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Bordallo Addresses 2006 Cherry Blossom Princesses: ”You are Ambassadors of Peace and Goodwill”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—April 7, 2006—Washington, D.C.—

Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo joined members of the Guam Society of America, Inc., the National Conference of State Societies, and other officials last night in welcoming this year’s Cherry Blossom Princesses to Washington, D.C.

At an annual National Cherry Blossom Festival event on Capitol Hill, Congresswoman Bordallo told the Princesses that they are a “source of pride for their communities” and that they are “ambassadors carrying the message of peace and goodwill.”

The Guam Society of America, Inc. (GSA) has traditionally taken a leadership role in organizing the annual Princess Program sponsored by the National Conference of State Societies (NCSS), as part of the National Cherry Blossom Festival.  The Princess Program brings together young women from every State and Territory, and from abroad, each year to represent the diversity of the United States of America and our international friendships.

“We are particularly proud of Teresa Sablan, the 2005 U.S. Cherry Blossom Queen, who was Guam’s 2005 Princess, and Julie Elizabeth Benavente Schwab, this year’s Guam Princess.  Teresa and Julie are both outstanding young women with bright future,” Bordallo said.

Julie Elizabeth is the daughter of David and Benni Benavente Schwab, and is a student at Grossmont College in Caljon, California

The National Cherry Blossom Festival has been held each year since 1935.  The Festival celebrates the gift of cherry trees presented by the Mayor of Tokyo to the city of Washington, D.C. in 1912.  The gift was in honor of President Theodore Roosevelt’s successful mediation of peace talks that ended the Russo-Japanese War.  This year’s Festival runs from March 29 to April 9, 2006.

(from L-R):  Lou Quichocho Barrett, First Vice President, National Conference of State Societies (NCSC);  Annie Quichocho, Chairperson of the Cherry Blossom Committee, Guam Society of America, Inc. (GSA); Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo; Teresa Sablan, the 2005 United States Cherry Blossom Queen and Guam’s 2005 Cherry Blossom Princess; Julie Elizabeth Benavente Schwab, Guam’s 2006 Cherry Blossom Princess; John Salas, President, GSA; Benni Benavente Schwab, Mother of Julie Elizabeth Benavente Schwab; and Thelma Hechanova, family of Julie Elizabeth Benavente Schwab.  April 6, 2006.  Washington, D.C.


Contact:  Alicia Chon in Washington, D.C. at (202) 225-1188 or Joseph E. Duenas at (671) 477-4272/4.

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