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National Institute of Standards and Technology

CAB Declaration
Recreational Craft Sectoral Annex of the US-EU MRA

As the Authorized Representative of the below named organization, by signing this document I hereby declare and commit to the following:

  1. I have read and understand the requirements and responsibilities for being a U.S. Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) under the US-EU MRA

  2. I certify that the named technical staff is familiar with the technical regulations for the Recreational Craft sector of the US-EU MRA. I will comply with the NIST criteria to both gain designation and maintain designation by NIST.

  3. I understand that it is incumbent upon me to notify NIST of any significant changes in this organization's technical staff named as key personnel, changes in accreditation status, changes in location, legal status, or other factors which may affect the organization's ability to perform the functions of a CAB under the referenced agreement.

  4. I understand that the designation made by NIST covered by this declaration only relates to this organization operating as a CAB under the US-EU MRA for the scope indicated in the designation documents. No other activities of the organization are included under this designation. The organization will not state or imply that it has NIST recognition for any activities other than for those covered by this designation. The organization may however receive other designations by NIST through other means.
Name of Organization __________________________________________________________

Location ______________________________________________________________________

Name of Authorized Representative ________________________________________________

Title _________________________________________________________________________

Signature _______________________________________

Date ___________________________________________


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For technical questions concerning the Global Standards and Information Group, contact us:

Global Standards and Information Group, Standards Services Division, NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, MS 2100, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2100
Phone: (301) 975-6094, Fax: (301) 975-4715, Email:

Date created: August 27, 2001
Last updated: January 21, 2003

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