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Standards in Trade
Building and Construction Workshop
July 19-21, 2000
Hanoi, Vietnam

Recommendations from Roundtable Discussion on July 21, 2000:

Participants of the Standards in Trade: Building and Construction Workshop thanked the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Directorate for Standards and Quality (STAMEQ) for organizing this three-day workshop in Hanoi, Vietnam on 19-21 July, 2000. Participants also thanked the U.S. Embassy and the Institute for Building Science and Technology for their assistance. Based on discussions held during the workshop, participants recommend the following serve as next steps:

  • Continue exchange of information between the United States and ASEAN member countries in the building design and construction sector;

  • That a Building and Construction Working Group be created within the ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality (ACCSQ), to include the topics of standards development, product certification, conformity assessment, testing, and installation codes. They further recommend that all future work in this area move forward in consultation with all interested parties, including the private sector, in any meetings and relevant workshops or seminars;

  • That the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the United States Department of Commerce place a standards expert in Southeast Asia.

  • That the United States and ASEAN member countries continue to cooperate on additional workshops, trainings and seminars, in the building design and construction area.

Delivered on 21 July, 2000 in Hanoi, Vietnam


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Date created: August 10, 2000
Last updated: January 22, 2003

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