Alphabetical List of Members with Committee Assignments Official list of Members and their committee assignments. [HTML | PDF ]
- List of Duplicate and Similar Names of Members [PDF ]
- List of Members by Seniority [PDF ]
- Constitutional Oath of Office List of Members who have taken the Constitutional Oath of Office. [HTML | PDF ]
- Oath for Access to Classified Information View the names of Members who executed the oath for access to classified information. [HTML | PDF ]
- Miscellaneous House Telephone Directory [PDF]
- Senate Telephone Directory [PDF]
Write Your Representative
Identify and contact your Representative using the Write Your Representative feature on the House Web site.
Current Vacancies
Find out which Congressional districts are currently vacant.
Official Duties
House Ethics Manual
For Members, officers, and employees of the House. Includes the Code of Official Conduct and the Code of Ethics for Government Service.