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Congresswoman Bordallo Honors Filipino WWII Veterans

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—September 19, 2006—Washington, DC

In honor of Filipino World War II Veterans, Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo today supported House Resolution 622 by making remarks on the House Floor to recognize the veterans for their bravery and commitment to freedom and democracy in WWII. Addressing the Speaker and her colleagues, Congresswoman Bordallo called for the acknowledgement of the Filipino soldiers that fought side-by-side with the U.S. Armed Forces to secure the cause of America against attacks on Pearl Harbor, Guam and the Philippines.

Over sixty years since the first battle was waged, the resolution today represents the gratitude of the nation to these much deserving Filipino soldiers.

“It is important that we recognize the Filipino veterans and express our appreciation for their sacrifices, contributions and accomplishments,” Bordallo said. “I am proud of this legislation and I urge my colleagues to honor Filipino veterans by voting in favor of this resolution.”

The full text of Congresswoman Bordallo’s remarks given the September 19, 2006 follows:


Mr. Speaker, during World War II, the War in the Pacific began with attacks on the United States on December 7, 1941, including the bombing of Pearl Harbor, attacks on the Philippine Islands and the invasion of Guam.  Within days of these attacks, our nation and our allies mobilized for war.  The United States and the Philippines united behind the cause of democracy and we are proud of the support of the Filipinos during that difficult time.  This is why I rise today in support of House Resolution 622, to recognize and honor the Filipino World War II veterans for their defense of democratic ideals and their important contribution to the outcome of World War II.   

Ultimate victory belonged to the cause of freedom and therefore to the American and Filipino people. Having suffered a brutal occupation, Filipinos and Guamanians alike were liberated in the march to allied victory in World War II.

Filipino soldiers and civilians fought, sacrificed and died side-by-side with members of the U.S. Armed Forces throughout the course of the World War II.  Loyal to the American flag and to the ideals which our country represented, Filipinos fought with notable skill, dedication, and heroism.  We honor their commitment to freedom and democracy.    

Over sixty years later, we pause today to remember the valor and the commitment to freedom displayed by Filipinos who fought the invading forces alongside their American brothers in arms.  With this resolution we also proclaim our deep debt of gratitude for their service and share the disappointment that our nation has not fully honored Filipino World War II veterans as have we have honored our own.  It is important that we recognize the Filipino veterans and express our appreciation for their sacrifices, contributions and accomplishments.   

I am a proud sponsor of this legislation.  I urge my colleagues to honor Filipino veterans by voting in favor of this resolution to honor the Filipino World War II veterans for their defense of freedom and their important contributions to our nation in World War II.


Contact: Joseph E. Duenas in Washington, D.C. at 202-225-1188 or Joy James at

671-477-4272/4. or


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