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Congresswoman Bordallo Honors the Contributions of Guam’s Korean American Community on Korean American Day

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—January 13, 2006—Hagåtña, Guam—

Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo paid special recognition today to Korean Americans in Guam and throughout the United States upon the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the arrival of the first Korean immigrants to the United States. Congresswoman Bordallo co-sponsored House Resolution 487, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives last month before adjournment of the First Session of the 109th Congress, and which aims to support the goals and ideas of a Korean American Day in honor of the contributions of Korean Americans throughout the United States.

“The resolution passed by the House, which I cosponsored as a proud member of the Korean Caucus, urges all Americans to observe Korean American Day so that we can reflect upon and appreciate the invaluable contributions Korean Americans have made to our communities.

In Guam, we know first-hand the strength and vibrancy of the Korean American community. Many Korean Americans have made Guam home over the past three decades. Today, they are an integral part of our island family. Today, we celebrate the richness of their culture, their traditions, their accomplishments, and their contributions to our community.

As small business owners, civic and religious leaders, medical and educational professionals, Korean Americans have contributed immensely to the economic, social and political growth and development of Guam.

“On this occasion, I want to especially recognize the Korean Association of Guam. The Association serves as an important welcoming support group for new immigrants from Korea to our island. They also advance the professional and civic interests of the Korean American community in Guam,” said Congresswoman Bordallo, who met with the Association in November to discuss issues of mutual interest and to recognize their accomplishments.

In 2003, Congresswoman Bordallo traveled to Korea as part of the official U.S.-Republic of Korean Interparliamentary Exchange. The Exchange provides Members of Congress, and their counterparts in the Korean National Assembly, a forum to discuss issues central to the U.S.-South Korean relationship including issues pertaining to security, trade, and political development.

“Through the continued efforts and contributions of Korean Americans, our nation’s and our island’s ties with Korea will be strengthened in the years to come,” Bordallo stated.

Congresswoman Bordallo is currently hosting Congressman Michael Honda, Chairman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC), on Guam. Congressman Honda is on Guam at Congresswoman Bordallo’s invitation to learn of and address issues important to the larger Asian and Pacific Islander (APIA) community on Guam. Korean Americans make up an significant part of this APIA community, and Congressman Honda joins Congresswoman Bordallo in recognizing their contributions on this special day.

This is the third year that Korean American Day has been celebrated nationally. January 13th was selected by the Centennial Committees of Korean Immigration and Korean Americans because it was on that day in 1903 that 102 pioneer immigrants arrived in Hawaii from Korea. Recognition of this day is spreading each year across the United States and Congresswoman Bordallo congratulates the Korean Association of Guam on this occasion.


Contact: Alicia Chon in Washington, D.C. at (202) 225-1188 or Joseph Duenas in Guam at (671) 477-4272/4.

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