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Southeast Bering Sea Carrying Capacity (SEBSCC) is a NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Regional Ecosystem Study administered by the University of Alaska, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, and Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. SEBSCC's goal is to increase understanding of the southeastern Bering Sea ecosystem, to document the role of juvenile walleye pollock and factors that affect their survival, and to develop and test annual indices of pre-recruit (age-1) pollock abundance.

S o u t h e a s t  B e r i n g  S e a  C a r r y i n g  C a p a c i t y

What's New?
Field Operations
 Related Pages
Draft Final Report

Working Group Final Reports (8/03)

Phase III Working Groups Formed (2/01)

Yahoo E-group formed (2/01)

PI Meeting 10/01

PICES X Bering Sea Symposium  (1/01)

PI Meeting 1/01

Announcement of Opportunity for Phase III Research (5/00)

Special journal issue on SE Bering Sea ecosystem (1/00)

FY 1999 PI Reports (11/99) 

PI Meeting 11/99 (10/99) 

Final Report of Phase I Research (PDF, 7/99) 

Second Research Cycle (1999-2000) 

Old news - Archive of postings back to 7/95

Phase III Working Groups

Third Research Cycle (2001-2002)

Principal Investigators Reports: 
FY 2000 (in prep.)
FY 1999
FY 1998
FY 1997

Final Report of Phase I Research (PDF, 7/99) 

Second Research Cycle (1999-2000) 

FOCI International Workshop on Recent Conditions in the Bering Sea (11/98) 

Circulation model (10/98) 

Draft Science Plan for the Bering Sea Ecosystem (9/98) 

Publication list

SEBSCC Implementation Plans

SEBSCC Milestones

First Research Cycle (1996-1998) 

Data policy

Workshop on Bering Sea Ecosystem (11/95) 

SEBSCC Concept Paper (7/95)

PI Meetings: 


Senior Investigators Council

Managers and Advisors

FOCI Phone List

Cruise Schedules:

Cruise Planning

Cruise Instructions

Cruise Reports

Ship Requests

North Pacific and Bering Sea Theme Page

North Pacific Ecosystem Metadatabase

FOCI Home Page

Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research

Arctic Theme Page

Coastal Ocean Program

Updated 3/04; send comments, corrections to FOCI Coordinator.

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