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Telling Our Story

Everyday, all over the world, USAID is bringing peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. This website,, acts as both a tool to help us collect stories about this work, and as a single clearinghouse to capture how the work of USAID is bringing hope into the lives of individuals, families, and communities.

Collage of USAID assistance recipients To accomplish this, we need you to share stories, photos, quotes, and facts regarding your work. This material will then be featured as a part of the USAID website and other communications materials. Through your stories, we will show that the resources of America are helping better the lives of people all around the world.

To learn more about the programs featured in these success stories, please contact Telling Our Story at

Please choose one of the following formats to produce your stories:

Success Story
Uses a photograph and approximately 500 words to tell the story of a person by describing how he or she overcame a conflict and benefited from the USAID program.

Case Study
Uses a photograph and three 100-150 word paragraphs to provide a detailed one-page overview of a USAID program or project.

First Person
Focuses on an individual or community with a photograph, a 50 word quote from the person who benefited from USAID and a 150-250 word paragraph that provides detail about the situation.

Before and After
Uses photographs with two 50-100 word captions explaining the both before and after of USAID's involvement in a situation to illustrate how USAID had an impact. Also provided is a 150-250 word paragraph that introduces and details the situation.

Photo and Caption
As it says, this is simply a powerful photograph and succinct 10-20 word caption depicting USAID's impact . A 150-250 word background paragraph about the situation is also requested.

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