Mike Thompson United States Congressman - First District of California

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Energy Independence/Alternative Energy

Now more than ever, our nation needs an energy policy that will enhance our national security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil. To do this, we must reduce our reliance on fossil fuels with increased conservation, fuel efficiency and development of alternative energy sources. We have only three percent of the world's petroleum reserves and consume twenty five percent of the world's oil. It will take more than an increase in domestic oil production to move our nation to energy independence.

It makes good economic sense to use our energy resources more wisely and efficiently. Stronger energy efficiency standards for buildings and appliances can lower our energy costs and extend the life of our current energy supply. Also, stronger Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, the fuel efficiency standards for vehicles, will save millions of barrels of oil a year. We have the technology to do this. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) found that existing technology can improve automobile and light truck fuel economy with net savings to consumers. Moreover, NAS stated that technologies not considered in their study, such as diesels and hybrids, could provide a 20-40 percent improvement in fuel economy in existing models.

We should also encourage the development of alternative energy sources. As a member of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus, I support policies that encourage the development of clean and renewable energy sources such as solar, geothermal, biodiesel and wind power through tax credits and funding for research and development. The federal government has made some notable efforts to encourage the use of these energy alternatives, but more work needs to be done.

Our need for a balanced and effective energy policy has never been greater. Our national security as well as the health of our economy can no longer be dependent on costly foreign oil. You may be certain that I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress to bring about fundamental changes in our nation's energy policy.

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Related Newsroom Documents

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Article: "Mike Thompson Meets with Locals", 9/7/2006

Thompson Responds to State of the Union Address, 1/31/2006