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Congresswoman Bordallo Celebrates Philippine Centennial in 2006


Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo joined her colleagues today in recognizing the centennial of sustained immigration from the Philippines to the United States.  The year 2006 marks this occasion.

“Since they first arrived in the United States in 1587, Filipinos have made extraordinary contributions to our nation’s economy, history, politics, and culture.  Our island has many Filipino-Americans that are important leaders in the business community, public servants in the local legislature, and servicemen and women in the U.S. Armed Forces,” Bordallo stated.

As part of her support for the recognition of the centennial of sustained immigration from the Philippines, Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo co-sponsored House Concurrent Resolution 218.  H.Con.Res. 218 was introduced last year by Congressman Ed Case of Hawaii to acknowledge the contributions of Filipino-Americans to the United States.  This legislation passed the House of Representatives on December 13, 2005, and passed the Senate by unanimous consent on December 15, 2005. 

“There are over 70 Filipino organizations on Guam, and I want to especially recognize their contributions to our island community.  The organizations raise funds to benefit non-profit organizations on the island, and they also advance the professional and civic interests of the Filipino-American community in Guam,” Bordallo concluded.

The Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. has developed a special exhibit to mark this occasion.  Exhibits showcasing the contributions and lives of Filipino-Americans are also occurring in communities across the country this year.


Contact: Alicia Chon in Washington, D.C. at (202) 225-1188 or Joseph Duenas in Guam at (671) 477-4272/4.

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