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USAID Assistance to Côte D'Ivoire


(202) 712-4320



February 27, 2003


BUDGET (in '000s) FY 2001
FY 2002
FY 2003
Economic Support Fund $ 0 $ 0 TBD
Democracy and Human Rights Fund $ 75 $ 80 TBD
Special Self-Help Fund $ 75 $ 86 TBD
Total $ 150 $ 166 TBD

Note: USAID has no office in this country, and there is no direct U.S. assistance program. However, the U.S. has a number of regional or worldwide programs, which indirectly benefit Côte d'Ivoire. These programs are monitored in USAID/Washington and from the USAID/Mali office in Bamako.


Economic Support Fund (ESF): ESF supports technical assistance to support an active, informed civil society, including political parties, which is needed to help mitigate tensions in Côte d'Ivoire, support national reconciliation, and promote a peaceful return to democracy. ESF supports Ivoirian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working toward conflict resolution and improved governance through activities such as technical assistance and training to a coalition of Ivoirian NGOs to conduct local meetings on conflict resolution and good governance, including town meetings and roundtables for women's and youth organizations. ESF also supports the Abidjan-based Global Technology Network (GTN) which is linked by Internet to USAID/Washington's Center for Trade and Investment. The GTN links Ivoirian business entrepreneurs with U.S. entrepreneurs interested in business expansion through trade with West African partners.

Democracy and Human Rights Fund (DHRF): USAID supports a grants program which provides assistance to indigenous organizations that implement short-term, highly targeted country-level activities in support of human rights and democratic institutions. In Côte d'Ivoire, DHRF supports observers for elections, disseminates voter information to heighten voter's awareness, funds educational activities that promote women's rights and application of the rule of law, funds the purchase of office equipment for non-governmental law groups, supports workshops for reconciliation between traditional and modern political power bases, and supports anti-corruption campaigns.

Special Self-Help (SSH) Fund: SSH supports community-based activities that have an immediate impact. In Côte d'Ivoire, SSH activities include construction of an artisan center, reforestation/agro-forestry and gardening activities, HIV/AIDS test kits and educational materials, and the purchase of agricultural machinery, sewing machines and grinding mills.

Peace Corps Small Project Assistance (SPA) Program: SPA is active in 75 countries. The program facilitates local grass-roots efforts by combining Peace Corps Volunteers' knowledge of local conditions with USAID's technical and financial resources. In Côte d'Ivoire, approximately 130 volunteers work in urban environmental management, vegetable gardening; women's literacy; water sanitation, pump repair, and rehabilitation, rural health education, HIV/AIDS awareness and general education activities.

Collaborative Research Networks: As a member of the West and Central African Collaborative Maize Research Network, Côte d'Ivoire shares maize research results with the other scientists to increase sustainable maize production and food security in West and Central Africa. As a member of the West and Central African Collaborative Sorghum Research Networks, Côte d'Ivoire shares sorghum research results with other scientists to increase sorghum production and improve food security.

Education: The Education For Development and Democracy Initiative (EDDI) activity supports girls' mentoring activities and awards educational scholarships implemented by a local non-governmental organization. Winrock International administers the activity and coordinates with Peace Corps and local community leaders to select mentoring and scholarship candidates.

Grants Program: A FY 2003-FY 2008 matching grant was approved for a Freedom from Hunger (FFH) proposal entitled "Breaking Through Barriers to Growth." Côte d'Ivoire is one of five countries in which the FFH activity will develop a regional economic impact model to identify interventions that expand services needed by poor, rural households vulnerable to chronic hunger and food insecurity. A farmer-to-farmer grant for FY 2002 - FY 2003 was approved for the Partners of the Americas to promote citizen's participation in broad based economic growth in rural areas of Côte d'Ivoire. An ocean freight reimbursement grant was approved for MAP International to defray part of the transportation costs for selected commodity shipments.

Tree Crop Program: The Sustainable Tree Crop Program promotes sustainable tree crop systems, including coffee cocoa, gum arabic and cashews. The tree crop program engages public and private sector entities to enter into partnerships, as well as to focus on resolution of child trafficking concerns and development issues related to production and marketing of tree crops, such as cocoa. The program promotes conservation and bio-diversity while encouraging production and marketing policies that stimulate income generation.

Strategies and Analyses for Growth and Access Project (SAGA): SAGA provides technical assistance and research grants that strengthen the capacities of national African economic research institutions. SAGA works through the Secretariat for Institutional Strengthening of Economic Research in Africa (SISERA) which is made up of 18 national economic research institutes.

West African Regional Program (WARP): WARP funds a number of public and private sector regional organizations on region-wide issues of economic integration, health, nutrition, food security, environment, natural resources management, and conflict prevention. The WARP Ambassador's fund supports local non-governmental organizations active in HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention activities. WARP's Family Health and AIDS Project (FHA) supports several of the HIV/AIDS prevention and control activities, such as the FHI/IMPACT program with World Doctors (Médecins du Monde). FHA also supports capacity building of several local NGOs active in the prevention of HIV transmission and the mitigation of the impact of HIV/AIDS in West Africa.

Concerning regional economic integration, Côte d'Ivoire is a member of the organization ECOWAS* and West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU or UEMOA)**, and participates in WARP-funded studies and analyses that provide data to be used in the formulation of policy, the development and promulgation of legislation and regulations, and the design and implementation of region-wide program activities. To promote regional integration, Côte d'Ivoire is also a beneficiary of USAID's training and technical assistance related to the West Africa electricity power pool grid that is being developed to share electricity amongst ECOWAS member states.

The West African International Business Linkages activity facilitates business linkages between United States and African entrepreneurs, including Ivoirian entrepreneurs. The West African Business Women's Network promotes women's income generating enterprises while building their advocacy skills and business management savvy. The West African Farmers Network promotes participation in decision-making involving development and new technology application to improve food security of West African citizens.

* Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) -- Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo.

** West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU or UEMOA) is based in Ouagadougou, with member states: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, and Senegal.

The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40 years.
