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Congresswoman Bordallo Recalls the Heroes of September 11th on the Fifth Anniversary

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—September 11, 2006—Washington, DC

In honor of the fifth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, tragedy, Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo yesterday paid tribute to those who lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks that day by entering remarks into the Congressional Record.

“I was acting governor at the time,” Bordallo said. “I was wakened late that night by a phone call from Civil Defense with the news of the attacks, and I remember the sense of shock on realizing what had occurred in New York and Washington D.C.

“On this anniversary we recall the diligence displayed by our first responders, the Office of Civil Defense, the Guam Police Department, the Airport Authority officials, and the other airport police and law enforcement personnel that helped secure our island, our airport, and our residents in the days that followed.  We also recall the service of our National Guard personnel who were mobilized and deployed to the airport to provide for increased security and safety at the terminal.”

“Today, commercial aviation has rebounded and remains critical for transportation to and from our island.  We commend GIAA employees, airline personnel, flight crews, air traffic controllers, TSA screeners, customs and law enforcement authorities, and our first responders for their professionalism.  Their service has made flying safe and possible, even in the face of new danger and threats posed since the September 11th attacks,” Bordallo concluded. 

The full text of Congresswoman Bordallo’s remarks as printed in the September 8, 2006, Congressional Record follow:


Mr. Speaker,

            I rise today upon the fifth anniversary of September 11, 2001, in solemn remembrance of those who lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks that befell our beloved country on that tragic day.  Americans awoke that day to witness sudden, deliberate, unconventional and planned attacks on our country and on the ideals of freedom and democracy that we cherish and hold dear to our hearts.  On Guam, we were ending our day due to the time zone difference.  We tuned to the live television news coverage of the attacks and watched in disbelief as the events unfolded.

The scenes from the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and on the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and the crash of United Airlines Flight 93 in the fields of Shanksville, Pennsylvania, are etched into our memories.  Many of us remember where we were that day when we first learned of the attacks, who we were with, where we first sought refuge and consolation, and where we turned in the days that followed to offer our support to those that lost loved ones, to donate blood, or to simply lend a helping hand in a remembrance project. 

On this anniversary we recall the 3,031 innocent individuals whose lives were lost as a result of these terrorist attacks.  We remember the valor of those who came face to face with the terrorists on the hijacked commercial airplanes, the courage of those trapped inside the targeted buildings, and the bravery of the first responders who came to their rescue.  We remember the dedication of the personnel from the Port Authority of New York and the Federal Aviation Administration who worked under extreme pressure that day to safeguard our transportation networks and to protect the lives of passengers, pilots, and flight crews en route and in the air.  Their professionalism brought control and command in an environment threatened with chaos and distress. 

            On Monday, September 11, 2006, the people of Guam will join the rest of the country in remembering and mourning the innocent victims of the terrorist attacks, as well as the brave men and women who gave of their lives trying to save others in the aftermath.

            The events of September 11, 2001, have helped strengthen our country.  Today, we are more resilient, stronger, and especially proud of our first responders and law enforcement community.  Our commercial aviation industry has rebounded and commercial flight today inside the United States is safe as a result of the professionalism and dedication of airport and airline employees. 

We must continue to denounce those who would do evil against our country, and to our allies around the world, and we must continue to support our men and women, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, who fight terror abroad today.

            God Bless the families who lost loved ones to the heinous attacks on our country on September 11, 2001.  God Bless those who lost their lives fighting terror on foreign shores and those who continue to fight, and God Bless Guam, and God Bless our great country, the United States of America.


Contact: Joseph E. Duenas in Washington, D.C. at 202-225-1188 or Joy James at

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